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The Highwaymen is an Official Unit within the Unified Police Department, founded by Rocko Columbo, The Highwayman.

General Description[]

Founded by Rocko Columbo, The Highwaymen are a unit designed to follow in his legacy, patrolling the Highways on San Andreas.

Alongside the Highway Patrol, The Highwaymen receive regular funding to maintain Billboards across the highways.

Highwaymen Roster[]

The Highwayman Oath[]

I was a Highwayman,

Along the coach roads I did ride,

With sword and pistol by my side.

Many a young girl lost her baubles to my trade.

Many a soldier shed his lifeblood on my blade.

They finally hung me in the Spring of twenty-five,

But I am still alive.

In the name of the First,

The Second,

And the Third Speeding Degree,

And the Holy Ghost of the Interceptor.

A+ Men.

Former Highwaymen[]

Name Insignia
(End of Term)
Badge #
(End of Term)
Reason for Leaving Final Date of Service
Marcel King SergeantCPD 338 Fired November 1st, 2022
Lily Pond PBSO-Lieutenant 360 Unit Restructure; Removed due to Inactivity March 3rd, 2023
Demi Black PBSO-Sergeant 351 Unit Restructure; Removed due to Inactivity March 3rd, 2023
Ruger Daniels LSPD-Sergeant 438 Unit Restructure; Removed due to Inactivity March 3rd, 2023
Serge Cross SDSO-Deputy 991 Resigned May 23rd, 2023
Shelby Lane SDSO-Sergeant 918 Roster Wipe; Removed due to Inactivity August 1st, 2023
Lance Malton LSPD-Sergeant 409 Roster Wipe; Removed due to Inactivity August 1st, 2023
Philomena Hawthorne SDSO-Deputy 969 Roster Wipe; Removed due to Inactivity August 1st, 2023

