NoPixel Wiki

General Description[]

The Chaos, also nicknamed the Chaos C-nts, is a secretive terrorist organization operating underground in San Andreas with the main goal of facilitating chaos and violence throughout the state by supplying the criminal underworld with a constant, steady flow of illegal items of all varieties, primarily weapons.


The main goal of Chaos is to facilitate chaos and strife in Los Santos by distributing guns, explosives, and other illegal items to the people who are needy of it, making sure criminals in Los Santos remain supplied and well armed in general.

Connections and Distribution[]

The Chaos conduct their deals using direct contact, dead drops, and by middlemen and middlewomen.

During direct meetings with those outside of the organization, they hide their identity by disguising as demons in black or red suits and giving calls to people who they select as fit to give items. Originally, criminals often twatted out something to do with "chaos" in order to attract the attention of the group and make purchases of illegal items. However, Chaos has established a regular set of clientele that no longer require twat notifications.

As of now, Chaos has designated Carmella Corset and Ray Mond as its main thermite distributors, with both serving as go-betweens between Chaos and the criminal underworld. Before he became a full member, Capped Tarranova, one of the biggest weapons and drug dealers in Los Santos, bought weapons from Chaos in bulk and distributed them quickly. Eugene Zuckerberg has also played a minimal role in distributing weapons supplied by Chaos in the past.

Chaos also provides legal goods such as radios and lockpick sets to Harmony Repairs Garage, Hayes Auto, and the 6STR Tuner Shop.

Tunnel Operations[]


Vinny Pistone and Flippy conducting Chaos operations in the VLC tunnels

By April 2022, due to the fruition of competing weapons benches in Los Santos, Vinny no longer considered Chaos itself as an active entity. However, Chaos members (mainly Vinny and Flippy) continued to supply many weapons and supplies to groups, businesses, and individuals every week. Vinny had expressed interest in reactivating Chaos proper, operating out of the tunnels below Vultur Lé Culturé.

On May 6, 2022, Vinny reactivated Chaos, dressing in his Chaos outfit and conducting a plan with Randy Bullet to reveal the VLC tunnels to Capped 'Pigeon' Tarranova by blindfolding and fake kidnapping him.

Siz Fulker also carried out operations in the tunnels via Chaos, and Michael Simone has expressed potential interest in using the area as a base of operations.

Chaos ended operations in the tunnels in late 2022 after a police raid exposed the tunnels and the bench. The bench was moved to a discreet container in Vinewood.

Chaos Contracts[]


Irwin Dundee receives a contract from Chaos

Hydra Chaos Contract

Hydra after completing their contract

Gulag Gang Chaos Contract Op Golden Goose

Operation Golden Goose: Gulag Gang's contract

In late May 2022, Chaos began providing contracts to selected criminals.

Chaos contracts serve as missions that may entail thievery, infiltration, or violence against a target location, item, person, or group. Individuals that successfully complete contracts can expect a handsome reward, with the main reward being specialized weapons skins for AK-74s, typically a color associated with that criminal's gang, if they are a part of one. Gang leaders are awarded exclusive golden AKs.

The first individual to receive a Chaos contract was Irwin Dundee, then-leader of the Bondi Boys MC, on May 27, 2022. The contract was completed on June 4, with Dundee being awarded a golden AK-74 and other BBMC members receiving 'Bondi Blue' AKs.

Chang Gang completed their Chaos contract on July 15, 2022. Their mission involved an ambush in Sandy Shores and using stealth to steal an HVY Chernobog. The participating members were awarded two-tone golden AK-74s with a red tint. Hydra Gang were briefed on their contract on July 20, 2022, which involved stealing an Anti-Aircraft Trailer from Oil Rig-1 for a client. Hydra completed their contract on July 22 and were rewarded with Hydra-themed AKs.

On August 2, 2022, the Angels were briefed on their mission, Operation Kessel Ring, which involved capturing a sasquatch and finding and transporting a UFO; the mission took place on August 5. NBC completed their contract, Operation Cracked Earth, on August 22. Gulag Gang was briefed on their contract on August 25.


As of July 2023, Chaos mostly consists of members of Chang Gang/Hydra Gang, namely Vinny Pistone, Juan Carlos 'Flippy' Hernandez, Fernando 'Mario' Reyes, John 'Turbo' Miller, and Capped 'Pigeon' Tarranova.

Vinny, Flippy, and Siz are the most active members of Chaos, fulfilling orders of both legal and illegal items almost daily. Siz, when he was active in the city regularly, was also one of the most active members.


As of July 2023, there are no official middlemen for Chaos.

Former Members

Items offered by The Chaos[]

Items Materials required Estimated cost to make
Lockpicks Aluminum: 5

Plastic: 3
Rubber: 3

UZI Aluminum: 30

Plastic: 60
Rubber: 30

MAC-10 Aluminum: 30

Plastic: 60
Rubber: 30

Sub Ammo X50 Aluminum: 20

Plastic: 1
Rubber: 1

Pistol Ammo X50 Aluminum: 1

Plastic: 1
Rubber: 1

Molly Aluminum: 75

Whiskey: 3

Hand-Cuffs Scrap Metal: 500 $5,000
Thermite Aluminum: 75

Copper: 75
Rubber: 50
Plastic: 75
Electronics: 100

Advanced Lockpicks Aluminum: 50

Plastic: 50
Rubber: 50

AKS-74u Zenitco Aluminum: 300

Steel: 300
Rubber: 300

Parachute Aluminum: 100

Plastic: 100
Rubber: 100

Fake Plate Kit Scrap Metal: 20

Plastic: 20

Rifle Ammo X50 Aluminum: 10

Plastic: 10
Rubber: 10

AK-74 Aluminum: 500

Plastic: 500
Rubber: 500

Radios Electronics: 50 $500
Smoke Grenade Aluminum: 150

Scrap metal: 150
Rubber: 150

Sticky Bomb (C4) Aluminum: 1250

Scrap Metal: 1250
Rubber: 1250

GoPixel (static) Plastic: 100

Electronics: 50

Grapple Gun Aluminum: 750

Plastic: 750
Rubber: 750

High Power Magnet Aluminum: 75

Copper: 75
Rubber: 50
Plastic: 75
Electronics: 100

M67 Grenade Aluminum: 110

Scrap Metal: 150
Rubber: 100

Dragunov Aluminum: 500

Plastic: 500
Rubber: 500



  • The group is dependent upon leader Vinny Pistone's weapons crafting bench.
  • Members of Hydra Gang often help Flippy when he is at the bench.
  • Pigeon was promoted from middleman to a full Chaos C-nt on August 15, 2022.

