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Shelby Lane is a character role-played by JavaShorty.

General Description[]

Shelby Lane was a Sergeant for the Senora Desert Sheriff's Office, Badge #918.

She was previously the Commissioner for the Office of the Commissioner, and before that was a Lieutenant for the Emergency Medical Services, call-sign Llama-88 (Lima-88).

Background Information[]

Shelby Lane was born in a small town outside of Houston, Texas. She was the oldest growing up with her 3 brothers and 2 sisters: Dodge, Colby, Aston, Mercedes, and Lexus. They were always close as they had to take care of each other. Their mother was either never home or high when she was home, and their dad went in the woods to raise wolves.

Shelby, being the oldest, would often find herself taking care of her siblings and trying to keep the family together. For 10 years Shelby would be the backbone of the family, trying to keep her siblings happy and also keeping the peace throughout.

During this time of helping take care of her family, Shelby would often experience panic attacks and have blackouts, resulting in her waking up in random places. Then one day she blacked out and woke up in a hospital two weeks later. Over the next couple of weeks, she would overhear her mother talking to nurses about her "condition". This would later have Shelby moved to a psychiatric facility. What was going on behind Shelby's back is that her mother sold her to a program, called S.T.R.A.Y., to run experiments on her.

After spending 4 years in the program, she would attempt a number of escapes that resulted in her blacking out and being placed on medication and not remembering what happened, but she would replay the keywords "hurt, pain, home".

In November of 2019, Shelby would make one final escape, her blackouts decreased, and she was calmer, but one thing was that she couldn't remember the last 4 years; expect that Mercedes had moved to San Andreas. She got a plane ticket and moved to San Andreas to start a new life and be closer to her sister. A month after the financial collapse, Shelby joined EMS thanks to her best friend, Mila Smoak.

Momentous Dates within the Government[]

Unified Police Department[]

Rank Insignia Note Date
Cadet PBSO-Cadet Hired to the PBSO; Badge #588 January 2nd, 2022
Solo Cadet PBSO-Solo Cadet Solo Certified; Badge #688 February 9th, 2022
Deputy PBSO-Deputy Promoted to Deputy; Badge #312 April 8th, 2022
SDSO-Deputy Transferred to the SDSO; Badge #918 May 21st, 2022
FTO Cert Green FTO Certified June 21st, 2022
Senior Deputy SDSO-Senior Deputy Promoted to Senior Deputy July 28th, 2022
FTO Cert Blue FTI Certified September 7th, 2022
FTO Cert Gold Appointed as Co-Lead of the SDSO P&T
Corporal SDSO-Corporal Promoted to Corporal December 2nd, 2022
BTF Cert Blue Appointed as an Agent in the BTF February 9th, 2023
Highwaymen Cert Joined the Highwaymen Unit March 3rd, 2023
Officer LSPD-Officer 2023 PD Restructure; Badge #U-918 March 6th, 2023
Deputy SDSO-Deputy Hired to the SDSO; Badge #918 March 7th, 2023
Senior Deputy SDSO-Senior Deputy Promoted to Senior Deputy March 9th, 2023
Sergeant SDSO-Sergeant Promoted to Sergeant March 15th, 2023
FTO Cert Blue FTI Certified
Fired August 25th, 2023

Emergency Medical Services[]

Rank Insignia Note Date
Trainee Trainee Hired to the EMS; Call-Sign T-88 April 5th, 2021
EMT StarofLifeEMT Promoted to EMT; Call-Sign E-88 May 23rd, 2021
Paramedic Paramedic Promoted to Paramedic; Call-Sign P-88 June 22nd, 2021
Paramedic FTO ParamedicFTO Promoted to Paramedic FTO July 27th, 2021
Lieutenant LieutenantEMS Promoted to Lieutenant; Call-Sign L-88 September 16th, 2021
Transferred to the PBSO January 2nd, 2022


Romantic Relationships

Domenic Toretti — Fiance

Shelby and Toretti were never close at the beginning. She did not like Toretti due to being friends with Kyle Pred.

During a K9 check-up, Toretti would be chosen as the test subject, which resulted in his arm getting bitten. Shelby who was concerned checked on him. He would just say that his arm was okay, calling it an "arm cold".

After some time of not talking to each other, one day while in the MRPD lobby, a group of Peach Chee, Brocky Potage, Demi Black, Hat Carl, Toretti, and Shelby were talking about pancakes or waffles. This would have Toretti say, "I love waffles," and Shelby, who had heard this, asked Toretti if he would make her waffles and he agreed.

After a few days, Shelby talked to Lily Pond, who was Toretti's ex-girlfriend, but has recently been sleeping with Toretti again. Shelby just wanted to make sure there were no problems with her sleeping with him. Pond said it was no problem and that they were sleeping occasionally together. This would later result in Shelby asking Toretti if would like to have "waffles" later that night. Toretti agreed to say they could have it at his house, only thing is that he didn't own a house.

After some talks with people, including Pilbis Shonley who is Toretti's son, Shelby and Toretti would agree to meet at her Mirror Park house. Later that night, after Toretti got off duty, they would spend hours making real waffles which resulted in Toretti burning his hand on the waffle maker.

For several days Shelby and Toretti would spend nights together, talking on the roof of the house or going hiking and then camping the night, They started to develop feelings for one another and decided to be just exclusive to each other, but didn't put a label on it.

They were also keeping their relationship a secret, which would later change as Chad Gable, who knew about their first night, decided to spill the beans to Pred, who was also trying to hook up with Shelby. Pred confronted her, asking if the rumors were true, and she said they were. This would lead Pred to become very angry and track down Toretti asking him about Shelby which Toretti also confirmed.

After people started to find out they were together, Shelby and Toretti decided to be open about their dating. This would leave people often trying to come between them or asking Shelby if she was crazy for dating him. This would eventually lead to Shelby transferring to the SDSO, as people in the PD would jump on the Pred train in being mad at her. In the mean times, Shelby and Toretti grew closer together as they both realized that they have a lot in common while being different people.

Since the 10 months they have been together, Shelby and Toretti had many ups and down, but somehow manage to make it work. Though Toretti seems to find a way to dig himself a hole and somehow finds a way to fill it up by the end of the day. Shelby tells everyone that she is very happy with Toretti and that is either going to be one of them which ends the relationship. Even though they get mad at each other, at the end of the day, Shelby and Toretti always finds a way to make it work.

On March 28th, 2023 Toretti had ask Shelby to go on a date with him, Brick picked up Shelby from their VineWood house and brought her to a clothing store. After the clothing store, Shelby made her way to Mirror Park when Toretti was standing on top of their Mirror Park house. Toretti who had a custom ring made, dropped to one knee asking Shelby if she would marry him. Shelby who took a long pause said "YES" but.... had herself a custom ring for Toretti gave it to him with him saying "yes" to.


Played By: JavaShorty
Characters: Shelby LaneLemon CheeLouisiana BloomChristina KrossLillith Dabria
