Ottos Autos is a mechanic shop created by Otto Delmar.
Otto's Autos started out as a second-hand car dealership and mechanic shop created by Otto Delmar. It gave people a simple way to get rid of their cars quickly without hassle, with buyers able to save money by purchasing second-hand vehicles.
Today the Otto's Autos mechanic shop shares property with three other businesses:
- Otto's Gas: a gas station run by Cerberus.
- PDM: a Cerberus car dealership that sells brand-new import cars from its outdoor lot.
- Mushkin's Motors: Mary Mushkin's used car dealership that buys and sells used cars from the four shared parking spaces between Otto's Autos and PDM. Mushkin's Motors also owns the storefront located at Otto's Gas.
The ownership of the business was originally split four ways between Dean Watson, Otto Delmar, Leslie Lingberg and Marlo Stanfield all investing $200k each. Otto also persuaded Salem Barghouthi to invest $200k without being given shares.
Otto created Diamond Hand Credit so that Otto's Autos could offer fast and easy loans to people buying cars who needed a little extra cash. With Leslie Lingberg being a 25% shareholder, the business had a partnership with PDM where people looking to sell cars could be directed to Otto's Autos. PDM eventually moved directly next door to Otto's Autos, leading to tensions between the two businesses. Otto's Autos also got its own gas station, named Otto's Gas.
Whereas PDM specialized in importing and selling brand-new cars from its outdoor lot, Otto's Autos bought and sold used cars that could be stored in four shared parking spots next to the mechanic shop.
Since Otto's opened, Mila Smoak ran the day to day operations of Otto's before she was promoted to become the full CEO. James Arsenal used to run the Sales Division until he was fired for using his job at Diamond Hand Credit to give himself around 26 million dollars worth of loans at the lowest interest rate. In response, Marlo Stanfield and Cerberus head Lang Buddha closed down the whole Diamond Hand Credit company, and Lang had his Deputy Mayor Tim Collins draft "The A.R.S.E.N.A.L. Act" to disassemble all state-funding for loan companies including Fast Loans. Cerberus grew suspicious of CEO Mila Smoak when she broke up her engagement with James but still bailed him out, suddenly wanted ownership shares of Otto's Autos, didn't warn Cerberus that her NBC gang leader Guy Jones would shoot and kidnap Marlo, told Lang she wanted to leave her position at Cerberus, and fired Marlo's wife Fiona Stewart from human resources. But Lang, Nancy Drew, and Eve Summers eventually decided that Mila had worked too hard for Otto's Autos to be fired. Finally in February 2023 during a spat between CEO Mila Smoak and 25% co-owner Marlo Stanfield, Lang Buddha had Cerberus purchase all of Marlo's ownership shares for 15 million dollars (on the condition that he get free repairs for life and access to the "snack drawer"). Lang offered 25% ownership of the company to Mila on the condition that she could only return her shares back to Cerberus. In exchange for giving her the shares for free, Lang stipulated that she could not rehire her ex-fiance James Arsenal. Alternatively, Lang stated that Mila could hire whomever she wanted if she bought the 25% shares (on the condition that she could only resell them back to Cerberus unless they declined). But when Lang caught wind that Otto Delmar had recruited Mila for "Real Otto's"--a mechanic shop he planned to start next to the old Otto's Autos--Lang fired Mila from Otto's Autos, Otto's Gas, and PDM on February 27, 2023. Most of Mila's employees left with her. On March 1, 2023, Mushkin's Motors owner Mary Mushkin acquired 100% equity of the used car dealership at Otto's Autos (and the four shared parking spots next to the mechanic shop) for the price of 25 million dollars, allowing her to delegate to Mushkin's Motors employees the ability to transfer ownership of used cars. Mushkin's Motors also received the storefront located at Otto's Gas. |
Lang moved forward with Jeffrey Bones' idea to let PD Tow run Otto's Autos as a mechanic shop for the police (including free PD repairs) with state funding, and hired PD Tow Head Manager Louise Campbell as the new CEO of Otto's Autos. Cerberus and PD Tow mandated that going forward, the employees have clean records. |