Stanley Tuttles is a character role-played by Middleditch.
Stanley is a driver's ed instructor who just moved to Los Santos from Dayton Ohio on a dirtbike he inherited from his father.
After an eventful first day in the city, including a disappointing rim job from Ricardo Peres, three failed attempts to out-creep Four Tee in her legendary taxi, wrecking and repairing his dirtbike, and a visit to the Pillbox emergency room, Stanley finally met with Tessa Lamb and got a lead on a driver's ed job. If he makes the cut, he definitely won't be engaging in any illicit after hours activity...
Middleditch gives bio of Stanley here at 6:13:10
"He's from Terre Haute (not sure if this is right). He's lived with his mother his entire life. He's 30 years old. They do not have a good relationship. She made him do all these weird, demeaning things as a kid. He's killed upwards of 80 cats as a child."
"He's awkward. He probably smells. He's very sweaty. He has very bad scalp issues. He wants to be a comedian but doesn't know jokes. He killed his uncle in a fire. He love trains."
"He's currently a gangster in training. He's in with the Crooks. He's lackeying the mayor and this girl Ha Cha who is using him and he is simping for her any chance he gets. He had his first kiss yesterday. He's been to prison. He was shot today. He steals cars. He's trying to be a criminal. He just thinks that's tough. He wants to be respected and feared, so he likes people with power or the illusion of power. He's very intoxicated by that because he's tired of taking shit from people."
"I moved to Los Santos with my citizen card, my mobile phone, and dreams of setting up my own business."
Tessa Lamb: It's kind of a shame, it's an oddity to meet a nice person, isn't it?
Stanley: That's the life we live in the world we live in. But you never know, maybe one day some terrible retribution will come and burn everything to the ground.
Tessa: Wow. I think we're gonna get along just fine.
Stanley: Oh, I hope so, Miss Lamb.
Stanley: I'm a law abiding citizen, my good friend!
Thomas: Everybody dabbles in a little bit of dirty every once in a while, you heard?
Stanley: Oh yes, heh, well, the sun's not quite down just yet, if you understand.
"Well, if slowly biding my time just to watch the world burn is gangster, than consider me 'OG.'"
"My mouth is a vault."
- His favorite Pokemon is Snortax.