Noah "Noh" Scapeson is a character role-played by DigiiTsuna.
Noah (born September 7th 1988) is a 33 year old man. He is currently serving a life sentence at Bolingbroke Penitentiary.
Early Life[]
Noah Scapeson was born on September 7th 1988, his father Al Scapeson was a dock worker at the Tilbury docks in Essex, England, and May Scapeson a school teacher at a local primary school (Elementary School). The family was a normal working class family, Al Scapeson and May Scapeson were kind, caring parents that worked hard to prove Noah Scapeson with anything he wanted. Al Scapeson and May Scapeson tried for years to have a second child and were never able, leaving Noah Scapeson to be an only child.
Only Child[]
This lead Noah Scapeson to spend much of his time alone in his room, playing with toys or video games alone, this gave him plenty of time to collect the bugs that would enter his room, bees, wasps, spiders, flies, butterflies, anything that came in, he would calmly collect inside of plastic containers he has poked holes in with a penknife his Al Scapeson has given him on his 6th birthday that had his initially engraved on it. This habit went unnoticed by Al Scapeson and May Scapeson as they worked often to provide for him and just assumed he was a happy child keeping himself entertained with books, TV and music. Noah Scapeson would watch the bugs for a few days before becoming bored of them and using the pen knife to cut off the heads of the insects, he would then swap the heads with each other, Ant heads on Spider bodies, spider heads on wasp bodies, he didn’t know why, he just found it entertaining, the capture, observe kill process, he found exhilarating.
8th Birthday[]
On his 8th birthday, his Grandfather (Ivan Scapeson) took him camping at a local hunting grounds, here Noah Scapeson was taught the pass time of ‘Rabbiting’, the act of taking dogs such as Jack Russels and using them to hunt rabbits, sending the dog down rabbit holes and having them come back with the rabbit, his grandfather expected some hesitation the first time he showed Noah Scapeson how to break the rabbits neck and begin to skin the animal, however Noah Scapeson took the next Rabbit, snapped its neck clean and began copying skinning with almost perfect recall the steps his grandfather had shown him, his grandfather noticed this and was impressed, if not a little hesitant after seeing how little it affected Noah Scapeson.
School Life[]
In his school life Noah Scapeson was a good student, learned subjects with ease and would often score top marks, however he was a social outcast, he showed little to no interest in becoming friends with classmates, would refuse to attend school functions or birthday parties, teachers and his parents assumed this was him being shy and a little reserved and allowed him to sit out on those activities as he seemed to be happy going about on his own and doing well in classes. In truth, he found other students boring and didn’t see them as equals, he looked down on them, finding their fascination with playing cards and other trends tedious and exhausting. This led some of the children to call him weird or a creep, these words didn’t bother him much, but he did realize he appeared to be the only one like it in his class. This interested him and he began quietly studying other students, noticing their personality traits, picking up on slight differences between them all, he spent the rest of his time in Primary school doing this across the entire student body, he’s watch, listen, observe them, he noticed it was a lot like watching the insects from his room, each of them had their own little quirks and differences, but ultimately, all of them, the same to him, nothing. He decided when moving to Secondary School (High School) that he would take some of the research he had done and reinvent himself, as many people do when reaching this age, he showed high confidence, he found a way to be funny, but only through his sarcastic disdain for everything around him but he used it as a way to come across “cool, and unbothered”, he joined a Rugby team at school and was rather good at it, being a little bigger than some of the other kids his age and being in fairly good shape from hunting with his grandfather on camping weekends once a month and helping his father with various building and home improvements while growing up made him able to overpower the other teams players easily. All of this was an act, he wanted to see how easy it would be to become “popular” after being “weird and creepy” before.
Family Pets[]
When Noah Scapeson started high school, Al Scapeson and Mother Noah Scapeson decided to get him a dog, the idea was to teach him responsibility and how to care for something, they told him how they would buy the food and things the dog needed, but he would have to remember to feed it, take it for walks, clean up after it and train the dog. Noah Scapeson didn’t want a pet, but agreed to go along with this lesson and did so, very well. Over time he bonded with the Dog that he had Noah Scapesond Dog because he didn’t care. Some time after the dog turned 2, Noah Scapeson decided to take it deep into some woods when walking, when the dog eventually tired from the walk, it laid down in the field, where it laid on a Adder Snake that bit Dog, Noah Scapeson noticed and quickly used his pen knife to stab through the snakes head, killing it instantly, however the damage was done and Dog in pain began running, Noah Scapeson chased after the dog knowing this would only make the venom spread faster, eventually Dog overwhelmed by the venom collapsed and was panting heavily, Noah Scapeson had no signal on his phone and unable to call for help simple stroked Dog softly and pushed his pen knife into the dogs neck, ending its pain, but instead of sadness and grief, Noah Scapeson felt, euphoric, like something felt right about this situation. He smiled and carried the dog and snake home, his parents shocked and grief stricken couldn’t believe the story when he told them, they comforted Noah Scapeson thinking he was in shock. Over the next few years, they’d get a few other pets, rabbits, cats, all of them would encounter ‘Accidents’, one rabbit was found early one morning with the hutch outside destroyed and the rabbit torn to pieces, presumably by a fox, one of the cats was found in the road supposedly hit by a car and missing its ear, back hind right leg and tail.
First Girlfriend[]
At age 16, Noah Scapeson began dating a classmate, Sarah Noir. She had caught his interest by being smart, he felt intellectually challenged when with her and this excited him, his friends all had started dating and he decided she would be the best option if he needed to follow suit. She as a blond, sleek girl who also had top marks in her class, she was a pretty girl by all normal standards, popular and and friendly, she ran study groups for students that struggled, she’d throw parties on weekends when her parents would be away for work and her older sister Sam wouldn’t care and would buy the alcohol and drugs for the teens. This is where Noah Scapeson first experienced class A drugs. He had smoked weed occasionally with the rugby team and because it helped him continue to keep up the facade of being popular, but Sam introduced him to Cocaine, MDMA and Acid. Sam was one of the first people Noah Scapeson felt like he could actually stand being around, Sam also had a darkness, a different kind of darkness, but Noah Scapeson could tell it was all the same.
Over the year Noah Scapeson and Sarah dated, they appeared to be a completely normal High School couple, she would go to his Rugby games, he’s go to her study groups to help, they’d go to the cinema or theme parks together, but the relationship internally had a darker feel, Noah Scapeson would convince her to distance from her friends he didn't like, the “nobodies”, he managed to change her way of thinking over the year and she became more cynical and when encouraged her drug use that she was becoming heavily dependant on, Sarah over time became jealous when realizing how well Noah Scapeson and Sam were getting along, Noah Scapeson had started helping Sam sell drugs to their classmates and they would hang out a lot when Sarah wasn’t around, which caused the sisters to fight a lot and Noah Scapeson would take Sams side a lot, creating Sarah to eventually have a breakdown mentally, she started using more and more drugs and alcohol, moving on to heroin. Noah Scapeson saw what heroin would do to her and decided it was time for a new experiment as it had been awhile since he last had something interesting to observe. Seeing how she became dependent on the drug, Noah Scapeson and Sam would send Sarah on ‘Missions’ so they’d get her more. They started small, had her steal things from local stores, use her popularity to spread rumors about her old friends and twist people to hate them. After a while this bored Noah Scapeson and Sam, so they stepped it up, they had Sarah rob a house, they chose the house of a rival dealer, she did so successfully but kept more of the drugs than Noah Scapeson and Sam had told her too.
That night, Sarah decided to get high, not realizing the heroin she stole from the rival dealer hadn’t been prepared yet and was far more potent than what she was used too, leading her to O.D, Noah Scapeson and Sam went into her room and saw her O.Ding, both stopped for a moment, before laughing and calling her a moron, they both felt a rush watching her slowly passing out, Noah Scapeson and Sam then had sex on the bed beside her while she was O.Ding. Sarah died that night and it was ruled a death by O.D. From then on, Noah Scapeson and Sam started a relationship.
The First Kill[]
December 2008, Noah Scapeson had started working at a job in a recruitment office, his faked confidence during school lead to a natural charisma, he decided on this job as it was local and close to where he and Sam would sell drugs regularly , it let him meet a lot of new people in vulnerable positions, and he was able to observe them. Ones that seemed useful he would take their contact information from the system and use separate prepaid phones to contact them, some of them would have to do jobs like robbing stores or houses for them and they’d pay them a cut or they’d hire them to push more drugs for them, go and jump other dealers in the area and other various illegal activities. Sam during this had used money she had earned from a job selling cars for Vauxhall and selling drugs to get into property management and development, they’d flip properties and buy others, eventually buying two blocks of flats, where they’d rent these flats to the people working for them for a reduced rate to create loyalty in their workers, the workers became dependant on Noah Scapeson and Sam, while using other run down properties bought at auction to continue a legal flow of money. This gave Noah Scapeson plenty of time to continue his hobby of hunting and killing animals, but this started to become boring, it wasn’t the same frill it had originally anymore. After a smooth 12 months of this, Noah Scapeson was called by the recruitment agency he worked for and was fired and threatened legal action against after they had realized some of his clients had started working for Sam in helping with renovations at the properties they had been buying. Noah Scapeson had expected this to happen eventually, but it still annoyed him that they found out so quickly, so he and Sam went through the employees they had and who might have been the leak. They figured out it was one man they had recently brought on, Simon Saius. At first, Sam was going to evict and fire him, but Noah Scapeson had a better idea. They’d kill him and bury him under the house he worked on. Simon, not unlike Sarah, was a heavy drug user. They invited Simon out one night with them to get high, they offered him out as a free night due to the work he had done on the house that had just sold for over 1 million. Drinks and cocaine flowed through the night, Simon partaking in both in excess, while Noah Scapeson had slowed down after the first hour. Sam decided to step up the game to make him feel comfortable with them and began getting flirty, convincing Simon that Noah Scapeson and her had an open relationship and he was going to get “lucky” that night. She suggested they “Christen” the house before they hand over keys after the weekend and Simon agreed, Noah Scapeson then told them to enjoy themselves and left. Noah Scapeson went to the house to prepare, wearing a full plastic outfit including a full face mask and boot covers, he went into the bedroom and put down tarp everywhere, he had brought with him a handsaw, his pen knife, an angle grinder and a shovel. He then entered the walk-in closet and waited for another two hours, patiently, excited.
Sam brought Simon, who was extremely intoxicated into the room, he commented on the tarp and she reassured him it was just so they “Don’t make a mess on the nice new floors he laid”. As Sam had him start to undress with her, Noah Scapeson emerged from the closet and used the pen knife directly into Simon's jugular, causing blood to spray all over the tarp, as Simon fell to the floor like a stuck pig, Noah Scapeson and Sam kissed with him watching, gasping. Once SImon bled out, Noah Scapeson and Sam went to work with the Saw and Angle grinder, cutting off each limb and placing them in bags filled with sodium hydroxide. Once they had finished, they again had sex next to the place Simon died, just as they had with Sarah. They then buried the body in a 6ft hole near where they had planted a tree in the back garden in the middle of the night, watered the ground so it would dry over the weekend and make the ground look undisturbed by Monday when the new occupants moved in.
The Halfway House[]
After 18 months had passed from the Simon situation, Noah( Now 22) and Sam decided it was time to expand their drug business as the property flipping had been going so well, they could move more product and hide the money more easily in several offshore accounts. Noah not able to work for any recruitment agencies after his poaching from his previous job decided with Sam that they would make a halfway house, they looked for properties in their area that would work for this, they would bring in homeless vulnerable people, asylum seekers and refugees, finding ones that showed potential due to their financial issues and would recruit some while having a revolving door policy, this kept people moving in and out of the building often, Noah was the “housemaster” of the halfway house and would undocument around 7% of all temporary residents as to keep the business looking slower than it was. People from the halfway house that agreed to work for Noah and Sam and proved themselves with tasks set, would then be given a flat in more complexes they had bought, around this time, they owned 5 complexes, each with 10 flats per building purely for these people, another 5 that had normal residents, 3-4 homes that were rented and 2-3 that were being developed to be sold, money flowed well for the pair from this, but it didn’t have the thrill and excitement that their drug empire had become. Noah was slowly getting urges again, he hadn’t seen someone die in 18 months, he would replay the Simon encounter over and over in his head, deciding what he could have done differently, what could have extended the excitement. Noah spoke to Sam about this and she decided that they could use some of the 7% of undocumented residents at the halfway house to experiment with ideas they had. They began selection processes, they needed to be someone without family, either long-term homeless, or asylum seekers that no one would notice missing for an extended time, over the next year, they did this 10 times in total. They’d decide on a resident, get close to them, offer them money and other favors in order to build trust, then they’d take them out and play the same tactics, get them drinking or doing drugs, have them believe Sam was going to sleep with them and lure them to one of the properties in development. They’d do many different styles, they’d experiment with drugs to make people unable to move, they’d break bones and torture people, pour boling oil on them, strap them to a char and use a car battery on them, remove finger nails, teeth, cut out tongues, do 100s of paperuts on them til they bled out, the more they done, the more twisted the methods became and as before, everytime as the person was dying next to them, they’d fuck while it happened, cut up the bodies, put them in bags with sodium hydroxide and bury them in the garden of the home.
2011 London Riots / Cult-Like[]
The amount of staff Noah and Sam had by now had grown to around 100-150 members, some of the flat tenants had moved out of the flats now able to afford their own homes but continued to work and rely on Noah and Sam, almost to a dependant level, these people looked at Noah as the leader or father like figure of a family, Noah had noticed this awhile back and it slowly had started to warp his perceptions, he began to realize this gave him a lot of power over these people, they would do whatever he asked, whenever he asked. Around 2011 when the London riots started, they started near Noah and Sam's turf they had expanded too in Tottenham, neither of them liked this, while they didn’t care about the death that caused it, the reasons behind the death they disliked, this caused Noah to see opportunity, there had been two or three smaller gangs in the area starting to try push in on the turf, he had originally planned the send some of their people to break the kneecaps of these gangs and then torch the houses they used, but the riots presented a more entertaining outcome. He called round the 50 most trusted from their group to the mansion Noah and Sam had recently bought and they set about the planning. They would all wear the same outfits, Black turtlenecks, Black Cargo pants, Black work boots, blue latex gloves, red knitted facial masks and a Guy Fawkes mask over that. They would go in groups of 10, armed with shotguns and knives, they’d knock panicked during the chaos of the riots and act like they needed help or drugs, then they’d kill the people they found there, except one and bring that one back to Noah and Sam. In total that night, 20 people would die, 2 of Noah and Sam's people, 5 innocents who were just at the locations to pick up drugs and 13 of the various gang members, the plan as Noah made it went exceptionally well. The two who had died both lived in one of the flat blocks owned by Noah and Sam, they had the bodies moved back to their flats, had them kick in all the other doors of the flats in the complexes, break windows, trash all the flats and then set fires in the rooms with the bodies, a double action, one made it look like these two died in rioter break ins and insurance fraud on two buildings to take advantage of the riots. The three people brought back to Noah and Sam, beaten but living, were also taken to these buildings before the fire was started, where Noah and Sam and a few of the others took great pleasure in torturing them slowly to death, these would be the only 3 kills that Noah and Sam would not do alone and also would not fuck near the bodies of, but it did initiate more of the group into the enjoyment of murder, Noah made them believe this was the best outcome and that anyone that gets in the way of the “Family” will have to be taken care of in a similar fashion, due to the bond formed between the members and Noah, they believed this completely and agreed to be merciless with anyone he sent them after and so became a cult like murder group in the streets of London, they’d go to be known as the “Children Of Noh”.
Children of Noh[]
The Children of Noh over the next 5 years would grow to double its size, with a mixture of indoctrinated people, and associates. Noah would continue adding to their ranks from the halfway house, Sam would continue working hard as a property developer, and they would grow their influence and reach, becoming more twisted and dark. Noah would now begin making them believe that everyone outside of the family was an enemy, even customers of the drug trade, that they was a “necessary” dealing with the enemy to keep money flow, he would warp the minds of the vulnerable to believe that the police, doctors, friends outside the family were all actually out to get them and take away the lives they had build together, that the government itself was going to try and split them up and take away their freedom. Noah and Sam began stockpiling weapons, having members make makeshift explosives, fake IDs, opening fake bank accounts and credit cards, they’d have members start small scale melee skirmishes with police that came into their area, they shut down the whole place, using cars to block off roads, kidnapping local business owners that wouldn’t pay them money, protecting residents of the area not in the family to create loyalty and ties in the area, their area become an outlaw area an the more they would do, the harder the response from authorities would be, making it easier for Noah to twist and convince his people that what he said was true. This went on for 2-3 weeks, Scotland Yard sent a special negotiator to speak with Noah and Sam and find a way to try and end this conflict before it became worse and people started dying. At this point, Noah no longer cared for normality or the law. The special investigator was welcomed into the home of Noah and Sam and discussions began, Noah and Sam made sure this lasted hours, the whole time during this ceasefire multiple members had gone out with the tools and stockpile they had and began setting explosives in multiple areas, began taking hostages, positioned in banks and malls and waited. As the negotiating with the special investigator ended, Noah pulled his pen knife and attacked him, a fight ensued and the officer managed to use a broken glass from the table they spoke at the cut Noah across his right eye deeply, Noah enraged by this began stabbing the officer, 20, 30, 40, 50 times unless there was just a blooded mess and the room covered in blood, he then gave the order to let chaos reign. In the distance you could hear explosion after explosion, hostages died, banks were robbed, London had fallen into despair. Sam who had been taking care of Noah's eye, stitching him up wanted to go out and see the madness they had caused, Noah wanted too but was in incredible pain, not realizing he had lost his left eye yet and had her drop him off at a local small hospital they had connections with, he was taken to surgery under a fake name. When Noah came around from the anesthetic, he was unable to contact Sam, fearing the worst, he returned home and pulled out his disguise he had stored for a special occasion, it was a full Met Police uniform, along with fake ID, fake badge and all the tools he’d need to appear like a real officer. For hours he searched and eventually found Sam's car, with the driver side window smashed in, blood in the driver's seat and the signs of a struggle. Members of Noh had seen a special task force of officers spike her vehicle causing it to crash and rush the car before she could react, they had been unable to help due to being held back by the police they had just finished fighting. Noah was enraged by this, taking a gun from one of the members and executing the three officers they had overpowered after the fighting while staring into a CCTV camera pointed right at them, he pointed at the camera and signed, slitting a throat, he knew someone would be watching these camera, tracking the movements of the Children of Noh, this was his declaration of a real war.
The War, The Fall, The End.[]
It was during this time Noah realized he was in love and had been for years, he cared about nothing else but getting Sam back. He brought in every member still free after the mayhem they had caused. In full numbers, they had started the week with 500-600 members and affiliates, they were down to close to 280. After telling all of them that Sam being taken was a direct action of war and how without Sam the family would collapse and they’d all be as good as dead, that she had given everything to help build them to where they was now, took them off the streets, gave them a way to live again, gave them purpose, gave them power and woke them from the bullshit lies they had been led to believe their whole lives, he managed to rally them ready to storm Scotland yard. They stole fire trucks, Ambulances, cars, buses, anything they could get their hands on and began fortifying the vehicles to last through potential gun fire and then started to move in a full convey, using buses and firetrucks to ram any resistance they met along the way, civilian or police, they had begun what looked like an invasion in the streets of London. Once they reached Scotland Yard, they had killed, miamed and injured countless people along the way with firearms, explosives and the fortified vehicles. They began their onslaught against the police and armed forces that had been called in to help against the Children of Noh. The battle went on for what seemed like hours, both sided suffered many casualties and deaths, eventually the Children of Noh were down to the last remaining members, the members tried to convince Noah to run and they’d buy him time, but he refused, still enraged that they had taken Sam, they put together one final plan to push when the armed forces breached the building they had been holed up in, half of the remaining force was killed and CS gas was launched into the building causing Noah to collapse and no longer be able to fight. Noah was apprehended and taken to Scotland Yard and held in a solitary cell. He was taken to HM Prison Wakefield where he was to await trial for more offenses than anyone on record in the UK had ever been.
Court hearings and transfer to LS[]
During the court proceedings, there were many attacks on the courthouse, the transports and even the Judges and juries families by remaining members of the Children of Noh. It was because of this once the guilty verdict had been passed, the UK government contacted their allies in the US and asked if they had a facility capable of keeping Noah Scapeson locked up for the rest of his days as they believed him remaining in the UK would incite more violence and danger for the general public. The UK government told them of a prison, Bolingbroke Penitentiary in the state of Los Santos, that housed many other life inmates and that it was designed to keep them there, for the rest of their days and agreed to take Noah Scapeson into their care. During the time it took them to arrange and set up this transfer, Noah had been given news that Sam was alive, but also had been sent somewhere else for the same reasons, but no one seemed to know where.