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Rocko Columbo is a character role-played by Dogbert.

General Description[]

Rocko Columbo is a Deputy for the Senora Desert Sheriff's Office, Badge #999.

Physical Description[]

Columbo is tall in height, has an athletic build and rugged looks, with slick back naturally dark brown hair that is currently dyed white, and a neatly kept beard. His body is completely covered in tattoos, though his uniform usually keeps them hidden. [1]


Columbo is famed and acclaimed by the police department for his HR meetings with fellow officers. He proves his "dad-ness" by giving his employee's relationship advice, and how to appropriately act on the job, all while showing off his tennis skills.

He is also a soft-spoken and reserved individual, as he prefers to keep to himself due to his line of work. On the surface, Columbo displays a rather friendly yet apathetic attitude when interacting with others he doesn't know. Although among his co-workers and close friends he shows a lighthearted, caring, and playful side.

Background Information[]

Hailing from Northside Queens, New York, Columbo is the oldest among his siblings of 3 brothers and 5 sisters. Later in life, he moved to Los Santos after having been inducted into a gang known for stealing babies and young children.

Before Columbo became a Detective, he started off his time in Los Santos as a social worker. Coming into the realization of the hardships and struggles in the city, he noticed a lot of citizens had been victims of crimes; from being held hostage to being a casualty. Columbo enjoyed being a social worker, however, he felt that he could do more to help people within the city. After much contemplation and seeing a therapist, he decided to become a cop.

During his years in the force, he ended up taking a six-month break due to high levels of stress. He took up a private security job during his time off, but soon returned to the BCSO, working hard on climbing the ranks, and becoming an official Detective.

The Highwaymen[]

For years Columbo made it his business to patrol the oft-neglected highways of San Andreas for criminals speeding and breaking the law, earning him the nickname of "The Highwayman." Together with Lauren Forcer they handed out speeding tickets. After Forcer joined the FIB, Columbo decided he needed more officers assisting him on his mission.

He founded the The Highwaymen, adding Demi Black, Ruger Daniels, Marcel King, and Lily Pond to the ranks. Besides patrolling the highways of San Andreas, The Highwaymen receive regular funding from the government to help maintain billboards along the highways.

Momentous Dates within the Government[]

Unified Police Department[]

Rank Insignia Note Date
Sergeant BCSO-R4 Government Restructure; Badge #350 February 5th, 2021
FTO Cert FTO Certified
LSPD-R4 Transferred to the LSPD; Badge #450 April 24th, 2021
Motorcycle Cert Motorcycle Certified
Interceptor Cert Interceptor Certified October 26th, 2021
SRU Cert Appointed as a Pursuit Driver in the SRU
Highwaymen Cert Founded the Highwaymen Unit November 28th, 2021
FTO Cert FTO Decertified
Undersheriff BCSO-R8 Appointed as the Undersheriff of the SDSO December 9th, 2021
FTI Cert FTI Certified
Changed Badge Number to #999 January 11th, 2022
Charger Cert Interceptor Restructure; Charger Access April 21st, 2022
Officer LSPD-R1 2023 PD Restructure; Badge #U-999 March 6th, 2023
Undersheriff BCSO-R8 Appointed as the Undersheriff of the BCSO; Badge #999 March 13th, 2023
FTI Cert FTI Certified
Senior Deputy SDSO-R2 Stepped down to Senior Deputy of the SDSO [2] May 3rd, 2023
Corporal SDSO-Corporal Transitioned to Corporal August 11th, 2023
Deputy SDSO-Deputy Stepped down to Deputy

Trivia and Quotes[]

  • "Right."
  • "Being in BCSO is a bit like being blonde--Sometimes the IQ might not all be there, but at the end of the day we have more fun."



Played By: Dogbert
Characters: Rocko ColumboLuther CaineAde MillerDinky WalnutzWyatt Mersion

Blaine County Sheriff's Office

Sheriff: Aspen Gray

Undersheriff: Leon Cassidy

Captain: Vincent VenturaLukas LavenderAlice Watson

Advisory Captain: Cletus Cornwood
