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The San Andreas State Police (SASP), along with the Paleto Bay Sheriff's Office , the Davis Police Department , the Senora Desert Sheriff's Office , the San Andreas State Park Rangers , and the Vinewood Police Department makes up the executive branch of Los Santos; together they ensure that the law is upheld and enforced.

Chain of Command[]

Kael Soze is the Commissioner, and Sam Baas and Tony Andrews is the Deputy Commissioner, they are Greater High Command. Captains are High Command.

Support Operations[]

This Bureau includes Command rankings of Lieutenant (Commanding Officer) and Senior Sergeant (Shift Supervisor), and Sergeant (Supervisor).

The Trooper rank is a highly coveted position due to the legendary status its Troopers have within the police force as a whole. Many who seek this role never receive it, as joining the SASP in the first place is only possible if you are invited and both Soze and Andrews are very selective with who they grant this coveted rank to. Nobody has ever declined a State Invitation from Soze.

State Trooper and State Park Ranger callsigns begin with 2 (as in, 2xx). SASP And SASPR Callsigns ranges from 200 - 299.

State Officers

These officers are equal to the rank of "Senior Officer", and They have access to the SASP Chargers with the main focus being pursuits. (SoPs Pending)

Trooper Ranks Restructure

On the 19th of October 2022, Trooper Soze implemented ranks within the SASP for the first time. He made himself Commissioner and Andrews was made Deputy Commissioner. Snow, Copper, AJ and Ripley were made LT's within the Troopers, the rest of were giving the rank of Senior Sergeant and Sergeant. State Officers were all given the rank equivalent to of Senior Officer.

Fish and Wildlife Division[]

San Andreas State Park Rangers. The department includes High High Command rankings of Game Warden (Chief/Sheriff adjacent) and Captain (vacant) and Command rankings of Lieutenant and Sergeant.

The rank of Ranger was made to be equivalent to that of a Senior Officer/Deputy on the September 20th, along with the Game Warden Rank being instituted to the Department.

Current Rankings[]

Rank Insignia Responsibility Note
Commissioner SASPTrooper Greater High Command Maintains department
Deputy Commissioner Deputy Commissioner SASP Greater High Command Maintains department
Captain Trooper
High Command Support/Patrol Operations
Lieutenant Trooper
Commanding Officer Support/Patrol Operations
Senior Sergeant Trooper
Shift Supervisor Patrol Operations
Sergeant Trooper
Supervisor Patrol Operations
State Officer StateOfficerSASP Leading Officers Patrol Operations
Game Warden GameWardenSASPR Greater High Command Maintains department
Captain CaptainSASPR High Command Maintains department
Lieutenant LieutenantSASPR Commanding Rangers Support/Patrol Operations
Sergeant SergeantSASPR Ranger Supervisor Patrol Operations
Corporal CorporalSASPR Leading Rangers Patrol Operations.
Senior Ranger SeniorRanger Tenured Rangers Eligible for Certs
Ranger Ranger Sworn Rangers Eligible for Certs.
Junior Ranger JuniorRanger Rangers in training Requires Park Ranger Initiation at the top of Mt. Chiliad. Followed by more initiations from each members of the Rangers. Must be supervised by an FTO.


Certification Legend Rank Requirement Note
Air-1 Air Cert Trooper, Ranger Allows the officer to pilot Air-1 when required.
Burglary Task Force BTF Cert Trooper, Ranger Allows the officer to go undercover or unmarked to investigate burglary calls.
Enhanced Parole Program Parole Cert Trooper, Ranger Allows the officer to supervise people who are out on parole.
Field Training Instructor FTI Cert Trooper, Ranger Allows the officer to clear cadets for solo patrol and do final evaluations.
Field Training Officer FTO Cert Trooper, Ranger Allows the officer to ride along with and train cadets.
High Value Target Unit HVTU Cert Trooper, Ranger Allows the officer to go unmarked to apprehend persons with high profile warrants.
Interceptor Challenger Cert Trooper, Ranger Allows the officer to use the PD Dodge Challenger Demon Interceptor.
Interceptor Corvette Cert Trooper, Ranger Allows the officer to use the PD Chevrolet Corvette C7 Interceptor.
Interceptor Mustang Cert Trooper, Ranger Allows the officer to use the PD Ford Mustang Shelby GT350 Interceptor.
Interceptor Charger Cert Trooper, Ranger Allows the officer to use the PD Dodge Charger Hellcat Interceptor.
Jet Jet Cert Trooper, Ranger Allows the officer to use the PD Jets.
K9 Unit K9 Cert Trooper, Ranger Allows the officer to train and have a K9 Unit.
Motorcycle Motorcycle Cert Trooper, Ranger Allows the officer to use the PD Motorcycle.
Street Crimes Unit SCU Cert Trooper, Ranger Allows the officer to go undercover or unmarked to investigate open cases.
Street Racing Unit SRU Cert Trooper, Ranger Allows the officer to focus on taking down high profile Street Racers and Boosters.
The Highwaymen Highwaymen Cert Trooper, Ranger Allows the officer to patrol the Highways.
Rifle RIFLE Cert Trooper, Ranger Allows the officer to use the FN Scar.

(SOP's Pending)

SWAT SWAT Cert Trooper, Ranger Allows the officer to wear SWAT gear during scenarios that require it.
Major Crimes Division (Dissolved) MCD Cert Trooper, Ranger Allows the officer to begin new investigations, gather intel undercover, and delegate / approve new cases.
Internal Affairs (Dissolved) IA Cert Trooper, Ranger Allows the officer to conduct an investigation into any civilian complaints made against their fellow officers.

K9 Units[]

Name Breed Rank Insignia Handler
Eth Labrador Retriever Commissioner SASPTrooper Kael Soze
Koil Siberian Husky Commissioner SASPTrooper Tony Andrews
Zero Pit Bull Trooper Captain Trooper
Jack Ripley
Fenton Rottweiler Trooper Captain Trooper
Jackie Snow
Pit Bullet Pit Bull Trooper Captain Trooper
A.J. Hunter
Crybabypeepants Border Collie Trooper Captain Trooper
Olivia Copper
Mia Pit Bull Trooper Senior Sergeant Trooper
Emma Dupont

Field Training Units[]

High Command
Name Insignia Badge #
Kael Soze SASPTrooper 201
Tony Andrews Deputy Commissioner SASP 215
Sam Baas Deputy Commissioner SASP 242
Support Operations
Name Insignia Badge #
Jack Ripley Trooper
Jackie Snow Trooper
A.J. Hunter Trooper
Jack Davenport Trooper
Olivia Copper Trooper
Brittany Angel Trooper
Joel Garcia Trooper
Alex Casterman Trooper
Emma Dupont Trooper
T.J. Mack Trooper
James Doakes Trooper
SASPR Leadership
Name Insignia Badge #
Ziggy Buggs GameWardenSASPR 250
Tessa Lamb LieutenantSASPR 270
Patrol Operations
Name Insignia Badge #
Franky Dulio CorporalSASPR 225
Mina Price CorporalSASPR 240
Louise Campbell CorporalSASPR 290

Los Santos Police Dispatch[]

The Los Santos Police Dispatch works with all the executive branches including the Emergency Medical Services in the area of communications.

Rapid Responce Unit[]

The Rapid Response Unit or the RRU for short is a new dispatch center started by the Cerberus Police Department. Hiring for the RRU is on November 16, 2022, at the Cerberus Business Center.

Former Members[]

Name Insignia
(End of Term)
Badge #
(End of Term)
Reason for Leaving Final Date of Service
Aaron Byson Trooper 219 Returned to the LSPD as a Lieutenant April 14th, 2022
Jack Ripley Trooper 202 Transferred to the LSPD for 7 Days May 16th, 2022
T.J. Mack Trooper 208 Transfer Denied; Returned to the PBSO as a Corporal July 8th, 2022
Jim Underwood Trooper 237 Transfer Denied; Returned to the PBSO as a Corporal July 8th, 2022
Crocodile Steve StateOfficerSASP 222 Fired October 20th, 2022
William Gunner StateOfficerSASP 239 Appointed as Assistant Chief of the DPD November 14th, 2022
Derby West Bromwich Trooper
204 Fired January 5th, 2023
Selena Mendoza Trooper
203 Fired for Providing PD Equipment to Criminals February 16th, 2023

In Memory[]

Name Insignia
(End of Term)
Badge #
(End of Term)
Final Date of Service
Wesley Arnold SeniorRanger 275 July 21st, 2022