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The Vinewood Police Department and the Davis Police Department are subdepartments of the Los Santos Police Department. The Los Santos Police Department, along with the Blaine County Sheriff's Office, the San Andreas State Police and the San Andreas State Park Rangers makes up the executive branch of Los Santos; together they ensure that the law is upheld and enforced.

The Vinewood Police Department was formed after The Senate officially split the Los Santos Police Department into two separate departments on November 14th, 2022. The Senate appointed Chief Malton and Assistant Chief Shiesty, who has since been fired, to lead it.

Chain of Command[]

The Chief of Police, Assistant Chief, and Deputy Chiefs all High Command.

From there, the rankings are divided by Bureaus:

Support Operations[]

Patrol Operations[]

This Bureau includes Command rankings of Lieutenant (Commanding Officer) and Sergeant (Shift Supervisor), and then from there are Corporal, Senior Officer, Officer, Solo Cadet, and Cadet.

Officer callsigns begin with 4 (as in, 4xx). Cadets callsigns begin with 5 (as in, 5xx), while Cadets who have been cleared for solo patrol have callsigns that begin with 6 (as in, 6xx).

Current Rankings[]

Rank Insignia Responsibility Note
Chief of Police ChiefOfPoliceLSPD Greater High Command Maintains Department
Assistant Chief AssistantChiefOfPoliceLSPD High Command Maintains Department
Deputy Chief DeputyChiefLSPD High Command Support/Patrol Operations
Lieutenant LieutenantLSPD Commanding Officer Support/Patrol Operations
Sergeant SergeantLSPD Shift Supervisor Patrol Operations
Corporal CorporalLSPD Leading Officers Patrol Operations
Senior Officer SeniorOfficerLSPD Tenured Officers Eligible for Certs
Officer OfficerLSPD Sworn Officers Eligible for Certs
Solo Cadet SoloCadetLSPD Experienced Trainees Expected to patrol alone
Cadet CadetLSPD Early Trainees Must be supervised by an FTO


Certification Legend Rank Requirement Note
Air-1 Air Cert Officer Allows the officer to pilot Air-1 when required.
Burglary Task Force BTF Cert Officer Allows the officer to go undercover or unmarked to investigate burglary calls.
Enhanced Parole Program Parole Cert Officer Allows the officer to supervise people who are out on parole.
Field Training Instructor FTI Cert Officer Allows the officer to clear cadets for solo patrol and do final evaluations.
Field Training Officer FTO Cert Officer Allows the officer to ride along with and train cadets.
High Value Target Unit HVTU Cert Officer Allows the officer to go unmarked to apprehend persons with high profile warrants.
Interceptor Challenger Cert Officer Allows the officer to use the PD Dodge Challenger Demon Interceptor.
Interceptor Corvette Cert Officer Allows the officer to use the PD Chevrolet Corvette C7 Interceptor.
Interceptor Mustang Cert Officer Allows the officer to use the PD Ford Mustang Shelby GT350 Interceptor.
Interceptor Charger Cert Officer Allows the officer to use the PD Dodge Charger Hellcat Interceptor.
Jet Jet Cert Officer Allows the officer to use the PD Jets.
K9 Unit K9 Cert Officer Allows the officer to train and have a K9 Unit.
Motorcycle Motorcycle Cert Officer Allows the officer to use the PD Motorcycle.
Street Crimes Unit SCU Cert Officer Allows the officer to go undercover or unmarked to investigate open cases.
Street Racing Unit SRU Cert Officer Allows the officer to focus on taking down high profile Street Racers and Boosters.
The Highwaymen Highwaymen Cert Officer Allows the officer to patrol the Highways.
SWAT SWAT Cert Officer Allows the officer to wear SWAT gear during scenarios that require it.
Major Crimes Division
MCD Cert Officer Allows the officer to begin new investigations, gather intel undercover, and delegate / approve new cases.
Internal Affairs
IA Cert Officer Allows the officer to conduct an investigation into any civilian complaints made against their fellow officers.

K9 Units[]

Name Breed Rank Insignia Handler
Ted Pit Bull Chief of Police ChiefOfPoliceLSPD Jeffrey Bundy
Tripod Siberian Husky Chief of Police ChiefOfPoliceLSPD Lance Malton
Jango Siberian Husky Deputy Chief DeputyChiefLSPD Aaron Byson
Dingo Rottweiler Lieutenant LieutenantLSPD Luka Kozlov
Dude Labrador Retriever Lieutenant LieutenantLSPD Dan Faily

Field Training Units[]

High Command
Name Insignia Badge #
Lance Malton ChiefOfPoliceLSPD 409
Jeffrey Bundy AssistantChiefOfPoliceLSPD 451
Support Operations
Name Insignia Badge #
Aaron Byson LieutenantLSPD 419
Eli Hawkins SergeantLSPD 420
Ruger Daniels SergeantLSPD 438
Percy Weaver SergeantLSPD 490
Patrol Operations
Name Insignia Badge #
Max Muller LieutenantLSPD 431
Winston Walker SergeantLSPD 405
Ben Casanova CorporalLSPD 402
Vivienne Grey CorporalLSPD 432
Sonny Sweets CorporalLSPD 449
Ethan Turrow SeniorOfficerLSPD 408
Gary Sexton SeniorOfficerLSPD 414
Mike Ross SeniorOfficerLSPD 416
Mickey Reynolds SeniorOfficerLSPD 426
Jessica Easton SeniorOfficerLSPD 428
Michael Hemsworth SeniorOfficerLSPD 436
Rodney Fuel SeniorOfficerLSPD 446
Eryn Carter SeniorOfficerLSPD 452
Jigs Jaghatai SeniorOfficerLSPD 458
Joshua Berretta SeniorOfficerLSPD 495
Kareem Lyon OfficerLSPD 403
Aleksandr November OfficerLSPD 407

Los Santos Police Dispatch[]

The Los Santos Police Dispatch works with all the executive branches including the Emergency Medical Services in the area of communications.

Former Members[]

Name Insignia
(End of Term)
Badge #
(End of Term)
Reason for Leaving Final Date of Service
Harvey Holden OfficerLSPD 470 Transferred to the SDSO December 5th, 2022
Noah Scape CadetLSPD 504 Fired due to Inactivity December 12th, 2022
Jacob Specter SeniorOfficerLSPD 429 Resigned December 14th, 2022
Emma Dupont DeputyChiefLSPD 406 Invited into the SASP December 21st, 2022
Alex Casterman LieutenantLSPD 402 Invited into the SASP December 21st, 2022
Michael Murphy OfficerLSPD 433 Fired due to Inactivity December 22nd, 2022
Luth Rangmore SoloCadetLSPD 699 Transferred to the DPD December 30th, 2022
Elizabeth Reed DeputyChiefLSPD 442 Invited into the SASP January 30th, 2023
Craig Barrett OfficerLSPD 477 Resigned February 9th, 2023
Sexton Hardcastle LieutenantLSPD 406 Fired for Breaking Chain of Custody February 10th, 2023
Mason Kennedy CorporalLSPD 435 Fired due to Inactivity February 10th, 2023
Vladimir Reznik CadetLSPD 507 Fired due to Inactivity February 10th, 2023
Jon Castle OfficerLSPD 470 Resigned February 19th, 2023
Jermaine Coleson CadetLSPD 600 Fired February 21st, 2023
Lucian King OfficerLSPD 437 Fired due to Inactivity
Den Shiesty DeputyChiefLSPD 496 Fired March 4th, 2023