Yokai is a Racing Crew/Syndicate founded and ran by Mary Mushkin
General Description []
The Yokai Racing Crew was founded by Mary Mushkin and Eddie Marshall after the dissolution of The Midnight Club. Yokai refers to Japanese spirits, legends and demons and was chosen due to both of their close relation to the subject, Eddie with Titanium’s Oni mask and Mary with the Alias R3dD3vil. The crew will be identifiable with its use of black-light neon’s and headlights, marking the first deviation from red since she started racing. Members of Yokai all claim a specific Yokai as their own that the feel inhabits themselves. The crew is structured and modeled closely after the Japanese Yakuza, having similar ranks and titles.
One of the goals of the crew is to include people who enjoy the old way of racing, battling and fighting for position, enjoying the journey more than the result. Yokai has never aimed to recruit on skill and be the best/faster racers, instead its about the vibes people bring.
Along with racing the crew takes particular interest in messing with the police, taunting and running from them. Yokai embrace the chase and the heat. Members often find themselves a particular cop they enjoy messing with, calling them to taunt or brag and increase their own notoriety. As such, many Yokai members have large bounties on their head and cars. With Shinigami’s equaling that of Puppets themselves.
The crew has close allegiances to the Puppet Master carrying out various task at his request, and even acting as his bodyguards when necessary.
Appearance []
Yokai members can be identified by their unique yokai branded clothing. Mary commissioned custom jackets for the group from her Procyon engineer Lance. The jackets are personalized for each full member, having their Yokai name on the back. In addition to this there are various other branded clothes they can wear and a cyberpunk tech jacket for full members.
After receiving the jackets, Marlo also gifted some members of the group katanas he had made by Curtis to help them complete the aeshetic. This then became the official identifier of a full Yokai member, with each being granted a jacket and katana after being fully initiated into the crew. After katanas became common in Los Santos, Yokai had custom thermal katanas made by Lance through Procyon.
Along with jackets, Lance was the key driver of the crews aesthetic, from creating the original logo and spray to creating many of the liveries and unique masks for the members.
Yokai cars are identified by their white paint with blacklight lights and under glow
Structure []
Oyabun 組長 []
The Oyabun is the leader of the crew. Shinigami the Oyabun and founder of Yokai, she drives the direction and vibes of the crew. The Oyabuns word is final, and has complete and total control of the crew and its direction
Wakagashira 若頭 []
The Wakagashira Is the second in command for the crew they help push the direction and goals of the crew. The Wakagashira is one of the Oyabuns most trusted advisors. Yuki Ona was chosen as Yokai’s Wakagashira, Due to Shingamis trust and respect for her.
Shateigashira 舎弟頭 []
The Shateigashira is the 2nd lieutenant and third in command for the crew they help push the direction and goals of the crew alongside the Oyabun and the Wakagashira, together they form the command of the crew. Kitsune is the Shateigashira of Yokai due to her long time friendship and practically sisterhood she shares with Shinigami.
Hashira 柱 []
The Hashira are senior members of the crew they are the pillars of the Crew and its most capable enforcers. They enforce both within and outside of the crew ensuring the crews rules are followed, they also have a critical role in supporting the crew and its morale.
Komon 顧問 []
Komon are civilianmembers of yokai and advisors to the Oyabun, they have the direct ear of the Oyabun and operate separately to the standard hierarchy but could be classified as equal to the Shateigashira and third in command, outranking everyone else due to their closeness and value to the Oyabun
Kumi-in 組員 []
Kumi-in are fully patched members of Yokai, on joining they are granted a personal jacket and the right to wear a blank jacket until it its made and the right to carry a katana, also the ability to recruit Shatei.
Mikomi 見込 []
Mikomi are prospects in Yokai and are those that have shown their worth and been granted entry to the crew, but have yet to fully earn their place and be presented their Katana and personal jacket. Prospects are allowed to present themselves as Yokai and but not the right to wear blank Yokai Jackets. Shatei 舎弟 is another term for MIkomi, it means the "little brothers" or apprentices for Yokai.
To become a Mikomi, Kumi-in present names to Hashira+ and invite people to an upcoming Yokai academy. After the Yokademy, Hashira+ discuss the prospects and evaluate if they can join the crew as Mikomi.
Support []
Yokai has many support roles that assist the crew with a variety of tasks outside of racing from lawyers to doctors and mechanics. The inclusion of these members is left up to the individual with how involved they want to get with the crew’s criminal activities. Trusted and valued associates are sometimes rewarded with their own personal katana as a sign of appreciation for their work.
Associates []
Hang arounds and friends/partners of members often considered associates of Yokai due to them becoming involved in lots of Yokai activities and helping out the crew. They are allowed special permissions to enter the Yokai house as they please as long as they follow the rules. However, they aren’t considered members.
Potential Members []
Yokai members are always on the lookout for new blood and the following people are currently being scouted as potential Mikomi or Shatei.
The YoHouse []
Mary bought herself Milton Road 15 with the intention off turning it into a crew house. After buying it she had the interior built out and allowed any members to come and go as they please.
The house has the following facilities:
- Room/bed for any member
- Shared garage
- Clothing room
- Helipad with Yokai-1
- Torture room
- Fridge consistently stocked with personal lunches by YoButler
- YoGarden, a fully custom garden was commissioned via Michael Simone to transform the backyard into a Japanese ornamental garden.
- YoLot, The house opposite was demolished to make room for a parking lot for Yokai, having overgrown the small driveway of the house
The day the house was finally decorated the house was christened with the blood of Praia, a Prism member who had leaked confidential MRL documents. He was taken to the basement, and tortured for his mistake.
YoKademy []
Yokai hosts periodic academies with Mikomi and hopefuls to asses how they handle situations and more importantly how they vibe with the crew
YoKademies | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||