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Shannon Gucci is a character role-played by paypay.

General Description[]

Shannon Gucci is a famous Musical artist and Main Vocalist of the girl group Bimbos, and is also an OG Member of the Venus Fly Traps. Shannon is a popstar in the Los Santos scene. She is best known for being one out of four members of the Bimbos music girl group. Shannon has "natural" growing pink hair and an addiction to Bean Machine soy matcha lattes, no foam & extra hot. She was also born with stunning vocals which set her apart from most that you would see in Los Santos - often being compared to her idol and close friend, Mariah Carey. Shannon comes from a dysfunctional family with an everything but ordinary family tree - regardless, she is still very determined to succeed.

Notable events[]

5 years later...
After her engagement with Niko Rain was called off and the disbandment of the VFTs and the Bimbos, Shannon moved to Liberty City for five years, sporting a new, blonde hair color, and proceeded to help run the expansion of 'GLITTRJUNK'. Having only kept in touch with her close friend Mia Beyern, Shannon became concerned after not hearing from her in 2 years. In search of answers about Mia, Shannon made her way back to Los Santos.


  • Upon her return to the city after five years, the Los Santos air removed her blonde hair dye, returning it to its natural pink color.
  • Shannon is regarded as one of the most fashionable people in the city.


Shannon Gucci on Streaming Services
SoundCloudSpotifyApple MusicYouTube Music
Played By: paypay
Characters: Shannon Gucci
Venus Fly Traps
Members: Amara Beliveau • Brittany HendrxMia BeyernNaomi ScottNoelle AblisaShannon GucciTatianna DonatacciValentine DallaZoey Marie