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The San Andreas State Police, along with the Los Santos Police Department and the Blaine County Sheriff's Office, makes up the executive branch of Los Santos; together they ensure that the law is upheld and enforced.

Chain of Command[]

Kael Soze and Tony Andrews are the Chief(s) and are High Command of the SASP.

All other Troopers are members of Command, and hold the rank of Sergeant. SASP Troopers are equal in rank and responsibility to the Sergeants within the LSPD and BCSO.

Current Rankings[]

Rank Insignia Responsibility Note
Chief of SASP SASPTrooper High Command Maintains department
Trooper Trooper Command Manages all Officers


Certification Legend Rank Requirement Note
Air Cert Trooper Allows the officer to pilot Air-1 when required.
Joint Task Force JTF Cert Trooper Allows the officer to begin new investigations, gather intel undercover, and delegate / approve new cases.
Field Training Officer FTO Cert Trooper Allows the officer to ride along with and train cadets.
Interceptor Interceptor Cert Trooper Allows the officer to use the PD Mustang Interceptor.
Internal Affairs IA Cert Trooper Allows the officer to conduct an investigation into any civilian complaints made against their fellow officers.
K9 Unit K9 Cert Trooper Allows the officer to train and have a K9 Unit.
SWAT SWAT Cert Trooper Allows the officer to wear SWAT gear during scenarios that require it.
State Police Joint Task Force (Dissolved) SPJTF Cert Trooper Allows the officer to go undercover or unmarked to investigate open cases.
Criminal Investigation Division (Dissolved) CID Cert Trooper Allows the officer to go undercover or unmarked to investigate open cases.


  • As of August 24th, 2020, none of the Troopers hold the certification for "Internal Affairs".

K9 Units[]

Name Rank Insignia Handler
TBD Trooper SASPTrooper Kael Soze
TBD Trooper SASPTrooper Tony Andrews
Fenton Trooper Trooper Jackie Snow
Bullet Trooper Trooper A.J. Hunter
Crybabypeepants Trooper Trooper Olivia Copper

Field Training Units[]

High Command
Name Insignia Badge #
Kael Soze SASPTrooper 201
Tony Andrews SASPTrooper 215
Patrol Operations
Name Insignia Badge #
Jackie Snow Trooper 205
A.J. Hunter Trooper 207
Olivia Copper Trooper 238

Los Santos Police Dispatch[]

The Los Santos Police Dispatch works with all the executive branches including the Emergency Medical Services in the area of communications.

Former Members[]

Name Insignia
(End of Term)
Badge #
(End of Term)
Reason for Leaving Final Date of Service
Sam Baas SASPTrooper 250 Transferred to the LSPD TBD
Jack Ripley Trooper 202 Transferred to the LSPD May 27th, 2019
Emma Dupont Trooper 206 Demoted during the PD Ranking Restructure[1]; Transferred to the LSPD May 27th, 2019
Honathan Yolo Trooper 211 Transferred to the BCSO October 18th, 2019


While the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) and State Police Joint Task Force (SPJTF) have been dissolved, this information will not be deleted, as it helps people identify who prominent Detectives are/were.

Criminal Investigation Division (CID)[]

The Captain of the CID was Trooper Olivia Copper.

The Criminal Investigation Division was dissolved on October 20th, 2019, with it being revealed that the SPJTF would replace it to much controversy.

The CID primarily worked behind the scenes to uncover and expose some of the most dangerous criminals and gangs. While not an executive branch, the work they did influenced the actions of every other executive branch.

State Police Joint Task Force (SPJTF)[]

The State Police Joint Task Force was dissolved on February 5th, 2020, as a result of the majority of cases going cold, and members having a lack of motivation to investigate.

The SPJTF was a detective unit made primarily to solve cases quicker and achieve raids faster than the CID could. This unit used officers assigned to tasks (usually one task at a time) in order to solve cases.

SASP Member Roster[]



  1. 08/20/19 PD Rank Structure Update -