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Travis Tribble is a character role-played by ConfusedDevil.

General Description[]

Travis Tribble is a Deputy for the Senora Desert Sheriff's Office, Badge #357.

Along with SDSO Highwayman Rocko Colombo, Tribble is a proud member of the PD Human Resources Department. Together, they make sure all of the officers have good conduct on and off duty. As an added bonus, he also gets a chance to practice his tennis skills.

Following the dissolving of the police Union, Tribble has been forced to get his medication through other means. This off-brand medication gives him horrific gas that he uses to mess with other law enforcement officers.

Now that Tribble isn't a sheriff anymore he is dreaming of becoming a U.S. Marshal and carries a mask with him. He puts it on at times and calls himself the Masked Marshal

Tribble loves his "Tommyhawk" and has given an identical one to Hedi for her own protection.

Background Information[]

When Tribble was a teenager, he turned in his own criminal parents to the police. Afterwards, he vowed to pursue a lifelong career as a Law Enforcement Officer.

Momentous Dates within the Government[]

Unified Police Department[]

Rank Insignia Note Date
Sergeant SergeantBCSO Government Restructure; Badge #357 February 5th, 2021
Senior Deputy SeniorDeputyBCSO Stepped down to Senior Deputy August 5th, 2021
SeniorDeputyPBSO Transferred to the PBSO December 2nd, 2021
SeniorDeputySDSO Transferred to the SDSO January 27th, 2022
Officer OfficerLSPD 2023 PD Restructure; Badge #U-357 March 6th, 2023
Deputy DeputySDSO Hired to the SDSO; Badge #357 April 19th, 2023


  • "Blood for the Blood God!"
  • "I'm gonna hit you with my Tommy Hawk."
  • "Imma just shoot 'em."
  • "Them's my Justice Wings."
  • "Imma stab ya!"


Played By: ConfusedDevil
Characters: Travis Tribble

Blaine County Sheriff's Office

High Command: Connor StubbleOwen Svensen

PBSO Lieutenant: Anita May

PBSO Sergeant: Beric JohnsonCandice DeFittLily PondLouis Bloom

SDSO Lieutenant: Willy Glory

SDSO Sergeant: Luka KozlovNeil McReal
