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Oscar Bowman is a character role-played by zillionRP.

General Description[]

Oscar Bowman was the Warden for the Department of Corrections, Badge #701 and a Firefighter with the Los Santos Fire Department, call-sign F-40.

Bowman moved to San Diego as a 3 year old, lost his parents in a helicopter crash when he was 20, just after finishing college. He got a boring desk job in an office, met his late fiancée shortly after moving out of his childhood home and they had a daughter at 23 years old. Both his fiancée and daughter passed away in a car crash where a truck, going way too fast, T-boned them at an intersection. The man driving the truck was an escaped inmate sentenced to multiple life sentences and was put on another trial following the accident where the death sentence was ultimately overturned into another set of two life sentences. Bowman visited the man in prison, trying to understand the circumstances surrounding the car crash over the span of several months before the man was killed in a stab incident. After learning so much yet so little about what went on in the man's mind, Bowman decided to leave San Diego and relocated to Los Santos.

Over two years went by of trying to move on from all his tragedy. When working at the farmer's market in early 2022, one corrections officer called Leif Nordmann peaked Bowman's curiosity about Bolingbroke hiring new corrections officers and handed him an application. While Bowman didn't get hired after over a month of waiting, he decided to reapply and ultimately got hired in May 2022.

Momentous Dates within the Government[]

Department of Corrections[]

Rank Insignia Note Date
Corrections Cadet CadetDOC Hired to the DOC; Badge #812 May 18th, 2022
Corrections Solo Cadet SoloCadetDOC Solo Certified; Badge #712 June 6th, 2022
Corrections Officer OfficerDOC Promoted to Corrections Officer June 21st, 2022
Senior Corrections Officer SeniorOfficerDOC Promoted to Senior Corrections Officer July 11th, 2022
Corrections Corporal CorporalDOC Promoted to Corrections Corporal; Badge #718 August 9th, 2022
Deputy Warden DeputyWarden Elected as Deputy Warden; Badge #702 September 12th, 2022
Warden Warden Appointed as Warden; Badge #701 November 30th, 2022
Suspended indefinetly for Shooting Jeremy Phillips December 3rd, 2022
Fired from the Department December 11th, 2022
Corrections Cadet CadetDOC Hired to the DOC; Badge #718 January 7th, 2023
Corrections Solo Cadet SoloCadetDOC Solo Certified January 8th, 2023
Medic Cert Medically certified January 10th, 2023
Corrections Officer OfficerDOC Promoted to Corrections Officer January 21st, 2023
Corrections Corporal CorporalDOC Promoted to Corrections Corporal January 29th, 2023
P&T Assigned P&T Lead February 6th, 2023
RubberSlug Cert Preliminary certified for Rubber Slug Shotgun February 15th, 2023
Corrections Sergeant SergeantDOC Promoted to Corrections Sergeant February 23rd, 2023
Warden Warden Elected as Warden; Badge #701 June 10th, 2023
Removed from the department following the collapse of society December 12th, 2023

Los Santos Fire Department[]

Rank Insignia Note Date
Recruit - Hired to the LSFD; Call-Sign F-40 January 2nd, 2023
Fire Fighter EMS LSFD Cert 10 Promoted to Fire Fighter January 18th, 2023

Hired to the Department of Corrections and Academy training day[]

After 3 months of trying to get hired by the Department of Corrections, Oscar Bowman was hired as a Cadet on the 18th of May, 2022. He participated and completed his Academy on the 20th of May, 2022, alongside Miles Blaine, Alex Williams, James Matthews, Elias Butcher and Harry Wheeler. During the academy, Bowman was asked by Jon Castle if he had studied his SOPs, to which Bowman replied that he hadn't. Castle yelled to his face but later exclaimed that he respects the honest answer.

During the classroom portion of the academy, the FTI leading the academy hadn't cleared the entire cell block six. As the class gathered in the middle of the room, Amelia Waters emerged from the upstairs library and yelled "Welcome to prison" while throwing a molotov at the ground where the class was standing. Everyone got caught by the fire, resulting in 7 correctional officers laying face down smelling like bacon.

Elected as Deputy Warden[]

On the 12th of September, 2022, Bowman was elected Deputy Warden alongside Warden Charles Lafayette. Bowman who has never been a man looking for power, was urged by the entirety of the department to submit a proposal and run for Deputy Warden. After denying several promotions and stating "I'm here for the department, I will do everything I can to train cadets and make sure the department never stops growing", he accepted a Corporal position with the DOC just shy of the Deputy Warden election on the 9th of August, 2022.

When the final results were announced, Bowman was unable to be on duty as he had been kidnapped and injected with metamorphine two days prior which lead to him getting admitted to the ICU. When he got discharged, Miles Blaine, one of Bowman's closest friends, helped getting him back to Bolingbroke for his first shift as Deputy Warden.

Fired from the Department of Corrections[]

Following the shooting of Jeremy Phillips, Bowman was initially suspended indefinitely on the 3rd of December, 2022, pending his expungement process. He was however fired on the 11th of December shortly after Jordan Lewis and Steve Durphy were elected Warden and Deputy Warden respectively.

The Pack Interrogation and Megariot[]

When Bowman and Steve Durphy were conducting an interview in the lawyer room on the 30th of July 2022, Alan "Chewy" Chewdansky requested 77s over radio stating that an inmate was severely injured in cellblock seven. Bowman left the interview and ran over to Chewy who was waiting just outside the cell block. Next to him stood Noah "Noh" Scapeson, a member of The Pack wearing a white mask. Following Noah inside the cell block, Bowman immediately noticed something was off: everybody inside was dressed in all black with masks on and pointed to the south western corner. When Bowman and Chewy reached the corner, two more masked up inmates were hiding there, pulling out guns urging them to put their hands up. Lennon "Bane" Lee emerged from a nearby cell and started talking to Bowman, asking questions regarding a rumour that there would be a mass bunk-flip with PD involved in the coming hours and wondered how the DOC had found out about a weapon drop The Pack had received.

Bowman had a few days prior witnessed a helicopter hotdrop into prison but was unable to investigate further at the time. It was however suspected that a large amount of guns and contraband had made it's way into prison. Bowman and Charles Lafayette met for a meeting up on the catwalks the day of the riot to decide how to proceed. A decision was made to reach out to PD in the coming days and to be on high alert where correctional officers could be singled out and injured. This information however got out to the inmates as maybe it had been overheard as neither Charles or Bowman gave any information out regarding this to anyone for the remainder of the shift.

Bane pressured Bowman into telling him which inmate gave out information regarding the weapon drop, as he didn't accept Bowman witnessing the helictoper as an answer. When Bowman didn't break, Bane pressed the knife into his abdomen, triggering a 13A. Chewy was stabbed in the neck and shortly after a prison lockdown was initiated. While laying on the floor in the middle of the cell block, Bowman realised the extent of the weapons brought into prison just as a grenade landed next to him by the inner cell block door, ultimately blowing his left ear off. The riot and following breach lasted over half an hour and Bowman was looking worse by the minute. When he was brought outside he had lost a lot of blood, was pale and almost cold to the touch. He was rushed to Viceroy Medical Center but on the way there he flatlined and was clinically dead for three minutes until he was resuscitated by medical staff.

Unfortunately, Bowman had been out for too long to not get away scottfree. Bowman was admitted into the ICU and doctors stated that the lack of oxygen and bloodloss for the extended amount of time will likely lead to permanent consequences. Nerve damage likely to impede speech, lower body paralysis, permanent hearing loss on the left, now exploded, ear and reduced hearing on the right. The doctors were unsure of how extensive the recovery would be but estimated around a month for complete recovery.

Insurrection of Bolingbroke[]

After heading off duty on August 21st 2022 following Mel Rickenbacker's sentencing to life in prison, Bowman left Jack Higgins and Cameron Randall up on the catwalks.


Witness to the murder of Charles Lafayette[]

On the 30th of November, 2022, Oscar Bowman and Charles Lafayette were briefly roaming the prison yard dressed as Lifer King and Prince to stir between former House DOC, led by Andrew Hanneford, and the Old Guard when approached by Desmond "Dez" Deckard, a lifer within the penitentiary. Charles and Desmond made their way into the office of cellblock seven followed by Bowman minutes later. After a brief discussion about Desmond's interest in applying for parole, another lifer Jeremy Phillips, approached the glass doors of the office. An argument between all four ensued where Jeremy asserted that Dez was benefitting from special privileges (especially his allowance of a phone in the prison), while Dez insisted these benefits were the fruits of his labor, and he worked hard to earn them. Bowman wasn't feeling too good and passed out against a backdoor in the office and when he came to, Charles was bleeding heavily, laying in the middle of the therapy circle with Desmond standing over him. Over radio, Bowman heard chatter that Jeremy had surrendered and had been detained.

Charles was looking worse for wear and was rushed by Bowman to the prison infirmary in an attempt to patch up the different stab wounds. While attempting to resuscitate Charles, a medical helicopter landed in prison to take Charles to a hospital to better treat his injuries. However, damage to the arteries and stomach proved to be fatal, as Charles was later announced deceased at Viceroy Medical Center, after a decision not to keep him on life support.

Charles death had major impact on Bowman's wellbeing, as Charles was the senior guard that had cared for Bowman throughout the entirety of working with the Department of Corrections. Charles, being the one FTO to care the most for Bowman both on a professional and personal level went on to not only teach Bowman about the in's and out's of prison, but also about life on the outside.

Shooting of Jeremy Phillips[]

On the 1st of December, 2022, Bowman dragged Jeremy Phillips into cellblock 4, used as Advanced Segregation in the penitentiary. Jeremy was questioned about the events that transpired the previous night. Jeremy explained to Bowman that he had pulled out a knife to stab Dez because of the special treatment Charles and other correctional officers showed Dez, included but not limited to his phone usage. Dez who subsequently pulled out a Rubber-Slug Shotgun, aimed it at Jeremy. This infuriated Jeremy, seeing that Charles' special treatment even include handing weapons to inmates. Despite the Rubber-Slug Shotgun, Jeremy succeeded with stabbing Dez and turned towards Lafayette, causing the fatal injuries. Jeremy showed no regret in front of Bowman and went on, uttering "I didn't know he was going to die".

This didn't sit well with Bowman who got more upset with Jeremy. While no physical altercation occurred, Bowman was very close at escalating the use of force as the interrogation continued. In an attempt to mess with Bowman, Jeremy mentioned other lifers who could fill in the blanks that Jeremy left out regarding the night of the murder, most notably Zai Fenelle. Bowman left the cell block with the parting words "I'll see you on death row".

On the 3rd of December, 2022, Charles Lafayette's funeral was held in North Yard in prison. Family, close friends, coworkers and lifers all attended, except for Jeremy Phillips who was contained to genpop. Bowman had prepared a speech but as everyone else had said their words, Bowman steered from his prepared speech and gave his words on how prison only takes and takes, with nothing to give, and Charles being caught in the crossfire. He stated how through previous text messages, Charles would never want to leave prison other than in a body bag. The funeral closing was accompanied by a recording found in Charles' home on Joshua Road 1. The recording was a 16 minute long retirement speech Lafayette planned to release as parting words, when he officially would retire on the 11th of December, 2022, marking the end of his 6 month Wardenship with the DOC. This was news to everybody present at the funeral and completely destroyed Bowman who was seen leaving shortly after the recording finished playing.

30 minutes after the funeral, Bowman, Jack Higgins and Austin Barrett were standing alone in the skatepark as all other guests had left. Bowman was seen physically shaking and stuttering as he held his PD firearm toward Jeremy who was standing in the closed off Avanced Segregation area. Barrett and Higgins managed to get Bowman to surrender his gun and walk away from the skatepark and told him to go home as "this isn't what Charles would want to happen". Those words by Higgins, along with a correctional officer screaming for 78s over radio, made Bowman go blank who then started walking back toward the skate park. After a failed attempt at detaining Bowman, he entered his personal locker and pulled out a second PD glock and walked toward Jeremy. After staring at him for 30 seconds, Bowman pulled the trigger.
