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Sexton Cohen (né Hardcastle) is a character role-played by bythybeard.

Sexton served as the 8th Mayor of Los Santos. He is an ex-police Lieutenant, and used to be a Detective Sergeant and Shift 2 Supervisor for the Street Crimes Unit. He co-owns Plan Bee (with his wife Sabith "Bunny" Cohen and good friend Nancy Drew) and a private eye agency in its basement called NDA.

General Description[]

Sexton Cohen (né Hardcastle) served as the 8th Mayor of Los Santos. He is currently a nurse for the Los Santos Medical Group. He co-owns Plan Bee and the Nomad Detective Agency. He makes soap for Clean Getaway and candles for Ladywood Apothecary.

He was previously a Lieutenant for the Vinewood Police Department, Badge #406, and a Detective Sergeant and Shift 2 Supervisor for the Street Crimes Unit. Before that, he was a Lead Dispatch FTO for the Los Santos Police Dispatch, call-sign Delta-2. Sexton didn't believe in jailing suspects without evidence, investigating them without reasonable suspicion, or raiding them without enough probable cause. When he investigated two of Los Santos' most shadow organizations, The Stable and Yokai, he spent several months building the cases against them.

During Sexton's time as a police detective, he investigated Sabith "Bunny" Cohen as a suspected accomplice in the murder of ADA Malcador Sigilite and later as The Stable's clean face. Sexton and Bunny eventually began dating in the days leading up to her mayoral election victory. Almost ten months after their wedding, Sexton Hardcastle officially changed his government name to Sexton Cohen on May 2, 2023. Sexton often credits his wife Bunny with changing his life and inspiring him to find new purpose in Los Santos beyond law enforcement. According to Sexton, he never would have ran for Mayor of Los Santos had Bunny not convinced him.

As the Bondi Boys MC and Michael Simone hunted Edgar Del Castillo and Bunny, Sexton fled Los Santos with Bunny on December 10, 2023--finally fulfilling his dream of running away with his true love.

Background Information[]

Born in Canada, Sexton Richard Hardcastle moved to the U.S. at a young age after his parents died. He was brought into a childhood friend's home to live there until he was 18, after his 18th birthday Sexton and his childhood friend, Kevin, both joined their local PD. Both passed academy and become patrol partners, a few years passed and both Hardcastle and Kevin were relocated to Las Ventura's PD where they climbed the ranks fast.

One night on a routine shift, Hardcastle and Kevin were dispatched to a breaking and entering. Upon arrival, they split up to cover both sides. Kevin breached from the back and Hardcastle from the front and soon after, a shot was heard coming from the back of the building. Hardcastle rushed to the back to see Kevin on the ground bleeding from a gunshot wound and no one in sight. Kevin later passed away that night and Hardcastle went into a deep spiral. After that night, Hardcastle was placed on administrative leave and upon hearing that the case on his patrol partner's murder would be closed, Hardcastle put in his transfer to the LSPD.

On arrival to Los Santos on February 4, 2021, he was put on Dispatch Duty until he would have the opportunity to become an officer again. While working Dispatch, he met Claire Everly whom at the time was dating Mina Price. After hearing how Hardcastle was an orphan, Claire decided to adopt him into their family.

Notable Events[]

👮 Unified Police Department[]

Investigating Vault Tec
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Hardcastle (during his final eval) was the first police officer to respond to 4EQ's first Vault Tec heist of a Fleeca Bank on May 9, 2021. Claiming to be contractors under a second chance program, Richard Chiclets preoccupied the police with falsified Fleeca and Vault Tec company web site documentation as Mick Jhonson performed a "vault penetration test" where he secretly hacked into the safe and grabbed all of the money. After calling their "supervisor" Virgil Simpson to corroborate their story, Hardcastle let them all go. Nancy Drew soon joined Vault Tec's subsequent bank capers as a "supervisor". The crew even secured testimonial videos from out of state "executives" (including one who looked like a familiar WWE wrestler) to show the PD. On June 8, 2021, Hardcastle, Sgt. Anita May, Mackenzie Hayes and Dwayne Carter escorted Vault Tec to Paleto Bank, guarded the entrance, and escorted them to a nearby airfield where Ursula Leichenberg choppered them out.

Hardcastle responded to The Stable's first ever City Vault heist on June 26, 2021, jumping onto the back of Mick's getaway motorcycle before slipping off. When Kirk Jerkems and Nancy got caught during the getaway, Hardcastle and Jeffrey Bundy interrogated her and launched a Major Crimes Division investigation of Vault Tec. Alas, Nancy's bookkeeping was too clean, and the MCD had to drop the investigation.

The Murder of ADA Malcador Sigilite
Lizzie-malcador homicide

Stable Hand Elizabeth Byrne's murder of ADA Malcador Sigilite brought a lot of unwanted police heat toward The Stable, forcing them to temporarily clear out their clean face Bunny's warehouse of anything illegal (and refill the stash with booze and condoms from Bahama Mamas West). While investigating Lizzie for Malcador's murder with fellow SCU detectives Amber Gold and Luka Kovacic, Hardcastle entertained raiding Bunny's warehouse for the murder weapon. The three of them had suspicions over the "coincidence" that Bunny had discovered Malcador's body in a secluded torture chamber, and plotted to interrogate her and name her as an accomplice to the ADA's murder for leverage. Ultimately, they moved on from Bunny after Luka believed her account that she had discovered the body while scouting out properties. Later during an interrogation with Hardcastle and Gold, Lizzie confessed to Malcador's murder and went to prison for several years.

Lizzie often taunted Hardcastle about being on her "hit list". At Paleo Pier with Dante Wolf watching, Hardcastle once thought about shooting her for kidnapping his girlfriend Lily Pond and sewing her mouth shut. But Kyle Pred showed up, and Lizzie ended up serving 43 years in prison.

Investigating The Stable

From June 2021 to November 2021, Hardcastle investigated a shadow crime organization called The Stable, listed as the "Mickolas and Friends" gang in the MDW because the group kept their name secret from the police. Hardcastle often humored The Stable's elaborately staged confidence games, always letting the group go free if the evidence wasn't strong enough to support an arrest. The Stable admired Hardcastle and greatly respected his "by the book" integrity, but also feared his investigative tenacity and often evolved their tactics to stay one step ahead of him. Stable Head Nancy Drew used to describe Hardcastle's obsession with them as Ahab hunting his white whale.

When The Stable's head of meth distribution Smooth Williams got arrested for selling Mick's strain 21-jay (with both Thomas Dwayne and Rocky Topps loitering around the spot afterward), Hardcastle began an SCU investigation of the entire group for drug trafficking. The Stable Heads grew alarmed when Hardcastle showed up to Maison Ricard to gift Mick a card of himself as a wedding present. Paranoid, Nancy Drew swept the entire office to ensure their privacy and Mick voluntarily benched himself from any further meth cornering.

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The Stable gunning down Hardcastle for "snooping" around their meth spot

During Hardcastle's surveillance of one of The Stable's meth spots, The Stable sent him a message. On orders from Thomas and Smooth, Stable Hand Abner Vaca mag dumped Hardcastle in his undercover car while he was distracted looking at boosters. It was the first time The Stable had ever sanctioned a hit on a police officer.

In September 2021, Hardcastle arrested Smooth a second time for selling meth. Afterward, Hardcastle was impressed by a new Stable scam where Kirk Jerkems, Smooth, and Thomas cornered meth in broad daylight under the guise of a mobile taco truck business (Charros de Caballeros). They concealed their meth handoffs with "boxes full of tacos" and umbrellas. After letting them go, Hardcastle grew agitated by repeated suspicious calls from the same area. Hardcastle, Bundy, and other SCU officers returned in force with Dante Wolf's police dog Preacher, but could not find any trace of meth in the area. Smooth smugly taunted Hardcastle and the SCU over Preacher's false positive, and threatened to sue the LSPD for "harassment".

Hardcastle continued to tenaciously update the "Mickolas and Friends" case file with every meth strain that arresting officers found on them. The SCU case grew cold once Mick left the city (with his 21-jay recipe) and Smooth left The Stable. The Stable also stayed one step ahead of Hardcastle by evolving their meth empire from cornering to wholesale drug-running, where strain and quality didn't matter and everyone in The Stable could cook their own personal strains (which the police would have difficulty tying back to them). On October 18, 2021 during The Stable's first big meth run, Dick, Thomas, Kirk, and Abner gunned down Jeffrey Bundy on their way to dropping off 40 pillows worth of meth containing all of The Stable's meth strains. Later in the day, Bundy found the armored kuruma that they had used to smuggle the meth contraband--abandoned on a pier covered in bullet shells. Subsequently, Bundy created SOPs for these types of 37A calls.

Operation Rinoceronte and the Endgame of The Stable

Hardcastle's biggest opportunity to take down The Stable began with a huge break in the case on the night of November 9, 2021. The group's primary meth cook Kirk Jerkems had gotten careless during The Stable's marathon day of timing cooks at the public meth labs, and stashed three pillows of his meth strain 51-rhinoceros inside his own apartment rather than inside The Stable's warehouse. Jeffrey Bundy, while raiding the apartment looking for illegal guns, laughed to himself as he seized Kirk's three meth pillows. The Street Crimes Unit charged Kirk, Abner Vaca, Xavier Valentine, and Felix Volk with felony obstruction for driving up to the apartment building, subpoenaed their phone records and text messages, uncovered "The Stable" name (Bundy had first heard the name when the HOA tried to save their own warehouse by false flagging The Stable's neighboring warehouse), and suspected LSPD Sgt. Dante Wolf (Nancy's boyfriend) of possibly informing for them. Also because Thomas Dwayne's car had interrupted the raid, the police claimed reasonable suspicion that The Stable was stockpiling meth in the warehouse of Thomas' Bahama Mamas West CEO Bunny. Bundy was unable to decipher Kirk's "9 more firecrackers" text to Nancy and the Stable Heads--the text was actually a meth pillow countdown to The Stable's final meth run.

Hardcastle secretly camped outside of The Stable's suspected warehouse for eight hours. While taking a break to attend an LSPD meeting about the sheriff election, Hardcastle openly mentioned the stakeout in front of Dante. Unbeknownst to Hardcastle, he and The Stable were headed toward an epic collision course that day. The Stable had disguised themselves as white collar Bahama Mamas employees in a ploy to enter their warehouse, grab all of their class 2 guns and over 40 pillows worth of meth, and storm out blacked-out with guns blazing. Roughly five minutes before their planned raid on the warehouse, Nancy Drew narrowly stopped them with Dante's passing comment that Hardcastle was too busy staking out a warehouse to go treasure hunting with her. Deterred and disappointed, The Stable aborted the mission.

Hardcastle-barn stakeout

Det. Hardcastle staking out The Stable's warehouse

On November 12, 2021, hours after Hardcastle had ended his morning stakeout, The Stable finally stormed their warehouse--despite the threat of police surveillance--in a last-ditch mission to export the last of their meth pillows. They grabbed over 40 meth pillows, which Stable Heads Dick Chiclets and Thomas Dwayne then transported inside an armored Landstalker SUV at the front of a three-car convoy.

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10-37A tracker blip for The Stable's final meth run

Drawn by the 37A call and tracker blip, Hardcastle (in his first ever 37A response) descended Mount Chiliad (where Lang Buddha had fled from ocean dumping Dante Wolf) and led Air-1 and a swarm of police cars to intercept the convoy on Los Santos freeway at Grapeseed. Due to police inexperience with 37A calls, a miscommunication over the radio channel, a delayed tracker ping, and tenacious interference from the Stable's two satellite cars, Dick and Thomas managed to narrowly escape in their armored SUV and drop off the last of The Stable's meth. Meanwhile, Hardcastle got gunned down by Kirk Jerkems, Abner Vaca, and friendly fire from his fellow police officers. Later when Hardcastle returned from the hospital, he walked in on a police interrogation of his friend Nancy Drew by Jeffrey Bundy, Shane Jones, and Sam Baas over suspicion that she and The Stable had attempted to ocean dump her boyfriend Dante (Bundy even suggested that maybe The Stable had staged the 37A as an alibi). Afterward, Nancy--disillusioned that her police "friends" would dare exploit Dante's attempted murder to dig up dirt on her and The Stable (and angry that Mackenzie Hayes was the only police officer who seemed to believe her innocence)--rebuked Hardcastle over the phone and had a falling out with him (some time later, the two of them made up).

As a consequence of the three seized 51-rhinoceros meth pillows, Kirk and Abner accepted Bundy's plea deal and turned themselves into Hardcastle and Hayes on November 21, 2021. Kirk served three days in prison for drug trafficking; Abner served two days in prison for accomplice to drug trafficking. With The Stable swearing off meth and all of the public and private meth labs shutting down for good, Hardcastle's investigation of The Stable's meth operations effectively ended. By the end of 2021, The Stable had broken up--their meth no longer poisoning the streets of Los Santos.

Nancy Drew and Sabith "Bunny" Cohen began using The Stable's warehouse to store honey and bees wax for their legal business Plan Bee. Ironically, Hardcastle later saved Bunny from her first felony arrest when she provided falsified documentation for the delivery truck that she had stolen to transport Plan Bee's goods. Hardcastle finally saw the inside of the warehouse on January 18, 2022, when Nancy gave both him and Lily Pond a guided tour of it.

Strange Bedfellows

you and Jeffy still a thing?

— Hardcastle's fateful text to mayoral candidate Sabith "Bunny" Cohen


After Hardcastle broke up with Pond, he began sleeping with Sabith "Bunny" Cohen in the days leading up to her mayoral election victory. Hardcastle also started a "Mick Jhonson Manhunt" case file to investigate his kidnapping and where he was sending text messages from. The same day that Hardcastle was rescuing Mayor Bunny's ex-boyfriend Jeffy Coldiron from a serial killer named the Game Master on April 27, 2022, all of the original Stable OG's, including Elizabeth Byrne, reunited to rescue Mick from "The Highwayman" at the Los Santos International Airport. The next day on April 28, 2022, Hardcastle escorted a comatose Mick out of the ICU so he could marry long-time fiance Jessie Jugg in a "MatriMania" wedding. Mick finally woke up during the ceremony to say "I WOOOOO!" Afterward, Mick was shocked to learn how much Hardcastle had uncovered about Vault Tec and The Stable, including the huge stash of meth that The Stable had hidden in Bunny's warehouse.

The Secrets of Sabith Cohen

As a result of Hardcastle's growing loneliness in the police department, he found himself spending a lot more time off-duty with The Stable's former clean face Sabith "Bunny" Cohen. On June 9th, 2022, Hardcastle and Bunny moved in together at a new house he bought by the beach. Uncertain of Hardcastle's boundaries as a cop, Bunny tested whether he would steal a box truck with her to transport beehives. She also told him he couldn't come to her Plan Bee warehouse anymore if he was going to snoop around the other warehouses. Then after a search for Ethyl Winkelfiddle, Hardcastle's rational mind struggled to process Bunny's assertion that Down Bad Records artist Peren Meliamne is immortal and that Bunny was a god named Doe who chose to be a person (and that two other gods on earth could possess her friends). Secretly, Hardcastle wasn't even fazed by this revelation. He was more scared of ending up like her past polyamorous partners Jeffy Coldiron and Rocky Topps, and waking up alone in an empty bed. On June 16th, 2022, when Bunny publicly released her new single "Always", she finally revealed her secret identity as the music artist Doe to the world. On June 21st, 2022 when Thomas Dwayne formally broke the news of his deteriorating lung condition to The Stable, Bunny asked Hardcastle if he wanted to marry her that weekend so that Thomas could walk her down the aisle before his death. Hardcastle answered, "Uh, sure. Yes."


Wedding ceremony on July 8, 2022 at Paleto Cove

Hardcastle and Bunny completed their legally binding marriage contract on June 23rd, 2022, with Judge Serge Cross officiating and Nancy Drew witnessing. On July 8th, 2022, at sunset, Serge officiated their wedding ceremony at Paleto Cove. Nancy walked down an aisle lined by all of Street Crimes Unit and Bunny's friends. Thomas walked Bunny down the aisle. After Hardcastle and Bunny exchanged vows and wedding rings, Serge pronounced them husband and wife. On the limo ride back, Nancy accidentally drove over a motorcycle. Although the limo exploded and Bunny burst into flames, she kept drinking vodka on adrenaline.

On September 6th, 2022, Dick Chiclets sold the Down Bad Records mansion back to the state for $804,000. Later that day while shopping for a Vinewood house, Hardcastle found the mansion for sale and bought it for 1.2 million dollars. After Bunny happened to decline Harry Martinez's offer to sign to Wu-Chang Records, Hardcastle surprised her with the DBR mansion. Given that DBR employees could still create tapes with the tape press in the backyard, Bunny approached Dick about transferring ownership to her so she could create her own independent record label. When Dick refused—citing the time she refused to share ownership of Bahama Mamas West with him and Rocky Topps—Bunny quit the company. Charlotte Greene of Morph Interiors redecorated the interior of the mansion for Hardcastle and Bunny to live in.

On December 21, 2022, Bunny confessed to Hardcastle that ever since Jeffy Coldiron accidentally triggered her memories of Doe, she didn't feel well. Bunny was scared that she was dying because her body was rejecting the Doe soul. Nancy Drew also confessed that she was a psychopomp who ferried souls of the dead, and that Bunny looked "blurry" to her. Nancy also added that she unconsciously rescued somebody from Purgatory.

Bunnys Wedding Band

By the end of 2022, Bunny's health had deteriorated, and Nancy Drew noticed Bunny appeared "dimmer". With Bunny's organs failing and her hair turning white, Cassandra Silverton performed an emergency spiritual ceremony on January 6, 2023 to tether Bunny's soul to keepsakes such as a locket Hardcastle gave her, the gold compass that she gave to him, their two wedding rings, and her friendship bracelet with Nancy. At sunset on Paleto Cove where Hardcastle and Bunny had held their wedding ceremony, he and a black feather-cloaked Nancy watched uneasily as Cas performed the ritual inside of a chalk circle with Bunny. Unbeknownst to them, Bunny's soul could only be tethered to living things--and trying to tether it to objects only caused more of Doe's essence to surge into her. The ceremony went awry, with Cas' hands burning and her eyes and ears bleeding, and the two wedding rings clutched in Bunny's hands breaking. Nancy spotted Norman Bones in the distance, and wrapped her cloak around Cas. Later in the hospital when Nancy looked into Cas' soul, it appeared "singed" with some kind of "shard" in the center. Bunny still looked blurry to Nancy, and Hardcastle inexplicably felt a profound sense of loneliness.

In the days that followed, Bunny's health recovered while Hardcastle felt sicker. His eyes changed color from green to icy blue. Nancy felt fine--except for a little "twinge" in her chest. When Cas finally awoke from the ICU, she felt a little cold and sad but spiritually sound. Cas theorized that the ceremony had inadvertently pulled more of Doe's essence into Bunny's body--prolonging her life--and spiritually "exploded" shards of Doe into everyone else at the ceremony with Hardcastle suffering the worst effects. Using "soul surgery", Cas eventually managed to contain her Doe shard in a clear quartz crystal.

On February 6, 2023, Bunny sleepwalked from Nancy's brand-new headquarters at the Galileo Observatory. Hardcastle found Bunny near death on the side of the road without a pulse, and struggled to resuscitate her. The hospital doctors stabilized her, and discovered unusually high brain activity on her MRI.

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Soul binding ceremony inside of the Galileo Observatory on February 7, 2023

The next day, Bunny was still on a ventilator in the ICU--and Nancy saw that Bunny's soul was barely hanging onto her body. Inside of the Galileo Observatory, Hardcastle, Nancy, and Dr. Dahlia Fey watched as Cas attempted to "vaccinate" Bunny with the Doe shard crystal. The floor began to shake, and a deep hum filled the air. Dahlia had to resuscitate Bunny, inject her with adrenaline, and use shock paddles. Nancy noticed a slight improvement, but saw a lot of Doe "overflow" in Bunny as a result. Concerned that the "vaccine" might not work, Cas initiated a binding ceremony to tether Bunny's soul to both Hardcastle and Nancy. The floor quaked and the deep hum built back up. Cas' eyes bled and her hands burned. A loud bang and a flash of blinding light filled the room. Bunny's vitals stabilized, and she was able to breathe without a ventilator. Nancy reported that Bunny's soul had spread to both Hardcastle and Nancy, and that Bunny no longer looked blurry. Bunny woke up tired but ok.

On March 21, 2023 atop the Diamond Casino and Resort, Hardcastle and Bunny reminisced about their one-year-old relationship. Bunny finally revealed to Hardcastle the truth about Stable Hand Lizzie Byrne's murder of ADA Malcador Sigilite. Bunny had sensed something wrong with Lizzie that day, and Senior Stable Hand Rocky Topps called Lizzie and found out her plan to commit murder (then went to sleep). In an effort to stop the murder, Bunny demanded Lizzie's whereabouts from her friend Thom Yung or else Bunny would expose The Stable (Lizzie's most beloved relationship) to the police. Lizzie phoned Bunny that it was "too late", and reluctantly directed her to the torture chamber where she had killed and burned up Malcador. Bunny, guilt-ridden about her failure to save Malcador's life, called 911 and lied to police that she had been scouting out properties for a business when she found the corpse. Bunny called it the worst day of her entire life.

Investigating the Clowncil

After one year had passed since Hardcastle took down The Stable's meth empire and jailed their primary meth cook Kirk Jerkems (and Abner Vaca) for drug trafficking, Hardcastle caught the scent of his old foe once again. On November 25th, 2022, Detective Eryn Carter and Officer Lucas Lovesick spotted two clowns and their Wastelander outside of Doctor Jeffy Coldiron's warehouse. When one of the clowns confronted Lovesick about it, he intimated that they were "trafficking marijuana" and then fled in a police car. The next day, Hardcastle began helping Carter patrol the area, stake it out, and watch individuals go in and out of the warehouse (and ignored their dumpster bait). However, their questioning of a disguised person of interest confirmed the suspicions of a police investigation for the clowns. Hardcastle told Deputy Chief Jeffrey Bundy that he would start compiling a membership list of the clowns.

Clowns continued to go in and out of Jeffy's warehouse for over a month, until he had to sell it on January 9, 2023 because R.U.S.T. (an enemy of the Clowncil) had linked him to the warehouse and kidnapped him. The clowns' new warehouse didn't last long. Kirk Jerkems got drug trafficking when the police saw him cooking meth on March 15, 2023 and raided his Grapeseed house, and clown clean face Keith Herman got drug trafficking when the police raided his warehouse on March 24, 2023.

Investigating Yokai and the Racing Scene

Hardcastle investigated the street racing crew Yokai for 6-7 months in 2022. The Street Racing Unit originally brought him in to assist lead Yokai investigator Oliver Fury. Hardcastle wrote a huge search and seizure warrant signed for the Yokai case, and was the one who unmasked their leader Shinigami.

Getting Fired

After the police raided Yokai leader Mary Mushkin for shooting an RPG at them, Deputy Commissioner Sam Baas, Chief of Police Brian Knight, and Chief of Police Lance Malton ended up suspending Lt. Hardcastle indefinitely on February 10, 2023 for safeguarding a seized dongle he knew to be precious to Mary (it once belonged to her late friend Big M) and giving it to her lawyer James Haze outside of MRPD. Hardcastle had assumed that Brian would've just seized the sentimental dongle without ever returning it to Mary. Having already been planning retirement (due to a failing lung) to start the Nomad Detective Agency, Hardcastle told Brian to keep his PD badges and texted Malton that he likely would not return to the PD. Hardcastle was fired as a result.

At the beginning of April 2023, Hardcastle was finally jailed for Evidence Tampering and Felony Obstruction of Justice. He expunged the charge from his record. James Haze received a warrant for his arrest with the same charges.

Haze warrent

James' case dragged on until the end of June 2023, with Judge Siobhan Fitzpatrick finally acquitting James of all charges--saving him from getting disbarred.

🕵️ Nomad Detective Agency[]


Hardcastle's first case as a private eye was Janus, a serial killer targeting Simone Memorial Hospital and its Board of Directors to extort supplies (two colt pythons, two burner phones, and two handcuffs) from hospital owner Nick Simone. While Janus was holding Board of Director Alexander Blake captive to prolong a torture victim's life (Cassidy Fitzpatrick), Nick invited fellow Board of Director Bunny along to meet Janus on February 16, 2023 to pick up a recording of Dr. Blake. On the next day to the anger of both Hardcastle and Nick's ex-friend Nancy Drew, Bunny was briefly kidnapped by Janus (as leverage against Nick) and laughed it off. When an argument with Bunny led Hardcastle to collapse from a failed lung, Bunny reconciled with both him and Nancy.

Janus continued to phone Hardcastle to taunt him about kidnapping Bunny. Hardcastle threatened Janus and her wife. Dr. Blake managed to euthanize Cassidy and escape from Janus, but suffered mortal gunshot wounds from her colt python. He tendered his resignation from the hospital, stating that he had lost the urge to help people and could not return in his current state. Janus taunted both Hardcastle and Bunny over the phone and left body parts in their mailbox. The police eventually caught Janus on February 25, 2023. Janus' serial killer wife Freyja Hemlock held up Anita May and died in a shootout. The next day after Janus briefly escaped police custody, Anita held her until trial.


Janus excelled at sowing disinformation. The hospital's General Counsel Norman Adams reported that during Janus' police interrogation, she claimed that both Nick and Bunny had paid off Janus to hold Dr. Blake captive for 30 days. This claim made both Dr. Blake and his cop lover Eryn Carter paranoid that Nick and Bunny had it out for Dr. Blake. Dr. Blake eventually died on April 2, 2023 from the mortal gunshot injuries inflicted by Janus. Later that day, Simone investigator Brian Knight took Janus' bait in exchange for a possible plea deal on her death penalty case. DoC officer Levy Martinez colluded with Wyld Child owner May Flowers and twatted a photo of Janus talking to Brian and her attorney Siobhan Fitzpatrick. Brian held Levy until trial for witness tampering. Hardcastle archived the twat in his Janus case file, and advised Nick not to kill her because it would be misconstrued as a cover-up. Hypothesizing that the LSMG Board of Directors conspired to violently remove Dr. Blake from the board, Brian recruited Jeffrey Bundy to help him investigate Nick and Bunny as possible accessories to Dr. Blake's murder. Primary on the case Anita May warned Brian and Bundy that Janus liked to twist the truth, and that Janus and her late wife Freyja Hemlock targeted more cops and medical staff than just Dr. Blake.

Brian's police investigation went cold. On May 24, 2023, Deputy Mayors Eve Summers and Alex Domino informed Mayor Lang Buddha that Janus wanted a mayoral pardon from the death penalty (and relayed her claim that Nick and Bunny paid Janus to keep Dr. Blake captive for 30 days). The next day at Janus' sentencing hearing, she fatally stabbed Judge Antigone Weston in the neck with a pen. Janus was finally executed by lethal injection on May 31, 2023.

Hunted by Cerberus, Chang Gang, and The Guild
Bunny and nick simone-2023-03-22

Sexton became convinced that Bunny's friendship with fellow LSMG board member Nick Simone was ruining their lives during his feud with Mayor Lang Buddha. Bunny had felt like giving up on her friendship with Nick, and wrote him a letter that he wasn't putting enough effort into it. In response, Nick showed her a secret bunker on March 22, 2023 where he had tagged "CORRUPTION", "LANG BUDDHA", "DEATH" and "NUCLEAR" all over the walls. Nick convinced Bunny to give him another chance.

When Lang's hunting party brainstormed going after the doctors closest to Nick, Nancy Drew had to talk Lang out of picking up Bunny. Chang Gang also screened women in their search for Bunny after they found her letter in Nick's pocket (and mistook it for a "love letter"). CG kidnapped, interrogated, and often tortured multiple gang leaders, police officers, criminals, and civilians in their hunt for Michael Simone--forcing Sexton and Bunny to go into hiding. Nick responded with drug benders. CG also read their kidnapees' texts for more targets, leading Lang to leak some of their embarrassing private texts on Twatter. Out of loyalty to Nancy, Lang continued to keep Bunny off limits.

Sexton and Bunny finally had to leave town to her parents' house in Nashville on April 8, 2023, when a drone airstrike of the Icecrown Citadel (after Eve Summers had upset Nick) caused Yeager to twat a public death threat to Nick's friends. Because Nick had left town, Lexi Law advised The Guild to go after his friend Bunny instead through her bee business and interior decorating. Yeager, Lando, Bjorn, Lexi, Antonio Rodrigues, and even Eve hunted for Bunny. They installed cameras at Plan Bee, Nomad Detective Agency, The Richman Hotel, bee hill, and the ex-DBR house. Yeager even wanted his adoptive father Lang to make Nancy turn Bunny over, an argument that eventually caused Lang to disown Yeager.

Chang Gang eventually moved on when Hydra caught Michael Simone and turned him over to the police. Yeager became the official owner-operator of his own sovereign island named Sanguine Isle, and resorted to using Reed Dankleaf as a possible way of getting to Nick. Having been in hiding for about a month, Bunny and Sexton finally returned to Los Santos on April 24, 2023 and openly attended the wedding between Rose Rhodes and Chris Kross at The Gentry.

Mayoral Campaign

On May 2, 2023, Sexton Hardcastle took on his wife Bunny's last name and officially changed his government name to Sexton Cohen. During Mayor Lang Buddha's second and final term, Sexton began "pre-campaigning" for Mayor of Los Santos with former Mayor Bunny as his political advisor and coach. Intending to run a clean grassroots campaign much like Bunny did to win her mayoral race against Ramee El-Rahman, Sexton picked his Deputy Mayors (Bunny, Nancy Drew, Etta Hawthorne, and Kiki Pendragon) and a legal counsel (James Haze) for drafting legislation. Sexton pitched himself as an independent non-puppet mayoral candidate who wanted to give back to the city, and started canvassing his police contacts, doctors, small businesses, and gangs.

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Shinigami agreeing to support Sexton's mayoral campaign

On May 17, 2023, Sexton met with the Yokai leader he had once investigated for months, Mary Mushkin, at the Liquid Library about his intent to run for Mayor. Mary mentioned that the Tuner Shop needed a receipt ticket system like the other mechanic shops. She added that she wanted a Mayor to help reform the police, citing how much she hated "pocket-wiper" Brian Knight and his pettiness for firing Sexton over the dongle but not Jackie Snow (for giving Mary back the same dongle). Mary agreed to back Sexton's mayoral campaign with her money and resources, eventually donating one million dollars to it (with the caveat that their help came with strings attached).

2023-05-23 Clown Meeting with Hardcastle

Sexton canvassing the Clowncil on May 23, 2023

During Sexton's well-received mayoral pitch to the Clowncil (where their top concern was feeling persecuted by the PD's enforcement of the mask mandate legislation) on May 23, 2023, he shocked them with his knowledge of their two clean faces and warehouses (both of which the police had recently been burned). Sexton sensed that the Seaside meeting went less well, particularly due to their reaction to his Deputy Mayor picks. And despite Bunny's friendship with Nicholas Simone, Sexton resisted seeking his endorsement due to the recent events. Attorney Samantha Sanders liked his plan for raising DOJ pay. He also found out from Judge Nathaniel Greyson, the "treasurer for the DOJ", that the DOJ lacked a budget and wanted to revive DOJ events. Bunny advised Sexton against any kind of pro or anti-Cerberus stance, recommending that he instead cite Nancy Drew (despite her growing fatigue with her current Deputy Mayor duties) as their liaison to Cerberus. Bunny also suggested soliciting feedback from any constituents wondering how Sexton's term would differ from hers.

On May 29, 2023, Sexton "Hardcastle" Cohen officially submitted his application for Mayor of Los Santos. At that morning's Cerberus meeting, Nancy Drew informed Mayor Lang Buddha that she had agreed to be a Deputy Mayor for Sexton. Although Eve Summers, Lexi Law, and Lang all voiced concern about Bunny being back in the Mayor's Office (and couldn't reconcile how their Corpo Kid winner could hate the idea of "big corpo"), Lang couldn't think of any other candidates for Cerberus to support given that Nancy and Cassie Cupcake had lost interest in running. After Nancy assured Lang that Sexton would let Cerberus do what they wanted, Lang tentatively agreed to support Sexton's mayoral campaign.

Sexton asked various constituents for permission to post his campaign signs at their businesses and to help re-twat him. On June 1, 2023 during Sexton's mayoral pitch to former Mayor Andi Jones at the Liquid Library, she confronted him point-blank about whether he was the Cerberus candidate (mostly due to his friendship with Nancy Drew). Andi mentioned needing money for her events business, granted him permission to use the Mirror Park Gas Station for a campaign event, and told him not to count on HOA votes because "they voted for Party Hardy when I ran." The Sexton campaign team held various events around the city, including free car repairs and gas for an hour at Harmony Repairs Garage and an hour at Otto's Autos.

On the first day of voting on June 5, 2023, the race got more competitive when former Cerberus CEO Cassie Cupcake submitted her mayoral application a couple of hours before the deadline--leading the Sexton campaign to start twatting a new slogan: "Vote for a Mayor who's been here." Sexton began second-guessing his chances if Cerberus decided to back her campaign. However at that morning's Cerberus meeting, Lang Buddha, Leslie Lingberg, and Harry Brown didn't want Cassie to win because of how she left Cerberus and went into business with Marty Banks and Larry Knox. But even though Lang feared that her Gulag Gang friends could manipulate her, he also feared that Bunny could manipulate Sexton. So Cerberus resolved to hedge their support and to try to plant Cerberus loyalists into both of their cabinets. At the Monday morning hospital meeting, hospital owner Nick Simone encouraged the doctors to vote for Sexton before he stumped for them. Then while hanging out with mayoral candidate Party Hardy in front of Dennis LaBarre City Hall, Cassie invited Sexton to come join them. Bunny fumed at the possibility of Cassie's late entry and name recognition hijacking everything they worked for, twatted about how little time Cassie spent in the city, and warned people to stop campaigning on City Hall grounds. Cassie supporter Marty Banks unsuccessfully tried to convince Sexton to drop out of the mayoral race. Later that night, Sophie Sanders and Scruffy Doodle hosted a mayoral debate on Siren Radio between the available candidates: Sexton, Sophia McMoo, Party, and Cassie. Later at The Billabong when Sexton stumped for the Bondi Boys MC with Nancy Drew and Bunny, Nancy's endorsement and Sexton's plan for Vespucci persuaded Prime Minister Barry Benson to promise him the BBMC votes. Also per Nancy's suggestion, Sexton invited Lang's other VP of Operations Eve Summers to be the possible fifth Deputy Mayor (for the AU/EU tsunami but only if no one better wanted the job). Finally, Adam Prince promised Sexton that The Saints would vote for him.

On the second day of voting, Cerberus continued to stay out of the election. Lang Buddha confirmed that they would just try for Deputy Mayor positions even though they had now vacillated toward Cassie Cupcake. But to Nancy's discomfort, Lexi Law, Penelope Farthing, and Lang shared what Bunny had audaciously texted to him and Cassie. Wanting to keep the campaign clean, Sexton told Bunny he didn't want Nancy to feel any divided loyalties. Convinced that Lang's re-twat of a pro-Cassie twat meant that he was purposely ghosting Sexton, Sexton gave up trying to get a meeting with him. Similarly, Sexton gave up trying to get a meeting with police Commissioner Sam Baas. On the fourth day of voting, The Saints took Sexton hostage for a jewelry store robbery and injected him with metamorphine, messing up his health and equilibrium all morning until the NA storm. He spent the day cold calling voters. Per a tip from supporter Mila Smoak, Sexton cautioned the "Gooon Squad" (sp) not to hover at the voting booths. Siren Radio finally played Sexton's mayoral ad and reminded people to vote. Then with a box truck full of 100 paint thinners from campaign backer Jason Ledson, Sexton, Bunny, GSF, and others worked tediously to clean up the entire Forum Drive turf that GSF's enemies had vandalized with nearly 130 sprays of different varieties. Sexton and Bunny bought an additional 30 paint thinners to scrub them all--a grand total close to half a million campaign dollars. They also met with Liz Anya at Wu-Chang Records despite their CEO Party Hardy running against them. On the final day of voting on June 9, 2023, Speedy tried to smear Sexton in a late push to elect Jose Luis Santana (nicknamed "Cousin") for Mayor. The Sexton campaign finally saw a campaign twat from Cousin, proclaiming that his first edict as Mayor would be to close down the "evil corporate company called Cerberus".

Mayoral announcement-2023-06-10

Announcement of Sexton's mayoral victory on June 10, 2023

On June 10th, 2023, Chief Judge Alan Crane announced Sexton as the winner of the mayoral election - becoming the 8th Mayor of Los Santos with 314 votes and a landslide margin of over 22%. Former Deputy Mayor Eve Summers trained the new Deputy Mayors Etta Hawthorne and Kiki Pendragon. Senior Judge Serge Cross also helped orient Sexton. Ironically inside of the Mayor's Office, the former Chief of Police who fired Sexton from the Unified Police Department/3.0, Brian Knight, congratulated him with Deputy Mayor Etta (who never forgave Brian for bragging about killing her brother Senior Deputy Cody Sharp) and Deputy Mayor Kiki (whom Brian and Kyle Pred once ocean dumped) all in the same room. Although Sexton had initially hired Bunny on as a Deputy Mayor, she decided to recuse herself from the Mayor's Office to avoid scrutiny about whether she was manipulating him and Deputy Mayor Nancy Drew. Bunny completed the Deputy Mayor training for both Etta and Kiki.

⚖️ Mayor of Los Santos[]

Sexton's Mayoral Priorities

Deputy Mayors: Nancy Drew, Etta Hawthorne, Kiki Pendragon, Sabith "Bunny" Cohen; Legal Counsel: James Haze

Mayor Sexton wanted to give back to the city and bring life back to it. In addition to continuing the state business grant program that Bunny originally started, Sexton started a popular event grant program and the first iteration of Pop-up Markets in the city. He confirmed that only the Senate could shut down AEGIS, and got tired of constituents asking about it.

For Sexton's mayoral term, he focused on the following priorities:

  • Funded Cerberus Industries Armory missiles for the Unified Police Department/3.0 to counterattack the The Russians.
  • Convinced the Senate to raise Department of Corrections pay from $900 to $1400.
  • With the state pay raise for the Mayor's Office denied, paid out all good-standing former Mayors two million dollars per term, and one million dollars per term for past Deputy Mayors.
  • With the state pay raise for the police, judges, and lawyers denied, granted the "treasurer for the DOJ" Judge Nathaniel Greyson a budget and authority to pay judges for office hours (with receipts required), to financially incentivize lawyers (to work bench trials, expungement hearings, and cell reps), to fund special recreational events for the DOJ for their morale, and to pay county clerks bonuses.
  • Restored state budgets to the places that previous Mayor Lang Buddha had defunded, i.e., the Simone Memorial Hospital and maintenance fees for Shane Powers' Overboost Drift School. Purchased two 2.7 million dollar G63 G-Wagons for the doctors.
  • Surprised the Senora Desert Sheriff's Office with a state-funded $700,000 Caracara for counteracting the Caracara Boys.
  • Bought an 18 million dollar armored 4-seat Buffalo STX (with bulletproof windows, front-mounted machine guns, and recessed tires) from Mary Mushkin and Patrick Tuna of Mushkin's Motors to protect him and the Mayoral Staff from political threats per Mickey S's Mayoral Security Act. Removed the mini-guns from it and temporarily transferred it to Lt. Connor Stubble for the High Value Target Unit to use.
  • Submitted a formal construction request for the Tuner Shop, Lucky Plucker, and Overboost Drift School to get ticket receipt systems. Funded a 2.5 million dollar trial run for Lucky Plucker for a temporary clock in/clock out ticket system in the meantime. Paid a 5 million dollar state grant to the Tuner Shop.
  • Resumed the state business grants with a new option about whether the applicant consents to an audit of their business bank records, reviews every Saturday and payouts every Sunday, and receipt requirements proving that the money was actually spent on storefronts, interior design, or events. Recruited Senior Judge Nathaniel Greyson and a panel of police for the DOJ to investigate abuse of state business grants.
  • Paid Pitchers an additional 10 million dollars for a Pride 2023 state grant.
  • Paid out a 2 million dollar bounty on serial killer Lily Turrow as of June 16, 2023 (awarded to Lily Pond).
  • Created a new event grant program for the state to sponsor business events, starting with a $640,000 event grant to Karen of Wu-Chang Records for a 5th of July Party.
  • Started state-run Flea Market Sundays, starting with two Pop-up Market events in two storms in Paleto on June 25, 2023 coordinated by Deputy Mayor Kiki Pendragon where people sold products from their vehicle trunks.
  • Answered live and previously submitted anonymous questions on a Siren Radio town hall on July 13, 2023.
  • Debt relief program: forgave the debt of two clean civilians who were out of the city. Clarified that criminals and loan defaulters did not qualify.
  • Successfully pushed the Primary Aviation Act legislation: AirX's proposed aviation laws, new PD charges, a point penalty system for abuse of rental aircraft from LSIA, requirement of a revocable Pilot License to rent aircraft, and an increase in aircraft rental prices.
  • Pushed the Respecting Peoples Grievances (RPG) Act: Attorney James Haze's hospital legislation where police must allow visitation to ICU patients in police custody with stipulations.
  • Covered Orpheus' 2.5 million dollar construction costs for reconstructing the Vultur Lé Culturé Fight Club octagon inside of Cerberus Arena.
  • Pushed Sloane Kelly's proposed addendum to his San Andreas Royalties Foundation Act (S. 2128) that would improve the payment of royalties to music artists and their music labels.
  • Paid Project Sinatra the 175 million-dollar insurance claim for the spaceship Tommy T bombed (per the revised Astronaut Certifications legislation) on August 3, 2023.
  • Flea market legislation to mandate a markets license and prohibit the sale of illegal products. Deregulate the "Stop, Frisk, & ID" ordinance (a.k.a. the mask mandate) so that PD officers cannot frisk or search masked individuals if they remove their mask fast enough.
Tensions with Cerberus

Tensions simmered between Mayor Sexton and the outgoing mayoral administration of Cerberus loyalists, with Deputy Mayor Nancy Drew stuck in the middle. Sexton felt like he owed nothing to former Mayor Lang Buddha. Not only did Lang ghost him during and after the election season, he ordered former Deputy Mayor Eve Summers to erase all of the old state grant records (forcing Bunny to create new forms). Sexton also hated Lang's hostility toward Bunny, and the role it had played in her being hunted (as well as her decision to step down as Deputy Mayor). AEGIS, in particular, was run by Cerberus loyalists and the two police officers whom Sexton had considered hypocrites for firing him: Sam Baas and Brian Knight.

Aegis-mayors office-2023-06-14

Deputy Mayor Nancy Drew standing with AEGIS on June 14, 2023

On June 14, 2023, the entire Mayor's Office met with the AEGIS board and Leslie Lingberg. Deputy Mayor Nancy Drew picked up that Mayor Sexton, Deputy Mayor Etta Hawthorne, and Deputy Mayor Kiki Pendragon were all wearing white and blue, and changed into her red and black clothes before standing with Cerberus. Sexton picked up that the new AEGIS owner Tim Collins kept talking about what they were doing "for now". Leslie and police Commissioner Sam Baas picked up that Etta kept stressing the public's fear of AEGIS with neither Sexton nor Kiki objecting. Tim picked up that the Mayor's Office seemed to brush off his offers for help. Eve Summers picked up that Sexton referred to Nancy as the liaison for "Cerberus" rather than "AEGIS". Directly afterward in a tense private meeting that Cerberus was unable to eavesdrop on, Baas discussed the justification for firing Sexton for seizing the dead man's dongle (that Sexton assumed Brian Knight would never return to Mary Mushkin). Sexton countered that going forward, he expected that any law enforcement officer who did something equivalent or worse should be fired no matter what their position in the PD is. They agreed to mutually drop their beef, and Baas invited him to a ceremony for the police heroes in the R.U.S.T case. Afterward, Sexton visually swept the Mayor's office because he noticed how much Eve had been moving around during the meeting--but didn't find any spy camera.

On June 16, 2023 per Senator Sean Davis's request, Sexton transferred 100 million dollars from the State Account to the Senate Fund. Later that day in the Mayor's Office, Cerberus enemy Raymond Romanov asked Sexton for approval of a car crusher business at the R.U.S.T scrapyard, and was afraid that Deputy Mayor Nancy Drew would deny it.

Seaside became impressed with Mayor Sexton when he recovered Dragon Rush's beloved Seaside chain from the police and returned it to him. Having explained to Seaside leader Benji Ramos why former terrorist Michael Simone had previously been denied a pharmaceutical company, Sexton kept an open mind in a meeting with Michael (now an investor) and Jazz Ryder (the new Chairman of the Board) on June 19, 2023 to hear their new "Nexus Pharmaceuticals" distribution and logistics pitch. Sexton suggested a meeting with the LSMG Board of Directors given that Simone Memorial Hospital already had PillBot's pharmacy. Purposely invited into the office by Michael, Eve Summers partially overheard Sexton complaining about Lang Buddha's grudge against Bunny and how Sexton only cared about one person in Lang's family. Eve also felt indignant toward Sexton's idea for her and Tim Collins to start a new task force in AEGIS for auditing business grants. Lang finally broke his silence and called Sexton, confronting him about what Eve had overheard. When Sexton told Lang that he had bad-mouthed him for ghosting him, Lang "penciled him in for Christmas Day" and hung up. Afterward, Sexton sent Lang an event invite to a Christmas meeting--but Lang didn't see it (Sexton also eventually texted an apology to Lang). Sexton then met with MCU Head Brian Knight to squash their beef. They discussed new PD legislation ideas and the James Haze evidence tampering case. In Sexton's last meeting of the day, Andi Jones requested an island from Sexton for the third season of Survivor (Blood vs. Water). When she forewarned Sexton about running against him in the next mayoral election, he anticipated serving only one term as Mayor.

By exporting data from the State Account, Sexton helped Nancy Drew and Brian Knight narrow down which R.U.S.T member had rented the burnt up moped next to the car bombings in the Cerberus Business Center parking garage. However, after Sexton lent his armored Buffalo STX to Nancy to protect her from R.U.S.T, Lang mistook it for his own armored car, found out it was Sexton's, shot out two of the tires, and snapped at Nancy to keep it off Rooster's Rest property. Nancy later lamented to both Eve Summers and Michael Simone how bad it felt to have Lang hating all of her closest friends.

Mayor's Office Pensions

In honor of past service, Mayor Sexton back paid each past Mayor of Los Santos two million dollars per term; and back paid each past Deputy Mayor one million dollars per term. He set a 4 million dollar cap, and excluded Mayors and Deputy Mayors who were inactive, terminated, or deported. He formally paid the recipients starting on June 21, 2023. Former Mayor Denzel Williams requested that the back pay for his murdered Deputy Mayor Basem Shahin be donated to That's Life funeral home to fund a memorial for him.

Recipient Service Back pay amount
Andi Jones
  • Mayor (2 terms)
Denzel Williams
  • Mayor (1 term w/extended term bonus)
Emma Gaine
  • Mayor (2 terms)
  • Deputy Mayor (1 term under Mickey S)
  • Deputy Mayor (1 term under Lang Buddha)
Sabith Cohen
  • Mayor (1 term)
  • Deputy Mayor (1 term under Emma Gaine)
  • Deputy Mayor (1 unpaid term under Sexton Cohen)
Mickey S
  • Mayor (2 terms prorated)
Lang Buddha
  • Mayor (2 terms)
Sexton Cohen
  • Mayor (1 term)
Alex Domino
  • "Interim Mayor" (2 terms under Mickey S)
  • Deputy Mayor (2 terms under Lang Buddha)
James Arsenal
  • Deputy Mayor (2 terms under Emma Gaine)
Erin Cox
  • Deputy Mayor (2 terms under Emma Gaine)
Jessica Hilton
  • Deputy Mayor (2 terms under Emma Gaine)
Ricardo Perez
  • Deputy Mayor (1 term under Emma Gaine)
  • Deputy Mayor (1 term under Mickey S)
Ash Ketchup
  • Deputy Mayor (2 terms under Emma Gaine)
Sean Deane
  • Deputy Mayor (1 term under Sabith Cohen)
Lester Sweets
  • Deputy Mayor (1 term under Sabith Cohen)
Jeffy Coldiron
  • Deputy Mayor (1 term under Sabith Cohen)
Mila Smoak
  • Deputy Mayor (1 term under Mickey S)
Sherry Paie
  • Deputy Mayor (1 term under Mickey S)
Nicholas Reyes
  • Deputy Mayor (1 term under Mickey S)
Eve Summers
  • Deputy Mayor (2 terms under Lang Buddha)
Tim Collins
  • Deputy Mayor (1 term under Lang Buddha)
Maximillian Angel
  • Deputy Mayor (1 term under Lang Buddha)
Nancy Drew
  • Deputy Mayor (1 term under Lang Buddha)
  • Deputy Mayor (1 term under Sexton Cohen)
Etta Hawthorne
  • Deputy Mayor (1 term under Sexton Cohen)
Kiki Pendragon
  • Deputy Mayor (1 term under Sexton Cohen)
Collaborating with Former Mayor Andi Jones
Flea market-paleto-2023-06-25

Andi and Michael at the first NA Flea Market in Paleto on June 25, 2023

During Mayor Sexton's day with "first lady" Bunny to celebrate their one year wedding anniversary on June 23, 2023, she began to reconsider working for him as a Deputy Mayor. After thinking about it over the weekend, she decided to be his Deputy Mayor behind-the-scenes to help him with business proposals and grants (eventually, she publicly signed into City Hall as a Deputy Mayor). Sexton grew fond of the idea of finishing his goals in one term, then endorsing Andi Jones in the next election rather than making himself miserable with another campaign battle and mayoral term. Having already appreciated her mayoral back pay, Andi pitched ways to improve the Sexton administration's Flea Market Sundays and their new event grant program (by gathering applicants for a special "Shark Tank" event).

On June 26, 2023 at a hospital meeting with Sexton in attendance, Michael Simone and Jazz Ryder pitched to the LSMG Board of Directors that "Nexus Pharmaceuticals" produce over-the-counter and prescription medication for the Simone Memorial Hospital and Simone Mental Institute for Long-term Evaluation to sell. After the LSMG Board of Directors agreed to a one-month trial period with Bunny providing a list of the drugs they need, Sexton unilaterally approved the Nexus Pharmaceuticals business proposal despite his awareness of how Michael Simone's enemies would react.

On June 28, 2023, legal aid Andi approached Sexton about pardoning her remorseless client Gary Gripps because even though both she and James Haze had gotten him acquitted of "Serial Assaults and Killings", Gary still got the death penalty because he had plead guilty to the other charges including eight first-degree murders. Although Sexton floated giving him a psych eval, he decided against commuting his death sentence to life in prison. On June 30, 2023 at Bolingbroke Penitentiary, Gary told Sexton he didn't want any mayoral pardon or clemency. Sexton and Andi witnessed a firing squad execute Gary.

On July 7, 2023, Sexton joined a panel of Bunny, Nancy Drew, Siz Fulker, and Michael Simone as investor "sharks" in Andi Jones' Shark Tank event. At the conclusion of the event, Sexton donated 20 million dollars from the State to Andi's AK Events company which ran the two seasons of Survivor, the date auction event, and the Shark Tank event.

On July 13, 2023, Sexton answered live and previously submitted anonymous questions on a Siren Radio town hall. When host Sophie Sanders probed which mayoral candidate he would support if he didn't re-run, he endorsed Andi Jones. Subsequently, he began re-twatting Andi's mayoral campaign twats.

War on Terror
Lsmg board of directors-hospital meeting-2023-07-10

Mayor Sexton spotting former Mayor Lang Buddha at the Monday LSMG hospital meeting on July 10, 2023

Cerberus and their Director of Research and Development Kitty Dream fumed over Mayor Sexton's unilateral approval of Nexus Pharmaceuticals due to her years of disappointments in trying to legalize oxy sales for her own Betta Life Pharmaceuticals company. Leslie Lingberg also regarded Sexton and Hospital Administrator Bunny as the two biggest obstacles in Cerberus creating their own hospital and medical group for Kitty. Convinced that Head Doctor Derek Shaw had Judge Serge Cross revoke the medical licenses of Kitty's Betta Life pharmacists Maxwell Goethe and Emerson Laurier after they left the Los Santos Medical Group, Cerberus accepted Dr. Charlie Jannetty's invitation to the Monday LSMG hospital meeting on July 10, 2023. But with Sexton, Bunny, LSMG board member Nick Simone, and new police detective Juno Sweeney all in attendance, Leslie, Denzel Williams, Harry Brown, and Lang Buddha left early without talking to anyone--and Lang decided to blow up Simone Memorial Hospital instead. The next day on July 11, 2023, Denzel, Harry, and Speedy helped Lang and Tony Corleone plant two C4 bombs in Simone Memorial Hospital and blow it up, forcing it to shut down for about three days. The Los Santos Medical Group temporarily moved their operations to the Sandy Shores Medical Center during this period.

Then on July 12, 2023, Chang Gang blew up the SDSO and the Mission Row Police Department. The MRPD explosion killed police Commissioner Sam Baas. Not only did AEGIS Board Member Eve Summers lose her adoptive father, Chairman Tim Collins' Aegis Authorization Act stated that only the Mayor of Los Santos could appoint the next Board Member to replace Baas on AEGIS--leaving them with a dilemma between current Mayor Sexton or presumptive Mayor-Elect Andi Jones. Eve secretly wanted Mayor Sexton impeached for giving the hospital two G-Wagons and for giving out state grant money too freely--but got railroaded from auditing him independently by Sexton's own state grant investigation enlisting Senior Judge Nathaniel Greyson and an independent panel of experienced police detectives. In an effort to stop the oversaturation of bombs and terrorism in Los Santos, Major Crimes Unit Director Brian Knight asked Lang and Eve for AEGIS' help and asked Mayor Sexton for a generous MCU budget, political support, and detective advice. Brian and MCU Detective Supervisor Luka Kovacic also warned Sexton that two new serial killers Fate and Fortune wanted to blow him up. Five days later, Sexton gave the MCU 30 days of State Account records so that they could look up rentals for their Sam Baas homicide investigation. Brian also requested a 30 million dollar budget for the MCU.

Following Chief Judge Alan Crane's own independent audit of Mayor Sexton and former Mayor Lang Buddha, he flagged to Brian Knight that Sexton bought two G-Wagons for the hospital in his wife Bunny's name and that his state business grant to The 42 Club got paid to her for its interior decorating. Floating the possibility of impeachment, Senator Sean Davis and Crane provided Brian with state financial records to investigate both Sexton's and Lang's mayoral spending.

Crane also pointed out that Sexton had bought one G-Wagon from Yokai and that their lawyer James Haze wrote legislation regarding Brian's denial of ICU visitation. Coincidentally, Sexton was currently facing a dilemma over James' request to approve Procyon Medical (Mary Mushkin's controversial medical company that Bunny distrusted for cloning her friend Thomas Dwayne) which the Lang Buddha mayoral administration had denied. Given that Procyon Medical wanted to partner with Nexus Pharmaceuticals and might compete with the Los Santos Medical Group, Sexton resolved to consult with LSMG Board of Director Bunny first. He also found out from Chief Judge Alan Crane that the Senate had previously denied the Mayor Lang Buddha administration's proposed legislation for Procyon Medical. Sexton consulted Senator Sean Davis about whether Procyon Medical could still be approved if they no longer wanted their own hospital, but was still unsuccessful.

Starting near the end of April 2023 and spanning almost 3 months, Rooster's Rest was the target of several incidents of violent crime and intimidation.

— Introduction to Lang Buddha's 4-page request for a Rooster's Rest State Business Grant Supplemental.

Following Cerberus' war with R.U.S.T, Lucky Plucker and Rooster's Rest got blown up during Lang Buddha's war against Gulag Gang and The Mandem. On July 30, 2023, Mayor Sexton read a request from Lang for a 4.5 million dollar state business grant supplemental for Rooster's Rest to compensate its employees, claiming almost 3 months of revenue loss due to violent crime and intimidation forcing the restaurant to close down for the safety of its employees and customers. Also when Tommy T blew up the Project Sinatra spaceship with a C4 bomb on July 31, 2023, the space program director Nancy Drew filed a 175 million-dollar insurance claim for Sexton to fund a new spaceship as per the revised Astronaut Certifications legislation. On August 3, 2023, Sexton paid the final Mayor's Office pensions, the final state business grants including the 4.5 million dollars to Rooster's Rest, and the 175 million dollars to Project Sinatra.

Last Day in Office

By the end of Sexton's mayoral term, he had soured on Los Santos politics and was counting down the days to when he could leave office. Although he enjoyed 80-90% of it, e.g., helping people in the city and engaging in constructive meetings, he stated that a few people's negative attitudes had ruined the mayorship for him. Sexton also found it ironic that the two police officers who fired him from the Unified Police Department/3.0, Brian Knight and Sam Baas, wound up being the most willing to work with him. Sexton mused that he would rather be PD high command again than ever run for Mayor again.

On August 4, 2023, Sexton helped Det. Juno Sweeney and the Los Santos Medical Group with a blood drive at the Sandy Shores Medical Center. Then after Sexton turned in the armored Buffalo STX mayoral car, both he and Bunny spent the weekend at her parents' house in Nashville.

Andi Jones succeeded Sexton as the Mayor of Los Santos on August 7, 2023, edging out runner-up Fernando "Mario" Reyes by only 10 votes. Sexton sent Mayor Andi a "how to be Mayor" guide. She also asked him to finish up the last of the business proposals that were still in review. Having already been vouched for by Sexton, Etta Hawthorne passed the one interview question Andi asked to continue on as a Deputy Mayor in her administration. Sexton congratulated Andi inside of the Mayor's Office, instructed her how to get the armored Buffalo STX he turned in, and gave his former Deputy Mayors Sisterly Treasures thank you gifts (a rainbow bee charm to Kiki Pendragon and a sunstone charm to Etta).

⚕️ Los Santos Medical Group[]


After retiring from political life, Sexton was hired as a nurse-in-training for the Los Santos Medical Group in August 2023. He could sign in as a doctor, but could not treat patients without doctor supervision. Bunny eventually promoted him to full nurse, and had Dr. Philippa Canter train him so he could train other nurses.


...that woman is my everything. I was with her when she won Mayor, I was with her when she lost Mayor. I was with her when she was dying. I would burn this city down for her, and no one would get in my way stopping that. You understand that? I don't care if you are a Southside gang banger or if you're Lang Buddha himself. I don't care if you're the Boogeyman.

— Sexton talking about his wife Bunny to Edgar Del Castillo on October 17, 2023 at the Chumash Pier

With Yeager Demonblood in prison for treason and the murder of Commissioner Axel Justice, Bunny got bored and helped Edgar Del Castillo (the winner of Survivor: Blood vs. Water) and Dahlia Fey (from Nexus Pharmaceuticals) write a proposal to the state to decontaminate the radioactive Sanguine Isle. But when Edgar kept hitting on Bunny and bad-mouthing Sexton (and wishing him dead), Sexton confronted Edgar at the Chumash Pier on October 17, 2023 that he respect their marriage or Sexton will "rectify" the situation (or that he could shoot Sexton right there); and that the next time Edgar tells her not to bring Sexton to a meeting he'll purposely come to the meeting.

On November 25, 2023, Bunny filled Sexton in that Collin McKinley threatened to come after Edgar if he went after TJ Walker (for shooting Edgar with Johnny Divine), and that Nancy Drew warned her that she couldn't protect her from the Bondi Boys MC (if they decided to target Edgar's associates). Bunny returned to her safety precautions but refused to hide again, saying she hated Los Santos and everyone who resorted to violence to solve their problems. Tired of sitting on the sidelines, Sexton threatened to take revenge on Edgar if Bunny got physically hurt because of him--but she directed him not to. Sexton also requested that Bunny stop aiding Edgar's revenge with cameras and motion sensors, and to keep Sexton in the loop. In a meeting with Edgar where he forewarned Sexton to vigilantly protect Bunny, Sexton tried to talk him out of his revenge arc and said it's too late for him to push Bunny away.

Bunny's affection for Edgar strained all of her closest relationships whom he considered enemies. Sexton, Nancy Drew, Nicholas Simone, and Dahlia Fey all hated Edgar and blamed him for putting Bunny in danger. Bunny angered Nick in particular when she impulsively lied about meeting Edgar, putting her friendship with Nick in jeopardy. Then on November 29, 2023, Bunny told Sexton that she and Edgar kissed. The news hit Sexton hard as it was the first time in their marriage that he had to deal with her polyamory. Bunny assured him that she wouldn't leave him. To his dismay, Bunny also told Edgar's fiancé Rosabel about the kiss.

The next day, the police held Edgar and his cousin Cesar Delgado until trial for fatally shooting HOA hangaround Marek McFly. Wade Wilson, Asher Brooks, and Taryn Adler avenged Marek by shooting Cesar and Edgar inside of the prison showers, killing Cesar. After Rosabel phoned Bunny with the news and she left Sexton alone yet again, he began to tire of no one wanting his help and Bunny consistently pushing him away. On December 1, 2023, Sexton secretly gave an incarcerated Edgar his condolences and the number to his burner phone. Later, Sexton admitted to Bunny that he'd be mad at her if she went to prison to see Edgar. Sexton drew a heart in the sand with "S+S" inside. Bunny suggested, "Maybe we'll just run away." Sexton emotionally replied, "Nothing I'd want more...nothing I'd want more." Later that day after Bunny ended her friendship with Nick (because he couldn't understand why she'd love Edgar), both Sexton and Nancy Drew felt lightheaded around the same time he found Bunny cold and unresponsive on the beach. Bunny was hospitalized with an IV and thermal blanket.

On a snowy December 2, 2023 at the Ranger watchtower, Bunny admitted to Sexton her love for Edgar. Sexton said he felt like he was losing her, that her love for someone so disrespectful hurt him, whether Doe was actually the one drawn to Edgar, that Bunny was pushing Sexton away (but that he wouldn't leave her), and that Sexton preferred she not do anything with Edgar. Bunny hinted that her time with Edgar was "limited". Sexton wiped away tears when she wouldn't look at him. After they kissed, she whispered, "I picked you when I wasn't supposed to. Don't forget that." Afterward, Bunny put her hand to her chest around the time that Sexton collapsed from a heart issue. In the ICU, Bunny placed the compass in his hand before he flatlined and required shock paddles to bring his pulse back. Afterward, Sexton confided in Nancy Drew that Bunny might choose Edgar over him, because she loves Edgar and wants to be with him in the little time they have left.

Nancy drew shooting edgar-2023-12-02

Back at the Ranger watchtower, Bunny told Edgar her life was on fire because of him. Having lost interest in starting a polyamorous relationship with her, Edgar guiltily confessed that he instead wanted to marry Rosabel for real now. Bunny responded, "It's okay." Nancy drove up to them and angrily accused Bunny of pushing away all of her loved ones for Edgar--adding that after seeing the "shell of a man" that was now Sexton, Nancy was done with Bunny. Afterward, as Edgar kept stalling instead of answering how he truly felt about Bunny, she collapsed from long-term heart failure (which Sexton sensed) and required an emergency operation at the hospital. Despite having a clean record for well over a year, Nancy finally reached her breaking point when Edgar ignored her third and final warning to leave the operating room. She gunned him down (receiving only two months in jail for reckless endangerment). In the ICU at Bunny's bedside, Sexton cried as she lay on life support in a medically induced coma, awaiting a heart transplant.

On December 3, 2023, Sexton allowed Edgar to see a comatose Bunny, where EMS Lt. Aphrodite Theos served as a medium to help him channel that he loved Bunny back--but it backfired because of Doe and "almost ripped Aphrodite's soul in half". Confused by the sound of Aphrodite vomiting, Sexton and Rosabel walked in and noticed Bunny's heart rate sped up and her skin got hot. Sexton sidebarred with Edgar probing what he knew about the Galileo Observatory room, but Edgar got confused because Bunny never told him about Doe. After Sexton stipulated that Edgar could only go back in the room without Aphrodite, Sexton and Rosabel eventually walked back in to overhear Edgar telling Bunny how much he cared for her. When Sexton said Edgar's time was up, their resulting argument nearly escalated into violence with Sexton shoving Edgar out the door. Edgar, still on bail and livid, left the hospital with Rosabel--however, she asked to be dropped off and left him. The experience turned Aphrodite's hair completely white.

Doe-sexton twat-2023-12-05

On December 5, 2023, BBMC prospect Shang Liu betrayed and executed Bunny's close friend Dr. Rosabel Briar for digging into the Hotel. Rosabel, now braindead, had an organ donor card and was the same AB positive blood type as Bunny. In a life-saving operation, Dr. Emily Clarke surgically transplanted Rosabel's heart into Bunny's chest. Although the operation was successful, Bunny did not come back the same. Sexton unconsciously grabbed her phone, sleepwalked past confused bystanders like Juno Sweeney and Etta Hawthorne, drove to Nancy Drew's Galileo Observatory room, and twatted "don't you know me?" from Bunny's phone.

When Bunny woke up on December 6, 2023, she was devastated to have survived with Rosabel's heart. She found out Nancy had removed her keys to the Observatory, which Bunny found cruel because she had considered that her safe space. Later, Bunny twatted "don't you know me?" and cracked the TV in her room. Upon leaving the hospital, she conversed with Dahlia but not Nick. In an explanation to Nancy about how Bunny wasn't the same anymore, Bunny ripped apart a paper symbolizing Doe into a dozen pieces, and pointed to a piece of paper different from the one that used to be Bunny--basically saying that Bunny's original soul left her body and a new Doe soul came in, leaving Sexton and Nancy with the only two pieces left of Bunny's original soul. Bunny insisted that she was still herself with the same brain and the same memories. Although she also warned that she didn't know what would happen if they continued to carry untethered souls, Sexton resolved to keep the piece he had. Nancy sped off to The Lighthouse and texted Norman Bones, "I need your help."

A new enemy Pigeon--whom Edgar had stabbed and shot to avenge Rosabel's murder--joined the manhunt for Edgar. Intent on protecting Rosabel's heart, Bunny saw no reason to stay in a city where her friends weren't willing to fight for her (even in the months before Edgar). In melancholy goodbye conversations on December 7, 2023, Bunny announced separately to Nick and Edgar that she and Sexton were leaving town together soon (Sexton also sold their DBR mansion). On December 9, 2023, Bunny returned half a million dollars to Edgar. Later that day, the BBMC kidnapped him and his ally Chopper to a beach, were BBMC Road Captain Irish shot Chopper dead for taunting him. The police rescued Edgar in response to Bunny's anonymous 911. To Sexton's chagrin, Edgar left the hospital with Bunny and Sexton in front of an arrested Irish. Fuming, Sexton voluntarily exited the car so she and Edgar could speak in private.

Escape from Los Santos

On December 10, 2023, Edgar Del Castillo swapped from Bunny's AMG GT63 (with the license plate "THATSLUT") to her Prairie car (with the license plate "CUMBUNNY"), exposing both cars to his enemies. She also agreed to loan him 2.5 million dollars of her life savings toward the bounty on TJ Walker that Benji Ramos hadn't paid yet. At Vespucci Beach, Edgar and the Brouge Street Kingz shot down the Bondi Boys MC--including Nancy Drew's boyfriend Collin McKinley--and dispatched of Shang Liu to avenge his murder of Bunny's heart donor Dr. Rosabel Briar. Angry about Collin's critical injuries (which ended up needing a pacemaker for his heart) and Dahlia Fey's news that Edgar had used Bunny's cars to hunt the BBMC, Nancy texted an expletive to Bunny, deleted her from her phone, texted Sexton, "Your wife is dead to me.", and gave the BBMC a blank check to hunt Edgar.


Dahlia tipping off Sexton to save his wife Bunny on December 10, 2023

Inside of the Seaside Tower with Bunny, Edgar invited Dahlia Fey to come over--telling her to bring whomever she wanted. In a warning to Sexton that he should take Bunny away from Edgar, Dahlia told Sexton at the hospital that she thinks Edgar wants to die, that he won't make it out of this, and that he was using Bunny as a shield. Edgar told Bunny he was done running and hiding. Sexton alerted Bunny over the radio that a hunting party at the hospital was getting ready to kill both her and Edgar--but she refused to leave the Seaside Tower without Edgar. Edgar phoned Sexton to pick up both him and Bunny in front of the Seaside Tower, but tricked her into going down the elevator alone and locked the door behind her. Having finally earned Sexton's respect, Edgar texted him to take care of her. Sexton and Bunny went straight to the airport and flew to her hometown of Nashville, Tennessee--finally fulfilling his dream of running away with his true love.

Momentous Dates within the Government[]

Mayor's Office[]

Rank Insignia Note Date
Mayor - Elected Mayor of Los Santos June 10th, 2023
Mayor - Mayoral term ended August 7th, 2023

Unified Police Department[]

Rank Insignia Note Date
Cadet CadetLSPD Hired to the LSPD; Badge #540 March 8th, 2021
Passed Academy March 28th, 2021
Solo Cadet SoloCadetLSPD Solo Certified; Badge #640 April 25th, 2021
Officer OfficerLSPD Promoted to Officer; Badge #484 May 10th, 2021
MCD Cert Appointed as a Probationary Detective in the MCD
Senior Officer SeniorOfficerLSPD Promoted to Senior Officer July 28th, 2021
MCD Cert MCD Disbanded
SCU Cert Appointed as a Detective in the SCU August 18th, 2021
K9 Cross Cert K9 Cross-Certified; Handler for Watson November 6th, 2021
FTO Cert FTO Certified November 24th, 2021
SCU Cert Promoted to Senior Detective within the SCU December 3rd, 2021
Corporal CorporalLSPD Promoted to Corporal December 20th, 2021
SCU Cert Promoted to Detective Sergeant and Shift 2 Supervisor in the SCU
Appointed as Shift 2 Supervisor March 2nd, 2022
Sergeant SergeantLSPD Promoted to Sergeant March 7th, 2022
Changed Badge Number to #410 March 23rd, 2022
SergeantSOLSPD Appointed as a Recruiter for LSPD P&T March 26th, 2022
FTI Cert FTI Certified April 7th, 2022
SRU Cert Appointed as an Investigator in the SRU
SergeantPBSO Transferred to the PBSO; Badge #333 September 8th, 2022
SergeantCPD Department Restructure; Transitioned to CPD Sergeant October 24th, 2022
SergeantLSPD Transferred to the VPD; Badge #429 December 17th, 2022
Changed Badge Number to #406 December 21st, 2022
Lieutenant LieutenantLSPD Promoted to Lieutenant January 19th, 2023
Fired for Breaking Chain of Custody February 10th, 2023

Police Dispatch[]

Rank Insignia Note Date
Lead Dispatch FTO DispatchFTO Government Restructure; Call-Sign D-2 February 5th, 2021
Transferred to the LSPD March 8th, 2021

🚘 Vehicles[]

Vehicle Plate Description
LSPD Explorer


COHEN $200K decommissioned police patrol SUV with five seats and 1000 trunk space.
Double T

Double T

X34FNDL6 Sports bike.


HFDR7Q9L Taxi.
KateMyles Panto


SEX Two-door hatchback bought from PDM.


6A8QER6I Sailboat.


  • Served as "Kingsguard" for Mayors Andi Jones and Denzel Williams the day after they got married and had Iron Thrones outside of City Hall.
  • Investigated the shadow crime organization The Stable for about five months, and famously staked out their clean face Sabith "Bunny" Cohen's warehouse for eight hours and one whole morning before trying to stop the group from running the last of their meth out of the country. Ironically, Hardcastle wound up marrying Bunny and receiving keys to that warehouse. Bunny also turned down owning a warehouse for Nicholas Simone because of his expectation that it be kept secret from Hardcastle.
  • Eventually lost a lung due to Michael Simone's sniper attack, and got it surgically replaced with a synthetic lung from San Andreas Service.
  • After almost 10 months of marriage to Sabith Cohen, Sexton Hardcastle officially changed his government name to Sexton Cohen on May 2, 2023.
  • Sabith Cohen's mayoral term ended on June 10, 2022 as a result of her re-election loss to Mickey S. Exactly one year later, her husband Sexton Cohen's mayoral term began on June 10, 2023.


Played By: beard