General Description[]
Zetark is a very trusted, seasoned roleplay streamer with over 10 years of experience playing on servers for DayZ, ARMA, and more that has garnered recognition for his exceptional Red Dead Redemption rp and as of recent, he started roleplaying on NoPixel around early June of 2023.
Originally back in 2022 playing on the RDR2 WildRP server for several years as his character Cesare DiCenzo, head leader of The DiCenzo Famiglia as a powerful well established figure on the server who was reasonable and had a business-minded approach regarding matters that he would often result in using. Cesare would often establish a strong connection with neighboring businesses in the Saint Denis area to keep the family from harm and would eventually meet Antonio Corleone played by AnthonyZ on the streets of Saint Denis who then joined the famiglia after they easily clicked with each other and fit perfectly with them. Engaging in conflicts and wars with other groups such as The Baastards with members including Ssaab and Jonthebroski on the wildrp server to remain a strong family. Soon after Wu Buddha played by Buddha, wanted to be fully apart of it and became involved in the ventures with Cesare and the famiglia and also was accepted into the famiglia after Wu made an offering to Cesare.
Facing a myriad of trials and tribulations of other groups attempting to destroy them, the famiglia overcame those circumstances and stood by each other's side through it all.
Sparking Zetark's interest to try out NoPixel after AnthonyZ, Buddha, and others suggested to him to play on server. He officially joined Nopixel in June 2023 and initially intended on visiting the server, but pleasantly enjoyed it and decided to stay. From that day on, Zetark plays his main character Luciano DiCenzo and continues to use his immersive storytelling and character depth to captivate and share on NoPixel.
Characters Roleplayed[]
Active Characters |