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Special Weapons And Tactics (S.W.A.T.) is a division for the Los Santos police force that specializes in military equipment and tactics.


SWAT aims to complete tasks that regular patrol officers cannot. This applies to duties that involve great risk and danger such as raiding an apartment complex or dealing with gang wars.

At first, Officers that were a part of this division are expected to be ruthless, calculated and to approach scenes of crime with full force. This meant that only the most dedicated of officers are given the privilege to work within this division.

SASP Interceptor Units[]

Call Sign Name Rank Insignia
201 Kael Soze Chief of SASP SASPTrooper
215 Tony Andrews Chief of SASP SASPTrooper
205 Jackie Snow Trooper Trooper
207 A.J. Hunter Trooper Trooper
238 Olivia Copper Trooper Trooper

BCSO Leads[]

Call Sign Name Rank Insignia
357 Travis Tribble Sheriff SheriffBCSO
350 Rocko Colombo Undersheriff UndersheriffBCSO
313 Clarence Williams Sergeant SergeantBCSO
320 Matt Rhodes Sergeant SergeantBCSO
311 Honathan Yolo Senior Deputy SeniorDeputyBCSO
341 John Archer Deputy DeputyBCSO
399 Conan Clarkson Senior Ranger SeniorRanger

LSPD Leads[]

Call Sign Name Rank Insignia
408 Thomas Metzger Assistant Chief of Police AssistantChiefOfPoliceLSPD
457 Brittany Angel Sergeant SergeantLSPD
401 Frank Williams Senior Officer SeniorOfficerLSPD
420 Darrel McCormik Senior Officer SeniorOfficerLSPD