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Sarah Tonain is a character role-played by ShanChan.

General Description[]

Sarah Tonain is a Psychologist for Los Santos Medical Group and Parsons Rehabilitation Center, specialising in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Art Psychotherapy and Anxiety Management.

Physical Description[]

Sarah is a very pale, 5ft 8 (173cm) Caucasian woman with hazel brown/green eyes and a heart shaped face. Her hair that is dark brown, thick and wavy, used to trail all the way down to her hips, however since moving to Los Santos she typically keeps it trimmed to the small of her back. She wanted to dye her hair blue once she had settled in, however then decided not to as she didn’t want to be known by her hair colour; she is also more of the type to blend into crowds as opposed to standing out. She has various scars along her torso, stomach and thighs, though no one in the city knows about them due to how she dresses. Sarah cannot typically be seen without her silver oversized aviators or black rimmed glasses, notepad and at least 3 cups of coffee. Once she’s comfortable with an outfit, she finds it quite difficult to deviate between styles so will often only change a few things with each outfit variation, according to the formality of the activities she’s partaking in. It’s uncommon for her to be seen in ‘casual’ attire, however she is trying to tailor some outfits towards the aesthetic of her artistic side.

Personality & Additional Information[]


Sarah is a conscientious introvert who’s always had a fascination with the human mind. Over time, she naturally developed a habit of people-watching, a skill that’s heightened her sense of intuition. Her experiences have molded the values she holds closely to her heart, and despite initially appearing to be a quiet and reserved individual, there’s a fire within her that surfaces when defending those she cares about. Sarah is also extremely creative. Her unique outlook on life has allowed her to develop both her artistic abilities, along with the refinement of her research into Art Psychotherapy. She comes across as someone who’s trustworthy yet passive, which both helps and hinders her when it comes to developing relationships with others. Most of all, she values fairness and giving everyone a chance. In her mind there will always be multiple sides to one story; a viewpoint that has led her to become extremely analytical of most situations. One downfall is that onlookers may initially assume that she’s a pushover until they get to know her or hear her speak about something she’s passionate about. Sarah is firm when she needs to be but prefers not to let situations get to that point.

These traits are all what make her such a good mediator, therapist and friend.

Curious by nature[]

Sarah’s optimism and fascination with human behavior's has led her to take on potentially dangerous clients over time, with the hope that she could help or at least understand them. Though she’s been warned multiple times about self-preservation, Sarah can’t help but sympathize with the plethora of her clients that are involved in various serial killer rings, let alone affected by Norman Bones. After she accidently ended up introducing herself to him at Viceroy Medical, the reactions of those around her made Sarah start to realize how serious things are, while also putting a face to a name. Though she’s now questioning everything she knows about logic and common sense, she can’t help the intrigue that sparks with taking on said clients.

As of April 11th 2023, Sarah’s ever-growing list of patients now includes a few names of concern, such as Kenneth Jesperson, Kieran Felix White, May Flowers & Anastasia Loreley.

Workaholic | Artist & Psychologist[]

The downfall of doing what you love for a living, is that sometimes it’s hard to set boundaries for yourself. Sarah is no stranger to this as she puts the utmost effort into everything she does. Because of this, she will put herself out for people who may not deserve it at the time if she believes they have potential/good qualities. For example, when Sarah first moved to Los-Santos, she would take every client requesting therapy immediately, however as she is slowly building a name for herself, she now asks that clients make an appointment first. In addition, her confidence has increased significantly since being hired by Pixie Plum onto their Psych Department.

“You’ve done more in your first week than some people I’ve known their whole time in the city, you need to chill!” - Diego Reyes

During her first week in Los Santos, Sarah was lucky enough to land a job designing a book cover for Nicholas Reyes at the Liquid Library. After this she completed some commissions for Atten Dant who was running for Mayor at the time. Sarah then spoke to Alec Virken at the VLC Gallery where she ended up having her own art exhibition; something which spread the word about her artwork significantly. At one point she piqued the interest of Party Hardy who offered her an exclusive art contract which Sarah declined, as she wanted to remain an unbiased freelancer. Sarah is currently working through a list of commissions for a ‘Spicy’ EMS Calendar Project, in between taking therapy clients. This project kicked off when Aphrodite Theos first commissioned Sarah and they ended up brainstorming together.

Notable Events[]

First Day in Los Santos (The Van)
First Art Exhibition
Hired by Pixie Plum
Introduction to Drifting

Momentous Dates within the Government[]

Los Santos Medical Group[]

Rank Insignia Note Date
Psychologist - Hired to LSMG as Psychologist November 2, 2022

Trivia & Quotes[]

  • Once gave a stranger (Isabella Carrington) $50k to get their car out of impound, as a random act of kindness.
  • Owns an Oracle XS with the license plate “INKBLOT” to represent her artistic side, along with her passion for psychology and analysis (Inkblot test reference).
  • Acquired a bench from the mysterious Bench Guy during her first few weeks in Los Santos.
  • Her first art commission in the city was a book cover for Nicholas Reyes in the Liquid Library.
  • She is working on a ‘sexy calendar’ art project for the EMS Department.
  • Sarah is Autistic but rarely tells anyone due to common misconceptions.
  • Fainted in Viceroy once because she was too busy giving all her food to others who needed it.

  • “You need therapy for that choice of haircut!” - to Ryder Vert
  • “Oh My Gosh, I forgot to draw your nipples!” - to Balto Connelly
  • “Would you like some coffee? I have 10 on me” - to Clarke Adams
  • “I don’t understand why people joke that I’m a serial killer?!”
  • “I’m exceptionally ordinary, thank you for asking!”
  • “I’d appreciate if you didn’t die during our therapy session”
  • “Are you mentally okay? OH MY GOSH! I mean IS your head okay and are you feeling alright emotionally…”
  • “Oh heck yeah!”
  • “I’d seriously reconsider kidnapping me because I’m on the way to the hospital and I’ve not even had my coffee yet!”
  • "I meant your existence is convenient... Wait..." - Sarah back-tracking on a previously given compliment due to shyness - to Avery Stone
  • “If I give you $3000, will you go away?”

  • Gallery[]

    Played By: ShanChan
    Characters: Sarah Tonain

    Los Santos Medical Group
