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Richard O'Conner is a character role-played by bigRichardRP.

General Information[]

Richard was previously a member of Gulag Gang. He is most well known for his likelihood to "troll" and to take joy in the frustrations of others - However, this does not mean that he doesn't care for those close to him, despite his unserious nature, Richard has proven his loyalty and affection for those he calls family.

He was previously a member of Bowl Cut Gang but after being kicked from the gang for his uncontrollable behavior, he joined GG on April 4th, 2022. This change went well for Richard as he ended up fitting in well with the gang and managed to achieve GG Zero IQ on June 20th of the same year, unfortunately he was moved back down to GG Academy after causing too much chaos and troubles within the gang. It wasn't until October 2nd 2022 that rankings within the gang were removed and Richard was just seen as a member of GG.

When he joined GG, Richard quickly made a name for himself among the PD, with his infamous camouflaged Karuma that he would use over and over again on bank jobs. He swiftly became Marty's first choice getaway driver, grossing the gang millions of dollars through successful City Vault robberies. He also became the gang's backup hacker, second to his father (Marty).


Upon Richard's transition from Bowl Cut Gang to Gulag Gang, there was a point in time where he began to get close to GG OG, Marty Banks. It wasn't long before Marty took a liking to Richard and his erratic behavior - Marty claiming that Richard reminded him of himself. This dynamic caused Marty to formally adopt Richard as his son and reserve him a place in Gulag Gang.

Alongside this, Future Cortair and Appie Turk are Richard's uncles and Jack Cortair is Richard's adopted grand-father. The majority of Richard's adopted family are apart of Gulag Gang, the crew often taking to adopting each other and having an intricate connection to one another. However, this family relation to the gang does not mean they act in a familiar way, Marty Banks often claims that GG are "not a family and should act like a gang" enforcing them to act and react in a hostile manner.

On 22nd October, Marty Banks kicked Richard from Gulag Gang for lying to him.

Richard aka Rupert used to be that guy. He was HIM. Ghost


  • Richard was once raided by A.J. Hunter due to his own self-snitching.
  • Coined the nickname 'Rupert' from fellow gang member Tyreke Knox.
  • Was previously married to Ivy Poppins but claims to "only like dick" after their divorce.
  • Richard completed a Solo Heroin Run that was secretly given to him by Lang Buddha.
  • During September 2022 wiped the cops during a meth run alongside Chang Gang


Played By: bigRichardRP
Characters: Richard O'ConnerRupert O'CopperLil Rich
