Reginald "Reggie" Watson is a British character role-played by IanDavis, an American.
Reginald is an honored member of the Royal Mafia and serves as the Head Botanist of their Weed Empire.
Sir Reginald "Reggie" Watson is a British man in his 60s who recently moved to Los Santos. He speaks with a posh accent. Reggie is an honest, loyal and kind man, but can also dish out phrases and sayings you would not think he knew. This might be due to the fact that most people he hangs out with are in their 20s.
He tries hard to keep his life legal on the front end, but can be found in less-than-fortunate situations, mainly because of his friends and associations.
Past Relationships[]
- Tommy Tate: Tommy was one of The Mandem who he was closest to. However after The Mandem cut him off, Reggie put notes around the city saying 'Tommy T's music is trash' and 'Fuck The Ballas - Tommy T'. Tommy found out that Reggie was responsible for this and said that he would shoot him if he saw him. After Reggie stole and blew up Stacey's car, Tommy along with Stacey kidnapped Reggie and shot him in the head.
- Adam Ababwa: Adam is a fire-cracker who enjoys pranking Reggie. It is all in good nature though, as he deep down really enjoys spending time with Reggie. Because Adam moves very fast, and is often busy, they don't hang out or talk as often, but when they do, its usually crackhead-hours.
- Dave Perry: Dave is Reggie's best friend. They often hang out together and their relationship resembles a father-son relationship. Dave is often the more impulsive one, while Reggie looks out for Dave. They once had a falling out when hanging out with Stacey because Reggie and Stacey were talking about something they didn't want to get Dave involved in (in his best interest). Dave got sad that they kept secrets from him and left them, before he tweeted out saying he wanted new friends. However, they made up when Reggie and Stacey got in a cop chase with him to prove their friendship.
- Stacey Doyle: Reggie first met Stacey when he was with the Mandem and they told him to try the "dating- line" on her. They have since become good friends, who have in common that they are very much the "mom and dad" of the Mandem. Although they are far in age and have few similar interests, they seem to click well and always have fun when hanging out. After being cut off from the Mandem, Reggie decided to steal Stacey's car and blow it up. Stacey and Tommy found out about this and kidnapped Reggie. Stacey told Reggie that she did not want things to come to this and then shot him in the head.
Kane Stokes
Esther Young
Nicky Graham
Memorable Sayings and Quotes[]
- "Wagwan Peng Ting, Can I Get Your BBM-Pin, You Dunno, Alie?" to multiple females around the city.
- "Your MUM!" to Tommy asking what he was aiming at when they were throwing shoes at the Apartments.
- "Oh dear, that's cringe!"
Story with The Mandem[]
Reggie's contact with The Mandem was when Tommy and Adam gave him a taxi ride. Throughout the ride, they continuously told him that he was speaking quietly, so Reggie ended up shouting very loudly. After this, they became friends and hung out on numerous occasions. The Mandem planned to use Reggie as their clean man and put a house and future businesses in his name. This plan fell through after Reggie started to get involved in criminal activity.
Over time, The Mandem stopped spending as much time with Reggie. This upset Reggie and caused him to feel as though he was being pushed away. He then met with Tommy and explained how he felt. Tommy explained to Reggie that they were often busy and could only move in a group of 4.
While running oxy, Reggie and Dave were pulled up on by NBC. Reggie insulted Guy Jones which lead to him being shot. Reggie told Guy that The Mandem would hear about this situation. Guy then called Tommy and the two discussed what had happened. Tommy managed to retrieve Reggie's stolen oxy. Tommy then told Reggie never to through their name around as it could easily get them into a war that they would want no part in.
While at a Wu Chang party, Reggie and Dave stole a car from the parking lot and drove it to the apartments. Once they arrived, they realised that it was The Mandem's car. Once The Mandem learned who had stolen their car, they decided to test them and ask them for $5,000 each. Dave said that he wouldn't pay anything, however Reggie said that he was willing to pay $1,000. Tommy and Stacey then found Dave and Reggie and took them to the crypt. While there, Tommy said that the two of them were liabilities, as the would often act before thinking and told them that they were no longer associated to The Mandem.
After this, Reggie decided to graffiti around the city saying things like 'Tommy T's music is trash' and 'The Ballas cant shoot for shit - Tommy T'. Reggie and Dave then stole Stacey's car again and blew it up. This action lead to both of them being kidnapped and shot by Tommy and Stacey. This left Dave without feeling in his legs and in the need of a wheelchair and left Reggie in the ICU for three weeks.
The Return[]
Reginald returned on 08.09.2021 after an extended amount of time in the ICU. The decision to ICU was a direct result of his banishing from the Mandem via execution.
Joining the Royal Mafia[]
Reggie's first contact with what is now known as the Royal Mafia (at the time ZooMafia) was at an album release party being hosted at the Mandem's Block. His specific point of contact was with Sidwig Crawshank, who took an interest in Reggie's aura/vibe and was actively recruiting associates to the ZooMafia following the deportation of his boss, Tomassi Papparatto (banned). Reggie was initially tasked with proving himself to the ZooMafia by completing various tasks for them such as cultivating, growing, and selling black market marijuana. Reggie was eager to embark on this exciting criminal endeavor following his banishment from his former gang association, The Mandem. He was particularly enticed by Sidwig's promise of endless riches and wealth.
Over the next month or two, Reginald began to do great work in proving himself to the ZooMafia, and was side-by-side with them during some of their hardest challenges and changes. Reginald saw great potential with the group and was committed to making things work. Reginald began taking over many different logistical endeavors for "the family," in particular, their marijuana empire. Reginald became the sole drug lord figure for the family, purchasing property to dry the weed, coming up with fail-safe methods of growing and transport, and carrying out sales and training exercises to those interested in selling his product.
Reggie thus far has stuck with the Royal Mafia and has proved himself to be a tried and true OG member during their transition to the now permanent name.