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The Mandem


Sparky Kane
Leader / Full Member - Sparky Kane was a member of the Roadmen before he was brought into MDMA. While still in the Roadmen, he was very close with members of The Mandem, especially Tommy, to the point that Tommy wanted to give Sparky a Mandem chain while he was still a member of the Roadmen. The Roadmen were then all brought into MDMA, and Tommy made it clear that Sparky would be the first to receive his chain. On the 22nd of July 2022, Tommy arranged a series of riddles, which ended with Sparky getting his chain, and becoming a full member of The Mandem. On the 23rd of October 2023, during a MDM meeting, Eli announced that Sparky, Denzel and Jay will be the new High Council of Mandem. On 10th November, 2023, Tommy dissolved the High Council. On November 30, 2023, Sparky was voted as the new leader after Tommy stepped down.

OG Members

Eli Porter
OG Member — Eli Porter or Elz, is not around as much as the others and spends a lot of time outside the city. He is one of the most level-headed members of the Mandem who is most likely to see all sides of an argument. Therefore, he is also usually able to keep calm during discussions. He needs evidence of trust and does not trust people easily. Out of the members currently in the city, Eli has been Mandem for the longest and has shown great loyalty towards the gang on plenty of occasions. Like Dwayne, Eli's music is how he is most often recognised. Eli is in charge of The Mandem's involvement in the weed game, where he has created The Mandem's own unique strain of Stardog 61.

Moses Khan
OG Member / m.i.l.f — Moses Khan is 30 years old and the oldest member in the Mandem. He often finds himself as the punching-bag of the group, due to the good-nature in which he takes jokes. He is also known for his questionable driving and being broke, earning him the nickname "Moses Khan't Drive" or "No Money Moses". However, this is all done out of love. He is no stranger to crime and is never reluctant to shoot for the gang. Moses has a very high success-rate at safe-cracking tools and thermite, and has the potential to become a reliable 'thermiter', especially if the Mandem follow-through with their plan to hit an all-Mandem vault heist. To continue the Mandem look, Moses can sometimes be seen in a white puffer jacket. When Moses is in a police chase, he loves leading shortcuts into prison instead of into freedom.
Patar Bellosh
Full Member — Patar Bellosh was a member of NBC before he joined The Mandem. He decided to leave NBC as he said that although he loved the other members, he often felt that he didn't fit in with them. After leaving NBC, he asked if he could join The Mandem, who all agreed to let him in. On the 7th of September 2021, Tommy officially accepted Patar into The Mandem. Patar is incredibly loyal and has proved this on many occasions. He is also very unselfish and always puts others before himself.
Vince Watson
Full Member — Vince Watson originally met The Mandem when he was with Stacey, who then introduced him to Tommy. After that, Vince became friends with the rest of The Mandem. Over time, he would help The Mandem with things such as cleaning money, and when he once picked Tommy, Eli and Patar up after a successful bank heist. He once clashed with Stacey, as Stacey believed that he was involved in getting her car blown up, but this didn't seem to harm his relationship with the others. After Stacey left The Mandem, Tommy decided that it was time for someone to become MDMA, and he said that Vince was the most deserving of the title. When Tommy offered Vince the position, he gladly accepted it. On the 5th of December 2021, Dean asked Tommy if Vince was going to become a full member of The Mandem, and Tommy said that he definitely would become a Full Member, but he wanted to set something up for him, instead of just giving him a chain. On the 12th of December 2021, they come up with a plan to get Chang Gang to kidnap him, claiming that he robbed Novah Walker and took him to grapeseed. Tommy then went into the room and confronted Vince, telling him that he was disappointed in him. Shortly after this, Novah came in and said that it was definitely him that robbed her. Tommy then told the others to come in, and they surrounded him and pointed guns at him. Tommy then put the chain on the floor and made Vince a Full Member of The Mandem.

Full Members

Ved Jiggyjoglue
Full Member — Ved Jiggyjoglue was close with The Mandem for a long time before he joined. They had spoken multiple times about making him MDMA, but they couldn't find a way to do it that they liked. On the 1st of April 2022, Tommy told Vince and Lana that he was leaving The Mandem as a prank. Vince then told Ved, who took it seriously and was clearly upset. Vince then called Tommy and told him to double down, so he went back to the block and spoke to Ved. Ved then said that he looked up to Tommy and that he shouldn't leave. After a couple of minutes, Tommy revealed it was a prank and put his Mandem chain on the floor for Ved to wear until he got his own, officially making him a member of The Mandem.
Matthew Antov
Full Member — Matthew Antov was a member of the Roadmen before he was brought into MDMA. While he was in MDMA, he pushed the Mandem to complete heists, such as the Casino heist. He would also often gather X Coin, in order for them to hit the different banks in the city. On the 12th of December 2022, The Mandem met with Alex Suarez after a week of conflict between him and the Mandem. They told Matt to rob him, where he found Lana's chain and a second chain. They told him to put it on, and then proceeded to beat him up. They then took Suarez to the beach, where Matt shot him.
Tommy Cruizer
Full Member — Tommy Cruizer was a Full RDM Member since 7 June, 2022. After RDM was dissolved he was brought into MDMA. In July, 2023 after a year, he was given his chain and made a full member of The Mandem.
Saint Gomez
Full Member — Saint Gomez had been hanging out with MDM for several months and Saint received her vest after fighting in both the Marabunta, BSK and Mayhem wars.In July, 2023 she was given her chain and made a full member of The Mandem.

Jay Martin

Full Member - Jay Martin was an OG RDM Member since 25 February, 2022. He had known the Mandem even before that through Dwayne but he left the city for a while. On 30th June, 2023, after RDM dissolved, he was brought into MDMA. Jay quickly became one of the Mandem's best drivers, completing many meth runs without getting caught, and even completing one in less than five minutes.On 2nd September, 2023, Jay got his MDM chain and became a Full Member' of Mandem. On 23rd October, 2023, during a Mandem meeting, Eli announced that Jay, Sparky Kane and Denzel Wallace will be the new High Council of Mandem. On 10th November, 2023, Tommy dissolved the High Council.
Winston Bolt
Full Member — Winston Bolt was removed from STA, Winston started to h
ang out with The Mandem, and immediately fit the group. On July 6, 2022, Winston became MDMA. On September 18, 2023, Winston became a full member.
Shankeal O'Neal
Full Member — Shankeal O'Neal was a OG RDM since 23 February, 2022. After RDM was dissolved he was brought into MDMA, then on the 16th of October he became a full member of MDM.
Denzel Wallace
Full Member - Denzel Wallace started hanging with The Mandem after leaving BSK. He began to cook meth for them, and quickly grew very close with everyone. Prior to him becoming MDMA, he helped The Mandem in multiple wars, and became MDMA during the R.U.S.T and BSK wars. On 17th October, 2023, he became a full member of MDM. On 23rd October, during a MDM meeting, Eli announced that Denzel, Jay and Sparky will be the new High Council of Mandem. On 10th November, 2023, Tommy dissolved the High Council.
James Malding
Full Member — James Malding hung out with RDM when it was formed and almost became RDMA but decided to join ST. On 18th February, 2023, James got blooded out of ST and started hanging out with MDM. After helping MDM with crime and wars, James got his MDM vest on 18th July, 2023 officially making him MDMA. On 19th October, 2023, he became a full member of MDM.
Stephen "STE" Joyce
Full Member - Stephen "STE" Joyce hung out with MDM for a while and even helped them blow up the Cerberus Spacestation during the Mandem and Cerberus conflict . On 1st November, 2023, Patar gave him his Vest and made him MDMA. On 10th November, 2023, during a Mandem meeting, Patar told Tommy that STE has been a good member of the gang so Tommy decided to give him his Chain and make him a Full Member. STE got his chain 9 days after getting his vest which is the quickest in the Mandem.


Nunu El Nene

MDMA - After hanging out with Mandem for some time, Patar made Nunu MDMA by giving her a vest on 1st November, 2023.'

Honorary Members

P Money
Honorary Member — P Money asked Tommy how he wasn't MDMA yet, to which Tommy asked him what skills he had. He replied saying he could do boosting hack and could shoot. Tommy said "say less" and declared him MDMA. Since this, the MDMA that were part of other gangs were renamed to Honorary Members.
Alan Kyles
Honorary Member — Alan Kyles has been very close to The Mandem for a long time. While Tommy was first learning to hack, he helped him a lot, giving him advice and being a back-up hacker. He has hacked multiple banks for The Mandem.
Alex Suarez
Honorary Member - Alex Suarez has helped Mandem out in the past with a lot of stuff like giving Matt his MDM chain. Alex Suarez was given his MDMPD chain by Patar Bellosh on 29th of September 2023 and was made the first member of MDMPD.

Former Members

Reginald Watson
Former MDMA — Reginald Watson was initially supposed to be the legal face of The Mandem, however he started to participate in illegal activities, so this idea was ditched. Over time, Reggie spent less time with The Mandem. He complained about this to Stacey, who arranged for him to meet with Tommy. Tommy told him that he couldn't hang out with them as much anymore as they were starting to get into more serious business and they couldn't have any liabilities. Reggie was cut off from The Mandem when he and Dave stole The Mandem's car from a Wu Chang event and failed to show responsibility for their actions. After that, Reggie puts graffiti all around the city saying 'MDM in the mud', 'Tommy T makes trash songs' and 'Ballas can't shoot for shit - Tommy T'. Tommy found out about this and said that it was pathetic. A couple of weeks after that, Reggie and Dave stole and blew up Stacey's car. Stacey and Tommy made a plan with Patar and Dean and were able to trick Reggie into meeting Patar. They then kidnapped him and took him to grapeseed. They asked him why he did what he did and he said that he wasn't thinking clearly and was acting out of emotion. After they finished talking to him, Stacey shot Reggie, who left him in the ICU for three weeks. Recently, since the return of Adam Ababwa, things have been cleared up between Reggie and The Mandem, with Tommy saying things are back to square one with them, but it will be very hard to trust him ever again.
Stacey Doyle
Former Full Member — Stacey Doyle told other Members of The Mandem that she felt useless and that she would distance herself from the others and try to improve herself. After a couple of months of this, she was talking to Sam Baas and was offered a place in the police department. She decided to get an expungement and take the offer. After telling the others, Tommy said that the other gangs in the city would never trust them again if they knew they had a cop in their gang. After this conversation, Stacey took off her chain and left the area. She then told people that she had left The Mandem and was becoming a cop. The others agreed that she was still family to them, but she was no longer a part of The Mandem.
Dwayne Flores
Founder / Former OG Member — Dwayne Flores was kicked out of The Mandem on the 20th of September 2022. Dwayne and Dean had many arguments with each other and were never on great terms. Dwayne got into a fight after Dean found out that Dwayne was dating Piper Paisley, a police officer. Dean hit him with a crowbar and then slammed his head into a wall. After doing this, he went and shot Piper. The next day, Dean gave Dwayne the gun that he shot Piper with, his slightly odd way of apologising. Dwayne then gave it to Piper and told her that Dean was the one that shot her. This, along with a lot of other problems that Dwayne had caused in the few days leading to and after that, Tommy decided to remove Dwayne from The Mandem. He told him that it would be too easy for him to kill Dwayne, and that he would rather he lived knowing what he threw away.
Tommy Tate
OG Member — Tommy Tate is 24 years old, and is the leader of The Mandem. Originally, Tommy was going to be the legal face of The Mandem, but after he lost his clean record, this idea was abandoned. At first, he was very indecisive and often relied on one of the others to give him advice on what to do. The Mandem wanted Tommy to learn how to hack, so that they could do bank jobs without having to rely on members of other gangs to hack for them. After purchasing 15 old yellow laptops and 2 new yellow laptops, Tommy learned to hack. It is often Tommy who needs to, or at least tries to, defuse situations within the group. Over time, Tommy has become much more assertive and commanding. Tommy is arguably the most well known member of The Mandem in the city. He used to almost always wear a lime green puffer jacket, which helped him stand out. He now almost wears a lime green Strapz vest or a black Strapz vest with a lime green logo. Over time, Tommy has become much more confident, and is seen as the most level-headed member of the group-due to this, he was appointed as the leader. For quite a while, Tommy was quite reluctant to shoot and would be quite passive. However, over time, he has become more aggressive and is much quicker to shoot, which has led Dean to say that he is becoming a 'Demon'. On November 30, 2023, Tommy stepped down as the leader, and said that the rest of the gang had a week to prove that they can operate without him effectively, or he would leave the gang.

Gang Affiliations


Chang Gang
Tommy, Dwayne and Eli were all signed to Chang Gang’s Leader, Mr. K's record label, which is how they started their relationship. When they stated that they wanted to leave to start MDM Records, Mr. K told him that he was fine with it, and Tommy suggested that it would help to revive the music scene in the city. Out of all of The Mandem, Tommy and Dean are by far the closest to Chang Gang. Randy and Big D showed Tommy how to do the new Fleeca system, which lead to them doing Paleto with Guy Jones and the Vault with Curtis. Tommy then hit Bobcat for the first time along with Randy, Curtis and Ramee.

The Mandem and CG had a very rocky relationship for many months after their war, but the relationship was eventually rebuilt.

The Ballas were the first gang that The Mandem got into beef with. They got into a gang war when Mando shot Dwayne to send a message to Mr. K, as Dwayne is a Wu Chang artist. After this, Tommy, Adam and Remy saw Mando at the apartments and gunned him down. This started a war between the two gangs, that the Ballas ended up winning. After three shootouts, the two gangs met and squashed their beef. After this, Mando did some jobs with members of The Mandem, however they slowly fell out of touch and now rarely interact.

Since Mando, only Dean interacted with the Ballas till a lot of them left and joined Seaside and now he doesn't care about them anymore. Even though Sparky and Matt are well acquainted with the leader of the Ballas, Jon, both gangs are hostile towards each other and yet to have a conflict.

The relationship between Ballas and MDM have grown stronger since Jon left and now they consider each other their strongest allies, calling themselves Balladem/Manballs.

Former Allies

The Mandem and Angels had always been on good terms and had an unofficial alliance. Tommy Tate had built a good relationship with the Angels and was good friends with almost all of them. Dean Quincy and Patar Bellosh both got along well with the Angels. However, the other OG members of The Mandem didn't interact with the Angels that often, but they got along when they did run into each other. On the 25th August 2021, the name “Angeldem” was first used. Since then, the name had stuck and they had hosted Angeldem races together, where they hosted themed races, such as only being able to use mopeds. The Angels supplied The Mandem with meth, and had a deal where both gangs could push meth on Cougar Avenue, The Mandem's turf.

On the 4th of November 2022, the two gangs had a meeting with each other where The Angels requested The Mandem to transfer them a spray because it’s in the back garden of the Casa de la Angel. The Mandem intended to transfer the spray they had placed, but after they realised that the radius of the spray went into the Block, The Mandem refused to hand it over and the two gangs cut ties with each other. After the Angels eventually bought the house, they had another meeting and they agreed that they would move the spray to the other side of the wall. Before the spray could be moved, Mr. K became the leader of the Angels for a day, and they decided to take the spray. At this point, The Mandem were in the middle of a snowball fight and were not prepared to defend the spray, although they managed to down quite a few members, they were unsuccessful in stopping the Angels from taking the spray. The next day, Claire agreed to give the spray back, with the Angels paying for The Mandem's cloth and spray, but only after the spray was moved to the other side of the wall.


Bondi Boys MC
The Mandem's and BBMC's first major interaction was when Tommy got a player boost for a BBMC member's vinscratch, which lead to a 2v2 shootout between the gangs, with The Mandem coming out on top. After this, Barry Benson was admitted into the ICU, which he left missing memories. Irwin Dundee then called Tommy and said there would be issues if Barry didn't regain his memory within the next fourty-eight hours, which he ended up doing.

The two gangs then clashed again when BBMC breached a Mandem Fleeca heist. While breaching, Dundee say that he did not care that it was The Mandem and to continue the breach. After a while, Tommy and Dundee finally spoke, which lead to the start of a war between the two gangs. The war lasted for around two weeks. After repeated police interferences during the war, on 4th February, Dundee asked Tommy if he wanted to call off the war and team up against the PD, which he agreed to without hesitation. Despite the war ending, they did not end up fighting the PD together.

Marabunta Grande
Four members of the Marabunta Grande ran up on Dwayne and Ryder Flint and robbed them. Dwayne then told Dean and Patar what happened, who then told NBC as well, due to the gangs having formed an alliance. The next day, Dean asked for Tommy's permission to hunt them and get revenge for Dwayne, which he approved of.

A few weeks later, The Mandem learned that the Marabunta Grande were around. Tommy, Moses, Patar and Lana then began to look for them. After being unable to find then, they uploaded a picture of them all peeing on the Marabunta's territory to try and get their attention, however they got no response. They then continued to look for them, and eventually found them going up the side of a mountain. The Marabunta noticed that they were being followed, so they got out of their car and opened fire on The Mandem. Tommy then swerved the car off of the mountain and they all got out on foot. The Marabunta then tried to flank around and take the high ground. A shootout then began, where one of the Marabunta went down and the others were seriously injured, however the police quickly arrived and started trying to detain The Mandem. After being chased for a while, all of The Mandem were arrested and sent to prison. In prison, they all agreed that it was not over and that they would go after them again.

Patar and Moses found the Marabunta and pulled up next to them to verify if it was them. After confirming it was them, a shootout occurred, which ended with Patar, Moses and RJ going down. While on the floor, Patar's head popped. The Marabunta then took Moses and RJ to grandma's and got them back up. They then asked Moses why they went after them, and Moses said that it was because they had robbed Dwayne a few weeks back. The leader of the Marabunta, Sergio Lopez, said that he did not recall doing this. RJ then explained that they were rolled up on by four people who were fully blacked out and claimed they were 'MG'. Sergio then told them that they never black out, and always wear their colours. He said that it must have been a false flagger, and said that he would return their guns that they took off them after the shootout. The next day, Moses and Patar told Tommy what happened and explained that the Marabunta claimed that it wasn't them and gave the guns back. Tommy then said that in his eyes it was over, as they had shown respect by giving back the guns.

Since then having had war, and Mandem going on to wipe the PD to save MG, they have left behind the distaste amongst each other and moved on to become quite familiar with each other.

The Families
The Mandem and The Families, also known as GSF, have had a brief relationship. They haven't run into each other much, however one time Moses, Stacey, Patar, Eli and Shivvy were in a car when they crashed into a GSF car, which made it unmovable. Moses apologised and offered to pay for the repairs, however one of the GSF members still didn't seem happy. After a while, Moses said that he was no longer willing to pay as the GSF member was annoying him. Because of this, the guy shot Moses. The other GSF members seemed confused as to why he shot, and the rest of The Mandem didn't know what to do, as there were five of them in the car. When Tommy woke up, they told him about what had happened. He decided that he should meet with GSF's leader, Dexx Martin. He said that they had to do something, otherwise people would think you can shoot at The Mandem without any repercussions. He said that he didn't want to turn it into a war, but would be happy to shoot if GSF were to escalate it.

After a couple of hours, Tommy met with Dexx and talked about what had happened. Dexx said that the man had been made a member of GSF that day, and had probably been trying to show off to the other members. He then offered to give them money as a way of apology. Adam and still dislike GSF to this day.

Patar is friends with multiple members and frequently buys illegal items from members of the Vagos. The other Mandem members haven't interacted with them much, but having gotten along well when they have. Dwayne has been robbed on a couple of occasions by the Vagos, however this hasn't caused any further problems between the two gangs. Tommy once dressed in yellow and went into the Barrio, aiming to scare Moses, who was being drawn by Stacey. When he arrived, he found that a member of the Vagos was there negotiating with the police. Tommy walked up to the group and said 'my name Jeff', which lead to the Vagos beginning a search for a man named Jeff for pretending to be one of them. Stacey told them that it was her assistant Jeff and gave him over to them, which ended their hunt.

Vagos and MDM have become a lot closer, with Tommy becoming El Pitador of the Barrio, and both gang chilling at each other's block which never happened before. There seems to be mutual respect between the two gangs

Natural Born Crackheads
The Mandem and Natural Born Crackheads (NBC) had a very strong relationship in the early days of 3.0 with both groups being very close. Patar and Dean were both previously NBC members but left to join MDM, however this only strengthened MDM and NBC's relationship instead of severing it. NBC was Mandem's strongest ally and connection, with most members corroborating this. They often hung around with eachother and did many jobs together - calling themselves NBCdem. However, since the new generation of NBC came in and key old members became inactive, both groups drifted apart. Since then, NBC has now disbanded.


Brouge Street Kingz
The Mandem had beef with BSK when Dwayne, along with Molly Rollin and Patar robbed one of their members, without knowing who he was. BSK saw Dwayne outside of the apartments and gunned him down. Tommy, Moses, Stacey and Mando then started to shoot at BSK and managed to down all of them, however Moses and Stacey also went down. Tommy put Moses into Mando's car, who then took him to grandma's and got him back up. Tommy was unable to find Stacey and had to leave as the police arrived. After Tommy and Moses regrouped, they went to pillbox to see if they could retrieve Dwayne and Stacey. They decided that it would not be possible due to the amount of cops that were there. A couple of hours later, OTT tweeted 'We da kingz', which Moses replied to saying 'kingz of pillbox pussio'. Dwayne then explained to The Mandem that he was sitting in the car when Patar and Molly robbed a BSK member, and that they must have chosen to target The Mandem as they saw them as an easy target.

Dean told The Mandem that he could get NBC to settle the beef, however they said that they wanted to settle it themselves. While they were in prison, BSK beat up and pissed on Dwayne. The Mandem decided to get four desert eagles, planning on settling it with another shoot out. NBC met with BSK and returned what was stolen and The Mandem and BSK arranged to meet. Before the meeting, Mando told Tommy to tell OTT that if they go to war with The Mandem, they will also be going to war with Ballas. The Mandem said that they were happy to squash the beef, but it would depend on what BSK say. The beef with BSK was squashed after Dwayne paid them $10k, however he did not tell the other members that he had done this, simply telling them that their beef had been settled.

After this incident, the two gangs were neutral towards each other and did not interact. On November 18, 2021, OTT stole Dwayne's Mandem chain, initiating a war between the two gangs. The Mandem, along with Curtis, went to Brouge Street and started a gun fight, which they won, managing to down all of the BSK members without any of The Mandem or Curtis going down. A few days after this, Patar and Dwayne had a meeting with BSK, where OTT admitted that he was wrong for stealing Dwayne's chain, and that he respected how The Mandem responded to the situation.


RUST and MDM were good allies originally. However, they oceandumped MDM during the methlab event and then had a war with MDM for the methlab. Then they tried for months to steal MDMs methlab, MDM caught them in the act and confronted them which they denied doing, this led to both gangs taking a disliking to one another. They also posted about Hydra having a methlab on twatter which led to MDM disliking them for snitching. Patar then refused to sell Ray guns.
