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On March 6th, 2023, alongside the release of the Police restructure, the SRU was disbanded. It has been superseded by the High Speed Pursuit Unit

This page will not be deleted, as it helps people identify who the prominent drivers were previously.


The Street Racing Unit is an Investigative Pursuit department focused on taking down High-Profile Street Racers and Boosters. The unit was restructured on November 16th, 2022

The SRU is the elite pursuit division, lead by Brittany Angel at the request of Kael Soze, with the assistance of Troopers Jackie Snow and Olivia Copper, hiring only the best and brightest pursuit drivers and investigators in the PD. They focus specifically on chasing and investigating racers and boosters.

All previous members lost their certs (with a few exceptions) upon the restructur of SRU, and had to recert again with harder qualifications than ever before.

As a pursuit unit the SRU has taken down almost every criminal driver in the city, with a full “Wolf pack” being an almost unbeatable force and the top members being given the nickname the “Avengers” by the criminals of the city who often forgo crime when they see them around.

As an investigative unit the SRU has uncovered the alias of nearly all the racers in the city and their respective race crews. There is very little the SRU doesn’t know about the underground racing scene



While each department within the PD has full control of their own fleet of non-widebody Chargers to use as the see fit, the SRU as the Elite Pursuit team, has a current fleet that consists of Widebody Chargers, Challengers (Demon), Corvettes (C7) and Mustangs (Shelby GT350). Fully Certed SRU drivers are allowed access to the Chargers only, while supervisors have access to all of these vehicles.

The unit has three liveries for the interceptors indicating their different drivers

Livery Access
Standard Pursuit Drivers
Midnight Investigators
White Exceptional Pursuit Drivers

Use of the white liveries is reserved for the division pursuit leads Brittany Angel and Jackie Snow and additional hand selected exceptional drivers. The livery is reserved for the best pursuers as it is intended to instill fear into those that it pursues. The current permitted drivers are:

Role Driver
Division lead Brittany Angel
Division lead Jackie Snow
White livery 1 Jim Underwood
White livery 2 Alex  Casterman
White livery 3 Matt Rhodes
White livery 4 Joel Garcia
White livery 5 Claire Everly
White livery 6 Alex Suarez

The department also has access to a fleet of unmarked S+ cars for use for investigation purposes and also as bunny cars for training and certification chases. Some are owned by the SRU while others are leant to the department by their PD owners.

The current fleet consists of:

  • Karin Sultan RS
  • Karin Sultan RS V8
  • 1965 Mustang
  • Ford GT

Entry requirements[]

As the elite of the elite, SRU drivers have to pass a trial for all 4 interceptors with more stringent pass times than ever. Angel reused previous tracks however this time she reversed them and judged the pass time on a bell curve to ensure only the best qualified, After the recert process she reverted back to standard non reversed tracks

  • SRU Charger Trial: A track long around the city following common racing lines and getaway routes for the Charger made by Brittany Angel
  • Sandy Shores: A track around Sandy shores and Grapeseed for the Challenger created by Kael Soze
  • Dock Dicking 2.0: A Track around the docks and oil fields for the Corvette (Track was remade by Brittany Angel with the formation of the SRU after the original track created by Kael Soze was blocked by the opening of the tuner shop)
  • The Hills: A track through the hills with a short of-road section for the Mustang created by Kael Soze

Potential drivers also have to complete a pursuit evaluation where potential drivers must work as a team and chase an SRU supervisor, normally Angel herself, while being judged by SRU supervisors to ensure their skill and etiquette in pursuits. this is by far the most important trial, as it shows how the drivers handle themselves in a live situation, giving comms and interacting with others. because of this the pursuit trial carries the most weight when evaluting new members.

Interceptor Legend Pass time Record Holder
Charger Charger Cert TBD 8:51.936 Jim Underwood
Challenger Challenger Cert TBD 4:37.876 Jacob Spectre
Corvette Corvette Cert TBD 5:18.147 Adrian Pearce
Mustang Mustang Cert TBD 3:40.683 Adrian Pearce

