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General Description[]

Pursuit teams Interceptor was the general cert to given to drivers who had passed the Police Interceptor Certification Time Trials and granted the ability to drive the interceptors, The team merged into the Street Racing Unit in which Brittany Angel control the certification for Interceptors with the overall supervision of Kael Soze to create a more efficient and unified unit

The Interceptor certification is available to all sworn law enforcement officers of the Los Santos Police Department ,Paleto Bay Sheriff's Office , Senora Desert Sheriff's Office, San Andreas State Police and the San Andreas State Park Rangers in addition to their various departments.

The Interceptor certification grants an officer access to their department's fleet of interceptor units. These vehicles allow officers to pursue fast-driving vehicles.

Following the PD restructre the SRU was disbanded and suceeded by the High Speed Pursuit Unit


The SRU’s current fleet consists of 5 Widebody Chargers, and 2 of each Interceptor: Challenger (Demon), Corvette (C7) and Mustang (Shelby GT350). Standard certed drivers are only permitted to drive the Widebody Chargers, while supervisors, leads and certed Troopers can drive any of the fleet vehicle. The unit is allowed 4 WB chargers and two of the other interceptors out at any time. With the rest reserved for trials or extremely exceptional circumstances.

Entry requirements[]

With the focus of the department shifting more towards Chargers, Angel restructured the entry requirements to consist of 2 Charger trials.

A skill check time trial around PD Breeze to ensure prospects can handle the car and push it to its limits. To pass this trial participants must beat a passing time, currently set at 3:12.

The second trial, uses the track Hot Pursuit, a track that loops around the entire island passing the various PDs, the goal of this track differs from the others, as it aims to mimic pursuits. During the trial candidates face off against an SRU supervisor/lead and pursue them using accurate comms until they are able to pit and pass them, then the role swaps in a game of cat and mouse. The candidate passes if they demonstrate competence in pursuing and by being first to the finish line.

Previous Entry requirements[]

Since the focus shifted to Chargers the following trials were deemed unrepresentative and abandoned. There were 3 initial time trials, one for each interceptor.

  • A track around Sandy shores and Grapeseed for the Challenger created by Kael Soze
  • A Track around the docks and oil fields for the Corvette (Track was remade by Brittany Angel with the formation of the SRU after the original track created by Kael Soze was blocked by the opening of the tuner shop)
  • A track through the hills with a short of-road section for the Mustang created by Kael Soze

Due to the many revisions to the interceptors since their introduction, the initial Police Interceptor Certification Time Trials requirements have been changed with officers who had previously gained the certification keeping the cert without the need to meet the new times.

Interceptor Legend Pass time Record Holder
Challenger Challenger Cert 4:30* 4:11** Brittany Angel
Corvette Corvette Cert 5:20 5:04 Brittany Angel
Mustang Mustang Cert 3:48 3:36 Brittany Angel
Charger Charger Cert TBD TBD TBD

* pass time increased from 4:25 due to car changes, ** record set before change

In addition to the time trial there is an optional pursuit test where candidates must attempt to pursue Angel as she judges their skill, it is expected that drivers are able to maintain the chase for several minutes while maintaining accurate comms.

Candidates have the option of passing all 3 trials or 2 trials and the pursuit. Standards however are flexible if the candidate has something additional to offer, for example being an investigator although they must still show basic proficiency with interceptors

A 4th track “Hot Pursuit” was created for the Charger, a track that loops around the entire island passing the various PDs, the goal of this track differs from the others, as it aims to mimic pursuits. During the trial candidates face of against an SRU supervisor/lead and pursue them using accurate comms until they are able to pit and pass them, then the role swaps in a game of cat and mouse. The candidate passes if they demonstrate competence in pursuing and by being first to the finish line.

SASP Interceptor Units[]

Call Sign Name Rank Insignia Access
285 Brittany Angel Trooper Trooper Full Access

SASPR Interceptor Units[]

Call Sign Name Rank Insignia Access

LSPD Interceptor Units[]

Call Sign Name Rank Insignia Access

PBSO Interceptor Units

Call Sign Name Rank Insignia Access

SDSO Interceptor Units[]

Call Sign Name Rank Insignia Access

Pursuit Team Roster[]

Former Members[]

Name Insignia Badge # Note Date