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Semlina Thaysa is a character role-played by smx021.


"Just a warning, I am the BEST driver in Los Santos."

"I am an ALLEGED Serial Killer."

Semlina "Sem" Thaysa could be described as slightly chaotic, clumsy and the best driver of Los Santos. Often seen in a pastel green crop with floral white-out pants with her signature light blue hair.

Background Information[]

Semlina Thaysa, originally Semlina Rhune but later on changed to Thaysa after adoption, was born on the island of San Andreas, in the suburbs of Los Santos. Where she and her biological family which consisted of her Father, Mother, and Older Brother lived. Tragically at the age of 8, there was house fire which caused Semlina to become an orphan. Sadly Semlina witness the death of her entire family and therefore is traumatized by anything consisting of loud explosions and gets freaked out at the chance of a fire within an enclosed space. After the incident, Semlina got adopted by one of the firemen's brother who had heard about the story of the young child and after his wife and him were unable to have children decided to adopt her and give her a better life.

After being in the Thaysa's care for over 16 years, Semlina was told stories of her mother who was a small singer that never got signed a label but was popular in the indie scene and her father that was a policeman that protected the lives of many people in Los Santos. Semlina also grew up loving her adoptive parents as well that taught her to always love someone for who they are and not to judge a book by its cover. With her adoptive father's love for motorcycles, Semlina had always wanted to own one herself hoping that one day she could ride along side with him. Sadly, her adoptive mother soon passed away from cancer causing Semlina to go into a deep depression which caused her to almost end her life contemplating the many tragedy's that had befallen her. But with the love and support from friends and her family, she had gotten back again. She became inspired to start over at her roots meaning she would travel to the island that was Los Santos.

Before arriving in Los Santos, Semlina researched all she could about the city, the local artists, vloggers, places around the city she could potentially hang out in and meet friends! While researching she stumbled upon a vlogger by the name of April Fooze and soon became one of her fans and listened when April released her two hit songs "SHEESH" and "Sugar Daddy". After her failed research and becoming the #1 fan of April Fooze. Semlina made her move to Los Santos saying good bye to her 16 years with her adoptive father and going on to start over.

In the City[]

In the Beginning
Since coming to the city, Semlina had established many new relationships. Some were quick meetings and others are still going strong. When arriving to the city Semlina found herself without any phone, ID or even a single band-aid to help along in the city. She woke up and got out the door of the Alta street apartments ready to start her new adventure. She met a kind man who told her many things about the city! Where to purchase a new ID, a new phone and even where she could work to earn some money! Although brief Semlina is grateful to the man who helped her on her first day. Her first day although brief ended pretty well and soon ended.

The following day, Semlina took to look for work for the shipping company that would pay her briefly. She rented a vehicle and made her way to the spot, there she got a large truck and with her first mission she headed towards a 24/7. On her way to the convenience store she had a car accident (her first of many) as she ran into Jessica Hilton and Noah Drake. Semlina scared and worried about what they might do, she yelled an apology and parked the large truck. She was convinced by Noah that he was a police officer as he showed off what was known as a NoPixel Trading Card. The two informed Sem that she shouldn't be a "shitlord" and should come with them and learn more about the city. She learned many new things from the pair and even joked along side them getting to know them better.

The next day after waking up and running to the rental spot, Semlina ran into two men named Danny Dinkle and Kit Fontana. Kit and Danny had agreed to be partners working the shipping job together, however on the way there, Kit suddenly disappeared. It opened up the opportunity for Semlina to have Danny as her partner and the two rode together. As they worked their shifts the two got along and became closely acquainted with each other. Danny introduced her to Dean's world and showed her the many people who were there and what the purpose of Dean's World was. Intrigued by its many shops there Semlina curiously walked up to a booth called Cool Beans and twatted out her review for the shop.

At the end of the day the two returned to Dean's and Sem had heard that Danny had gotten a job at Cool Bean's after showing Maia, Owner of Cool Beans, the great job of upselling that he could do. Semlina who wanted to have a job as well as working the delivery shifts had asked Danny if he could get her a interview with the owner. Danny managed to get her that interview and there before the end of the shift at Dean's World, Semlina would interview along side Zach O as they both landed the job and were officially hired at Cool Bean's.

After being in the city for awhile Semlina met friends Tina Phosphorus and Morticio Figueroa who she became fast friends with that also witnessed and became first hand victims to Semlina infamous driving. They spent several days and then a month! But soon her friends slowly left the city after certain incidents. Sadly Sem became a grinder at the booths working solely for Cool Beans day in and day out. During her grinding days she met a lovely person named Zeno who showed her how to make the booth stand out more. Jokingly flirting which later turned serious they ended up at Zeno's place later that night. Soon she got promoted quickly to Lead Barista and spent her days earning money and trying to make connections in the city but to no success. She got closer to Danny and Tracey-Rose but just like the others they didn't keep in contact much. One day she had been informed that she was to be promoted to Assistant Manager of Cool Beans! She was ecstatic to climb the ranks but still felt pretty lonely. Danny Dinkle also got hired as an assistant manager as well with Tracey-Rose! They continued working hard and hiring people to fulfill their new duties as managers. Danny went on to hire Veronica Westfield, who upon one of her first few days working for Cool Beans attended a wedding together and proceeded to get robbed at said wedding. After the wedding Semlina attended a birthday party for Nora, where for the first time she met Charlotte Greene, Suki Wright, Xavier Sin, and many other friends.

Friendly Connections
After spending more time with Veronica it soon became familiar sight at the Cool Beans Booth. It became a common occurrence for the two to call each other after waking up to see if they would work the booths together. On one of Sem's days off from the booths, She decided to go fishing and met a group of people; Simmy Kit, Dallas Greed and another individual that all worked at Corleone's Steaks. During the fishing trip, Simmy mentioned that she had been called to MRPD (Mission Row Police Department) to deliver food, but as joke stated that she wasn't being called for that but for something more sinister. Semlina enjoying this and laughing joined in with Simmy, stating her now regular quote "I'm an alleged serial killer". From there Sem, Simmy and Dallas exchanged numbers. Dallas and Sem got to know each other a bit better and one day at the Paleto Markets, Sem being the ever ghost believer was told by Dallas that he had gone to the Mines and saw a shadow behind him. Sem refused to be near him until he had cleansed himself or told the spirit to go away. Ghost Investigator, Reina Vergara who also was close to Dallas informed Semlina that everything would be okay and that nothing would come to haunt him or her. Later Reina called her stating that she was an emergency contact.



-Pact Nicely (Married)

Romantic Interests

-Previous Crush on Xay

-Two dates with Zach O.


  • Booth Babe at A Light In The Dark
  • BTB at Skyline FM
  • Wife at Sugar Daddys

