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Ronnie Savage is a character role-played by NikkiNL.


Ronnie Savage, known as Ronald, Ron-Dog or 9 Mats Ronnie, is an employee at the UwU Café.

He started working at the UwU Café on August 18th, 2023.


When he got his Business Degree by graduating from college, he always wanted to own his own company, he tried multiple idea’s but none of them ever worked out, and it all flopped. To create a startup, he had to borrow a lot of money from the bank. After the 2nd startup the bank denied his request for another loan. But Ronnie was confident he had the perfect business idea, so he contacted a loan shark named Jason, he offered him the money for his startup at a very high rate, and Ronnie agreed. Two weeks into the new startup it failed again. Ronnie was devastated and knew he would have to find a way to pay off Jason the loan shark, but he currently did not have the money. He started to work at the local restaurant outside of San Andreas to try and collect money to pay off all his debts. For Jason it was taking too long, and he sent Ronnie a message that he had to come up with the money in the next week or something bad would happen to him. One day he got the idea to move away to a bigger city and start a new life, so he decided to move to Los Santos.


Right of Way Driving School[]

Upon arrival in Los Santos, Ronnie was looking for ways to earn money and get to know people, his first job was a driving instructor at the Right of Way Driving School. After getting hired there, he did one exam and figured this was a fun side hustle, but not a primary job.

Wuchang Records[]

UwU Café[]

Around the 18th of August 2023, Ronnie got hired at the UwU Café, this is where he would spend the coming 3 weeks the most of his time, and earn money to be able to afford his first car.

Around the last week of August, there was a small Hiring spree at the Café in which a bunch of memorable people in Ronnie's storyline were met, these people were:

In the upcoming weeks Ronnie would hang out a lot with Klaus, Vic, Max and Roman, and explore the city and have some fun adventures. During those adventures Ronnie became very good friends with Klaus, and they started to hang out a lot and have some real fun adventures together!


During his adventures in the early weeks, Ronnie met Donnie McMuffin, Ronnie would sell materials he got from chopping cars to him, and they became pretty good friends! Donnie was always talking about working at Hayes, so Ronnie planned an interview with Tex Graves and he got hired shortly after.

Memorable Events[]
