Selena Nwachukwu Tuigamala Frost is a character role-played by chidori_senpai.
General Information[]
Selena Nwachukwu Tuigamala Frost, more commonly known as Selena Frost, is an Officer for the Los Santos Police Department, Badge #220.
She briefly worked as an Intern for the Los Santos Medical Group.
08/01/2018 |
Biography i guess? Whatever, if you read this, i might be dead inside this new city. Anyways, go ahead and read, i don't think it will be worth reading this to anyone. I mean, maybe my family since i left without saying goodbye. I hate goodbye's it scares me. People cry, people don't want to let you go, its awfull. Sorry my english by the way, i am still learning how to write it properly, you know, i learned from watching netflix and playing video games sometimes.
I am Selena Nwachukwu Tuigamala Frost, i was born the 16th of August 1988 in Nairobi, Kenya. My mom is Jalia Nwachukwu and she is from Kenya, Nairobi. My dad is Amari Nwachukwu Frost and he is from Kenya, Eldoret. They moved to Quebec Canada in the big city of Montreal when i was 2 years old to get a better life with me and my 2 sisters. My older sister is 39 years old and is named Sarah Frost. My younger sister is 22 years old and is named Luna Frost. My dad is the owner of a small 24/7 store in Montreal and my mother is a voice actress with french in some movies and TV series. They were always very nice with me and gave me every chance possible with my education. Here is what i did in terms of education. I went to medicine school in the city of quebec, at the Université de Laval. When i got my medicine degree, i started my Internship in the city of Montréal at the Montréal General Hospital as well as my residency. I got both certifications done and for the residency i got my certification in Neurosurgery. I also went to Police school which is the latest place i went, i started with the Police Technique at the Cégep de Sainte-Foy in the city of quebec, and after these 2 years of intensive school i went to École nationale de police du Québec which is located in Nicolet. (Police school) So, being 34 years old, i have nothing else done in terms of education. That all done, throughout the years i saw a lot of things, gunshot wounds to simple blood tests. The craziest thing that still stood in my mind was why. Why was i staying here, ruining my life in this small city where i can't really go higher. I decided to move out, see whats outside and move to this new city, Los Santos. I hope it's going to be a good one, at least, fun a little bit. I recently just came out of all this education and i am ready to work myself up and become something in the city. When i moved here, my goal was clear, help the best way i could. Not only help the state, but the citizens too, help anyone here and show that i am ready to learn everything about the city. I love you all, my family and whoever was my friend back in quebec. The End Signed: Selena Nwachukwu Tuigamala Frost *in cursive* |
12/15/2023 |
Hey, it's me again, Selena. I have been away from Los Santos for maybe, 5 years ? 5 years ago I went away with my wife, well not so wife anymore, to see my family and celebrate christmas. While i was gone, weeks went by and there was a lot of information on the news saying the island was basically unhabited and bankrupt. My cars, my house and all of my friends were all leaving the island as I received texts from them about so. I was shocked, I couldnt believe what was happening and my wife was also confused. Not knowing where to go next, we decided to stay longer at my dad's and take some time off to think about everything. After 5 months, me and Belltower were living the best times of our lives and were doing a lot of activities together. On the summer of 2018, i asked Belltower's hand which she accepted with joy. Our happy lives didnt go for too long as the next year in the summer of 2019, Belltower decided that she wanted to go back to her home town in Texas as she got offered a job as a Senior Deputy for her county. We had fights, a lot of arguments and disagreements about that choice. I was happy with her as my wife but, I didnt want to move to Texas. I will remember this day all my life, as I woke up the 15th of December 2019 with a letter on my bedroom desk saying she was leaving me for good, saying that I was too good for her and that she was sorry for everything. I called her, facetime her, twat to her, even tried to get her attention by our good friend Redmond. Without any news by Belltower, I was left with the only knowledge of being alone, all alone. Redmond tried in many ways to help me through everything but, all I saw was black, a very deep dark inside of me and i couldnt go through it. Alcohol, yes, you do read this, alcohol. I've never drink alcohol before, never smoke anything before. I was so lost, grieving Belltower like she was dead, out of this world. The reality was that she was still out there, in Texas being her badass self and climbing in the departement. The thought only came to me when I heard about the city of Los Santos being rebuilt, investors decided to make this great city shine again. But, thats not for now. 15th of December 2022, I was drinking at the bar, watching a drag show at the Drag in Québec City. This is the moment i fell down the hole even deeper than before. Someone was passing some stuff in the crowd and, I took it. They leaded me to the bathroom that was very close to the stage and showed me how to sniff cocaine. It was my first time doing cocaine and I will remember it for the rest of my life as it was the last time too. I was so high, drunk, and I was dancing everywhere not being aware of what I was doing. I did the unthinkable, I took my keys out of my vest and started my car more intoxicated than anyone couldve ever been. I drove, so fast, so dangerously. I was frustrated, happy and sad at the same time. Every mile I went through were a change of emotion. Suddenly, on the 20th highway, a deer crossed the street. It was too late to go straight, I was going to hit him. I had to act fast so I turned the streeringwheel to the right but, very fermly. It was dark outside and there was a snow storm happening. My car started to spin in circle, doing 5 full 180 on the ice and as I was going, I gave up on everything, my arms going numb and my brain telling me ''what about time''. Luckily, the trunk of the car hit a nearby tree and stopped my car with a very fast and firm stop. A tree branch went through the windshield and injured my face at three places, giving me 3 long straight scars. I was unconscious, left to die as my face was bleeding all over my eyes and my chest. Luckily, I was able to get some consciousness and call my little sister, Luna. She came to pick me up and helped me with my face as I didnt want to go to the hospital. Clearly, going there was a bad choice as I was intoxicated and they wouldve called the cops on me. I decided to teach my sister how to treat me, do some sutures on my face. The next day, we called a tow company to get my car and I sold it to the scrap yard because it was impossible to keep it. I waited 4 days and went to the hospital to get my injury treated. They asked me a lot of questions on how it happened and I just told them I was in a car accident 4 days ago and my sister who is a nurse, helped me getting patched up. They believed my story and provided care to my injuries, finding nothing else in trouble with me. After getting treated, I had to inform my parents of everything that had happened and clearly they werent too proud. I think my dad hates me now, he thinks im a drug addict and that I will never get out of this hole. Maybe thats what I am ? Maybe, thats what I deserve ? My family disowning me, was it that much of a surprise as you can see the failure I am ? Well, you who read this, you decide if they were right or wrong. I already made my own decision on this so, doesnt really matter. 21st of august 2023, my birthday. I turned 42 that day. What a good day right ? Well, that is a lie I just wrote there. It was maybe one of the worse days of my life. I woke up, hangover of course, last night was wine night. Wine nights always gives me the worse headaches the next day, I dont think im too tolerant on wine. Anyways, it was my birthday and I was getting excited as normally all of my friends from Los Santos would call me to wish me an happy birthday and even come to visit me. I had texted my best friend Harper Belmont the week before as I missed her so much. I wanted her to come and see me for my birthday and gossip about everything and everyone. Simon Riley leaved her in a rough shape so, we would laugh a little bit about how he missed her and stuff like that. Comes 5PM, not received any calls yet. They must be occupied, theres no way they forgot my birthday. As the anxiety continued to rise as my friends werent calling me, I started to drink wine again. The wine was going down fast as anxiety speeds the process of everything. I got drunk very fast and, ever more drunk that the last night. I started calling Belmont, leaving messages and messages crying over the phone and being miserable as that is all I am. A miserable friendless, loveless, lonely bitch. I cried for hours and hours as midnight went by, without anyone calling me back. I blacked out, started to seizure and choking into my own saliva and alcohol that I was vomiting. The seizure was so intense that my neighbours heard everything from their appartment under mine. They rushed to my appartment to put me on my side and relieve me of choking myself to death. What a day it was. What a day. The morning after is when I learned of my mistakes. Wine was evil, wanting me dead for sure. I decided to stop drinking wine and drink only Rum and vodka. It was a great idea as I would reach my limit in a longer span of time and would understand my limit more. 15th of December 2023. If you read this anyways, im already dead so, you cant really insult me on whatever I did. Also you were probably my friends if you read this so, enjoy my misery. The day that gave me a smile again, December 15th. I had a bad history with December 15th in the past as you can see it bit me very hard every year. The city was rebuilt, yes Los Santos. Investors rebuilt the city and came with a new idea of government agencies. This was my time, my dream was at the doorstep and the only thing I had to do was go back. I flew in a plane, directly heading from Montreal to Los Santos, where I will go and try to finish the story. My dream, becoming a Ranger and helping the state rebuild its shiny island. Maybe, Belltower will also come back and want to be with me again ? My plane is landing soon, im anxious, my belly is rumbling and I am shaking. Who will be there ? Will my friends be there ? What will it look like ? Whats been rebuilt ? Who is the chief of police ? Is Belltower here ? Belmont, Redmond, Nat, Louise, James, Ryan, Bowman, Barrett, Stone, Luka, Mirna, J-D, Maple and all my friends, are they here too ? I just cant wait to answer all of my questions. All right its time, im jumping off the plane, wish me luck ! I mean, cant really cuz im dead if you read this. ANYWAYS, BYEEEEEEEEEEE. Signed: Selena Nwachukwu Tuigamala Frost *in cursive* |
Momentous Dates within the Government[]
Los Santos Police Department[]
Los Santos Medical Group[]
Rank | Insignia | Note | Date |
Intern | - | Hired to the LSMG | December 23rd, 2023 |
Resigned | January 4th, 2024 |