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Ryan Wright is a character role-played by bldrs.

General Description[]

Ryan Wright is a Solo Cadet for the Senora Desert Sheriff's Office, Badge #611.

He was the former Senior Parking Attendant at Mission Row Police Department.

Physical Description[]

He is a tall Caucasian male with well brushed brown hair. He is a well-built and physically fit male because of his triathlon roots. After attaining Cadet status, he got into a serious accident while doing a celebratory bike ride. His face was bandaged up, but has since removed them and has visible scars on his face.

Road to Officer[]

Ryan wanted to be a cop because when he was in the Department he claimed that he saw plenty of slimy stuff happening. He saw this and wanted to become a cop to deliver justice. During his time as a parking lot attendant, he was on a case investigating Oinkers or people who didn't park correctly, but he has found no further leads. He was officially hired as a Cadet for LSPD on May 13th, 2021.

Momentous Dates within the Government[]

Unified Police Department[]

Rank Insignia Note Date
Cadet LSPD-Cadet Hired to the LSPD; Badge #589 May 13th, 2021
Passed Academy May 16th, 2021
Cleared for Report Writing May 2021
Solo Cadet LSPD-Solo Cadet Solo Certified; Badge #689 July 1st, 2021
Fired due to Inactivity November 1st, 2021
Cadet SDSO-Cadet Hired to the SDSO; Badge #506 January 14th, 2022
Solo Cadet SDSO-Solo Cadet Solo Certified; Badge #611 February 27th, 2022
LSPD-Solo Cadet 2023 PD Restructure; Badge #U-611 March 6th, 2023
SDSO-Solo Cadet Hired to the SDSO; Badge #611 April 4th, 2023


  • He knows his way around bikes, photoshops, parking booths, and justice.
  • His Social Security is 10253, he willingly gave it to Domenic Toretti during his PD interview.
  • He is a triathlete at heart, he used to weigh over 300lbs when he was younger. But he has found a new love for being healthy and always being in keto.
  • He claims that people who do parking infractions are a gateway to bigger crimes like killing cops.
  • His greatest strength is himself, his body, and his mind.
  • His greatest weakness is his drive and judgement.
  • Would willingly jump off a bridge in order to get a promotion.
  • He can do various accents from a stereotypical New Yorker to Borat.


Played By: Bldrs
Characters: Kaleb RushSteve EnMichaelangelo KristofSamuel FitzcharlesRyan Wright

Blaine County Sheriff's Office

Sheriff: Aspen Gray

Undersheriff: vacant

Captain: Jeffrey BonesLukas LavenderLeon CassidyCletus Cornwood

Probationary Deputies: Jing WrongLando LancasterJonah Sloe
