The Company was a criminal organization/syndicate with a common goal to find and progress through the world of crimes and businesses. It was founded by mostly ex-gang leaders, members, and associates of some of the most ruthless gangs and mafias, e.g. Cleanbois, Seaside, Gulag Gang, R.U.S.T & Brouge Street Kingz.
The organisation was disbanded on May 8th, 2024. This decision was made by the four remaining board members due to a number of reasons but mostly from a lack of synergy in the leadership department.
General Information[]
“It's raining.”
The Company was overseen by four of its founders, with each being the Chairmen of The Company and the core. Members of The Company committed to keep progressing in the world of criminal enterprise and gatekeeping important information from potential competitors. The group also had legal organisations to partner with.

The Company Headquarters
The Company Headquarters is moved to 26 Roy Lowenstein Boulevard, South Side as of January 9, 2024. It is a significant upgrade from the trailer previously owned by the Company.

The Company Headquarters
The Company Headquarters was located at 7 Fudge Lane, El Burro Heights. It was the first property they purchased in the city. Apart from Yuno, all members of The Board were present during the purchase.
The trailer was purchased under Marty's name for $110,000 on December 27, 2023. It was solely funded by the Company and its investors.
The property was purchased to accommodate the crafting bench, which was too big for a regular apartment. Large industrial washing machines were also installed to clean dirty money.
Unlocking the ability to acquire and upsell laptop desks, CPUs, GPUs and VPNs earned the Company a significant amount of money which was used to upgrade the HQ. As part of the partnership forged with the Lumberjack Union, the trailer was sold to them for $100,000 on January 9, 2024.Progressions[]
Heist | |
Drugs (Weed) |
Crypto (ButCoin) |
Drugs (Moonshine) |
Guns (Glock) |
Business Ventures[]
1. Vanilla Unicorn Events, Rating: 4/5
These events are organized by Raymond and Mickey to gain additional funds and make new connections for The Company. Entertainment in the event includes but not is limited to strippers, music, food and drinks. So far, there have been four successful events as of January 18, 2024.
2. Selling Laptop Desks, PC Parts and Setups, Rating: 5/5
Being one of the first groups to unlock the ability to acquire laptop desks, CPUs, GPUs and VPNs, The Company jumped on the opportunity to push those sales quickly and with good profit margins while still having the advantage.
Sales during the first few days injected a lot of money into the Company. However, sales slowly plundered in the days to come due to conflicts and competition with Civ Gang and Cypress. The PC market took a big hit, causing the price of the PC and accessories to crash.
At the moment, this is no longer The Company's main source of income, but they are still getting passive income from it.
3. Pharmaceuticals Division, Rating: 100%
The Pharmaceuticals Division is a key operational unit within The Company specializing in the illicit drug trade.
4. My Criminal Academia, Rating: 5/5
My C̶r̶i̶m̶i̶n̶a̶l̶ Career Academia is an event hosted by Mickey to teach fledgling criminals of the city the ways of the masters of the city!
1. Selling Fake Company Shares, Rating: 3/5 (Dec 2023)
This was created by Mickey as part of his scam to sell fake shares with "planned tiers" (Platinum = 10 shares, Regular = 1 share, etc.) to civilians. This is a "temporary scam" before Company shares are approved for sale in the stock market when their business license is approved in the future.
2. The "Wood" Monopoly, Rating: 4/5 (Jan 2024)
A deal was brokered with the Lumberjack Union, where the union was brought on to help push the sales of laptop desks and setups. The union will be receiving a $3,000 commission from each sale. In exchange The Company will get steady supplies of wood free of charge. Furthermore, the union had agreed to increase the prices of wood for people outside The Company.
The partnership was short-lived due to disagreements between Jack Kettleman and members of The Company
3. Valentine's Day Event and "Rizz Rivals", Rating: 4/5 (Feb 2024)
Since a week before Valentine's Day, the Business Division, led by Mickey and Brekker, sold electronic cupids, aka. "Crushes", for $250 each to people around the city to be given to their favourite person or people. A tally was kept throughout the week where the person who received the most "Crushes" would be dubbed as the "Most Desired Person of Los Santos". It was intended to give people like Yuno Sykk, Kit Archer and March Fooze attention for Valentine's Day so the top 10 cupid receivers could be celebrated at The Company's Valentine's Day event at Bahama Mamas West on the day. The Company collected an entry fee for the event and entertainment, ie. music, food and drinks, were included. The Company also took the opportunity to celebrate Raymond's birthday which was another plus.
Internship Program[]
The internship program was created and run by Mickey to acquire and develop assets for the Company. The Interns are assigned tasks and quotas, and evaluated based on their creativity in achieving those targets. Interns with more innovative approaches are retained, while those who fail to meet quotas or who demonstrate a lack of creativity may face the possibility of being cut from the program. During Mickey's absence towards the end of January 2024, top interns Brekker and Ginger, were appointed to assist with running the program, who were later offered full-time senior positions within The Company on February 1, 2024. However, Ginger was terminated on February 6, 2024 due to her relationship with their former CEO, JP.
Many other job offers were given to many interns at the end of the program. Some of the other notable interns who were offered positions within The Company include:
Name | Position | Offer Date | Status |
Swan DeLeur | Shadow Employee (Head of Intelligence) |
February 6, 2024 | Accepted |
Cau Mau | Operator | February 6, 2024 | Accepted |
Dragon Rush | Asset | February 6, 2024 | Accepted |
Ari O. | Asset | February 6, 2024 | Accepted |
Freya Pepperwoods | Asset | February 7, 2024 | Accepted |
Father "Fat Nat" Nathan | Asset | February 7, 2024 | Accepted |
Marlo Stanfield | Asset | February 7, 2024 | Rejected |
Archie Archer | Asset | February 7, 2024 | Accepted |
Gabby Brito | Asset | February 7, 2024 | Accepted |
Kol Cascade | Asset | February 7, 2024 | Accepted |
Dawn "529" McDonagh | Asset | Mid February 2024 | Accepted |
At its peak, there were 38 Interns hired by The Company.
1 Intern was killed in action.
Intern Events[]
Vanilla Unicorn Event (unofficial event) |
W.I.P. |
Sewers Challenge (1st Event) |
The first Challenge, given by the CMO Mickey, was to bring back the items from the sewers but the interns were unexpectedly chased by a big rat (actually Mr. Kebun in a costume) and a man in an alien costume (Uchiha Jones). |
Chilliad Challenge (2nd Event) |
The second challenge, given by Brekkers, was to get all the interns to ride a bicycle up Mount Chilliad. |
Rescuing X (unofficial event) |
Before going to sleep, X chose to tow a cop car out of boredom and then kraken-ed it. To escape the pursuing cops, X decided to swim outwards to the ocean. Suddenly he saw a shark and before presumably getting bitten, he phoned fellow Company member Benji his location. He then got bitten and went unresponsive. Benji rounded up a group of interns and attempts to save X. Cau located X first but fell victim to the shark as well. The rest of the interns located the pair close to the pier and saved them, in the process killing the shark. |
Clowns Events (3rd Event) |
The third challenge, given by the Clowns, was a scavenger hunt. However, it never started, as Benji went on a rant and ordered the Interns to attack them. He told them to stop when he saw Ray Mond but it was too late. |
Scavenger Hunt (4th Event) |
W.I.P. |
Fight Night (5th Event) |
W.I.P. |
Company Events[]
Valentines Day Rizz Rivals |
Was held on Valentines Day to sell cupid crushes, celebrate those with the most Cupids, and celebrate Raymond Romanov's birthday. January Fooze was the winner of Rizz Rivals beating other popular contestants like April Fooze, Ray Mond, etc. |
Mickey's Shadow Club |
On Febuary 20th, 2024 Mickey wanted to take a break from meetings and just wanted to casually play Yugioh in the Company house with other Company members and more. E.g. Gheto Kaiba. A fully functional club was established later in April, hosting amateur and professional tournaments. |
My Criminal Academia: Class 1-A |
Professors of Class 1-A: Street Smarts Professor K, Transportation 101 Professor Dundee, Cybersecurity Professor Banks, Physical Security Professor Romanov, Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss Professor Fooze.
Students of Class 1-A: Raia Kaine, Vee Hernandez, Eli Lum, Freya Pepperwoods, January Fooze, Matthew Antov, Swan DeLeur, Charlotte Mae, Timothy Butler & Ray Mond. |
- The name of "The Company" is in reference to the "Lethal Company". It was initially suggested as a joke by Mickey, but was later supported by Benji and the rest of the founders.
- The phrase, "It's raining", is the code assigned to alert the members and call for mandatory meetings, known as "The Forecast". The meetings are used to plan "projects", ie. robbing establishment(s), calling for help on jobs (both legal and illegal) and organizing events.
- The code, "It's cloudy", is used to call for non-obligatory meetings.
- During the early days, the meetings were held on top of Suds Law Laundromat, before they secured their Headquarters.
- As of January 18, 2024, there have been 11 "Forecasts".
- The Company was the first group to own a property in the city, after buying a trailer in Fudge Lane for $110,000 on December 27, 2023.
- The Company bought their second house/office in Roy Lowenstein for $179,400 and moved there on January 9, 2024.
- The Company made the city’s first ever Butcoin transfer between computers on the Binunce domain on January 13, 2024.
- On the 31st of January 2024 Jean Paul stepped back from his CEO position with Mickey taking his place. This was a ploy to resolve the conflict with Lang Buddha as he historically hated dealing with Mickey.
- On the 5th of February 2024 Jean Paul officially left The Company by completing the "House Heist".
- On the 6th of February 2024 Ginger Ale was fired for her ongoing collaboration with Jean Paul despite his robbing the organization.
- On February 7th 2024 The Company, consisting of OTT, Benji, Ray, Cau, KJ and guest Patar Bellosh, became the first gang to partially complete the Laundromat heist retrieving the $LOYALTY dongle.
- On February 7th 2024 The Company, consisting of Benji, Ray, Dragon, and Cau was the third group to rob the gun store Ammunation's Shipping Containers for pistol parts (GC19x).
- On February 10th 2024 The Company consisting of Benji, Ray, Cau, Swan and guests Irwin Dundee and Patar again partially completed the Laundromat heist retrieving the $KINDNESS dongle.
- On February 12th 2024 The Company consisting of Benji, Ray, Mickey, Freya, Brekkers & guest Dundee partially completed the Laundromat Heist retrieving the $GENEROSITY dongle.
- On February 14th 2024 The Company consisting of Benji, Freya, Swan & Dundee partially completed the Laundromat Heist retrieving a duplicate Red dongle. OTT later brokered a deal to swap this with Jason Polam for a Yellow.
- On February 17th 2024 OTT & Not BSK’s Sly, Jason, Fibbler, Kayn & Seb fully completed the Laundromat Heist to 100% retrieving the 20K safe & an Orange dongle to which they gave The Company.
- On February 19th 2024 OTT, Sly & Not BSK’s Jason, Max, DD & Kayn cosplayed as Bugstars contractors and retrieved a yellow duplicate from the Laundromat Heist.
- On February 20th 2024 The Company obtained and handed in the 6 coloured USBs after OTT & Mickey brokered a deal with Juan Carlos Hernandez. Yellow, Orange & Blue duplicates in exchange for Purple & 100BUTC.
- On February 20th 2024 Not BSK & The Company put their BUTC together to purchase and share the Gun Blueprint.
- On February 27th 2024 The Company, consisting of OTT, Benji, Ray, Mickey, Max and guest Irwin Dundee, became the first gang to fully complete the Rancho Cash Exchange heist.
- On March 10th 2024 The Company organized the first ever all-women heist since the economy collapse consisting of Fiona Stewart, Ray Mond, January Fooze, Winter Sison and Freya Pepperwoods.