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Noah Scape is a character role-played by Zerkaa.

General Description[]

Noah Scape was a Cadet for the Vinewood Police Department, Badge #505.

Background Information[]

Noah, a young man from the United Kingdom, moved to Los Santos with the hopes of becoming a police officer. When asked why he wanted to be an officer by Chief of Police Sam Baas, he explained that he has wanted to be a police officer ever since his mother was robbed when he was a child.

Momentous Dates within the Government[]

Rank Insignia Note Date
Cadet CadetLSPD Hired to the LSPD; Badge #544 January 22nd, 2022
Fired due to Inactivity May 5th, 2022
Hired to the LSPD; Badge #544 September 12th, 2022
Changed Badge Number to #505 October 18th, 2022
Transferred to the VPD November 25th, 2022
Fired due to Inactivity December 12th, 2022

Training Sessions[]

Cadet Training Shifts
Chief of Police Sam Baas First Shift January 22nd, 2022
Sergeant Jim Underwood Standard Shift January 25th, 2022
Officer Tommy Tinker Standard Shift September 12th, 2022
Corporal Tyme Reducer Standard Shift October 18th, 2022


  • During Noah's first day as a Cadet, he rode as a passenger in Air-1, drove a PD Bike and Interceptor after their drivers were shot down, shot down 3 members of The Blocks attempting to kill Chief of Police Sam Baas, responded to a vault, chased HOA who were on bikes riding over mountains, and was in a A+ and an S+ boost chase.
  • Noah's first arrest was Eli Porter.


Played By: Zerkaa

Main Character: Tommy Tate

Other Characters: Juan LeefaNoah Scape

Main Character: Tommy Tate

Other Characters: Captain PriceNoah ScapeJosh ZerkerEddy EdisonJuan Leefa
