The Gworls were a notable group of friends, including April Fooze and Ray Mond, that all lived in the same Grove Street house.
The Gworls formed very early after everyone's initial arrival into Los Santos after the economic collapse, and get their name from long-lost best friends April Fooze and Ray Mond calling each other their "gworl."
Ray, Giavanna "Gigi" Costello, Kitty Dream, and Timothy Butler formed a friendship prior to April's return to the city and met with her once she arrived, along with her personal driver Maximillian Angel, and later one of her yoga assistants, Eli Lum.
Soon they all became friends and began calling themselves "The Gworls", later formalizing their group with plans of buying a Grove Street house together on January 27, 2024.
On April 15, 2024, Elle Queenie, Hazel Havgreaves, September Fooze & Yuno Sykk later joined as new housemates.
January Fooze and Lottie Mae were considered honorary housemates as they were invited but unable to join.
The original Growls house was located at #5 Grove Street, Davis, East Los Santos. [Map]
It was sold to DJ Cooper and Braden Kingz of The Manor for $450k unfurnished.

Front of the Gworls house
Member Connections[]
The following were the gangs, families, and other factions connected with members of the Gworls.
- Chang Gang (April, Ray)
- Civ Gang (Eli)
- Clowncil & New Clown Order (Ray, Eli)
- Cypress (Elle, Yuno)
- Fooze Family (April, September)
- The Guild (Timothy)
- The Manor (Gigi)
Former Factions[]
- Celibate Gang (Ray, Yuno)
- G6 Rangers (Elle, Eli, Kitty, Max, Ray, Yuno)
- The Company (Eli, Ray)
History & Notable Events[]
Purchasing the House |
The formation of the Gworls was fraught with drama from the beginning. Underlying jealousy often caused tension between the trio of Ray, Gigi, and April, and the first two's strong personalities caused them to continue butting heads even after the conflict was resolved. Initially, there were also disputes around who would join them as roommates with the purchasing of the property. Louie Frye and Elle were originally considered, due to Ray wanting to include more people she had talked to, and Kitty seeing the benefit in having more people pay for the house. It was eventually decided to keep it to the core group that were all familiar with each other, however at first this meant also excluding Eli, which was the subject of much miscommunication. Many of the group members were away from the city, leading Ray, Gigi, Kitty and Max to become increasingly eager and finally pull the trigger on January 27th. Loans from Yuno and Jay Que were used to afford the property, and it was decided that Max would be the one to buy the house, on account of his trustworthiness, with the group collectively paying their debtors back over the next weeks. Although Ray had assured the others that April and Timothy were willing to pay, a different story arose once the former returned to the city. The revelation that she was now $43,000 in debt to the house despite no confirmation, that her friend Eli was not being given keys and there were now "House Rules" she had to follow, caused her to freak out and temporarily declare her departure from the group. Things managed to calm down, however, and it was decided Eli would be a full member, lessening some of April's debt and fully establishing the 7 founding Gworls. The house was admittedly very rough, residing in the unstable Grove Street area and its backyard being the empty Los Santos river, but the Gworls were happy to have something they could call their own (although some members such as Ray were instantly itching for an upgrade). As the Gworls worked off their debt, each at different rates, the house began to fill in with walls and small amounts of furniture. Due to being around at different times, not everyone could meet up, however there were small occasions when most Gworls were present, such as a house tarot card reading. The actual first time all members of the Gworls house were present at the same time was two weeks after purchasing the home, on February 7th. To commemorate, the group all hugged and took a photo in front of their house. It wasn't all positive however, as there was some stress with their outstanding loan with Yuno. |
Drifting Apart |
It wasn't until over a month later that the Gworls all met up again, with a full house meeting taking place on March 11th, for the purposes of catching up on tea and drama. This was important, as the roommates were all very independent from one another, and their activities with other groups would sometimes cause ripples. Gigi's commitment to her gang had caused some drama in the past, Timothy had been secretly harboring discomfort at being around Max, and April's group had previously robbed Kitty's G6 truck. All the conflict was cleared up in the meeting, however, and the Gworls bonded over picking on Hazel when he abruptly showed up outside their door. The Gworls continued to do their own thing over the next month, spending less and less time together. Gigi, Kitty and Ray continued to spend more time with their respective groups compared to in the past, and April had began delving more into the crime life, collecting keys from other Grove Street houses. This upset Ray, who confided in Max that she was afraid of the group growing apart, and felt insecure about April's other friendships. Although Max reassured her that they would all still be friends, his true feelings would come out in a drunken state after April's birthday party on April 3rd. Ray had found a home with the Clowns, often waking up at The Funhouse, and April and Max had not spent as much time together as they used to. Although she did her best to reassure him, it had exposed an underlying truth. Eli had also found his own group, and Timothy and Max had ironically become the two Gworls that spent the most time together. Max was also downcast due to having spent $190,000 of his own money on furnishing a home that he felt nobody even used. Timothy and Ray were indeed using the space to buy and use washing machines for crime, but there was not much social interaction anymore. Kitty also became stressed due to separate situations with Gigi and Eli challenging her finances. |
New Roommates |
Names of possible new members had been floating around for a while, pushed most by Ray and Kitty. In the middle of the month of April, these solidified into four: Elle, Hazel, and April's sisters January and September, all of whom were well-integrated into the Gworls group of friends. Having new members was an appealing idea as it would both see some returns on the property investment and breathe new life into the house. All those invited agreed except for January, who was made aware later than the others and had to decline, both due to the entry fee of $30,000 and because she had already been invited to live with her adoptive parents. There was also a situation with Max disagreeing with Kitty and Timothy on how to split the money from the new members, needing to convince the others that he should receive more due to investing more. All the new members gathered on April 15th for a chaotic welcoming event, followed by a "slumber party" enthusiastically led by April who showed up later. Eli was unable to attend, but Lottie Mae, Peener Pogue and Twinkles were invited, and together in the Gworls House everyone played rounds of "Mafia", "fuck-marry-kill" and "truth or dare" to welcome the new members. The Gworls were heavily involved in Ray's planned "Yups to Cups" event on April 26th, a day involving activities she planned for her partner, Chatterbox. This involved a dinner with the clowns, the Gworls all dressing up as Ray, a race down Mt. Chiliad and hanging out at The Funhouse. |
The PNY Cards |
Drama returned the following day (April 27th), however, when Hazel's longstanding beef with Chang Gang caught up with the house. This caused tension between the Gworls, with those who knew and were friendly with Hazel taking his side but April and Max floating the possibility of kicking him out of the house for safety reasons. These disagreements came to a head due to Eli overhearing and telling Hazel of these plans, a joke in poor taste that angered both Hazel and Kitty, who then argued with April and Max. When Ray woke up the next day to April's frantic texts about the situation, she immediately spoke to the other roommates awake, Max, Elle, September, and later Kitty, to learn from them the details of what had happened to Hazel and what the ultimatum entailed (three cards or three lives close to Hazel). Afterwards, she spoke with Lil Tuggz on the phone to hear the CG side of the story. She determined that the house would need to meet as soon as possible, with as many roommates as possible, to decide their course of action. The following day, Ray and April finally met together to discuss the matter, and then with Mr. K to get a complete picture from CG's side. The entire house (except Timothy, Eli, Elle, and Yuno, who were unavailable) met at the Los Santos Cemetery to hash out the drama entirely, including other longstanding issues between Gigi and others. Eventually Hazel was convinced to pay a lump sum of cash (originally $50k, then $75k after April's insistence) to Mr. K to resolve the matter entirely, who showed up to collect. Many house members left the cemetery frustrated at Ray and April for heavily siding with their gang and seeming taking advantage of Hazel. However, after talking at Del Perro Pier, the four core girls involved (Ray, Gigi, Kitty, and April) resolved to start over on a "clean slate" and leave issues with SK, Chatterbox, and Chang Gang in the past. |
The End? |
Ray involving Gigi in a prank on Chatterbox where she pretended she was leaving the city led him to beating Gigi with a wrench, where she required intensive care. After recovering, Gigi swore revenge, enlisting Carmella Corset to kidnap Chatterbox and steal his mask. The act, which Ray had previously warned Gigi to never do, infuriated Ray and the two ended their friendship, leading to a short war between the Clowncil and The Manor on Ray and Gigi's behalf. The conflict was ended when Chatterbox and other clowns forcibly replaced Gigi's face, making her significantly uglier. Gigi ended up getting full-body plastic surgery from Carmella. With Ray and Gigi now enemies, the friend group was in peril. April had left the city to go on tour (though rumors persisted she was seeing an man in Europe), and Timothy had departed indefinitely as well. Kitty, Eli, Ray, Elle, September, Hazel, and Yuno all had other houses to live in, while Gigi was never given a new key. Due to the lack of use of the house, Max conferred with the others and they ultimately decided to sell the house. The house was removed of furniture and placed on sale on July 7th. A week later, the home was sold to members of The Manor looking to consolidate their holdings on Grove Street. The status of the friend group itself remains in doubt, especially once Ray also left the city for a break. Kitty and others aspire to one day buy a new home, on the beach or in Vinewood. |