Natural Born Crackheads, also known as NBC, was a gang that was founded by Daquan Dumas and Guy Jones. NBC was led by Pilbis Toretti after Guy Jones and Daquan Dumas departed from the gang.
NBC currently has a total of 23 Members: 4 OG Members, 15 Full Members, 4 Associates.
The name originated from their often funny and non-serious demeanor. They use their funny wit and sarcasm to escape messy situations. They are also known for their up-tempo and hyper-trash talking. But don't let the name deceive you; this group is still as ruthless as they come and have built a reputation for being some of the top tier shooters in the city. They've also grown into one of the biggest, in terms of members, as well as one of the most powerful gangs in the city. They are associated with violence, theft, illegal criminal activity and gang-related shootings. They make most of their money by performing various bank heists throughout Los Santos, such as Fleeca, Paleto, Upper and Lower Vault, BobCat, & the Yacht. They also play a large part in the distribution of marijuana, methamphetamine, crack & illegal money bags.
Conflicts & Events[]
Initiations |
Brad Bett[]Brad Bett is the first full member of the Natural Born Crackheads aside from Guy Jones and Daquan Dumas. He had been hanging around the group for a few weeks and was fairly quickly associated with the gang. After taking part in multiple shootouts and always backing up the gang before anyone else, Guy and Peanut decided to have a conversation of making him a full member of NBC. They both agreed and decided they were going to play a kidnapping prank on him as a part of his initiation. They drove and picked him up with guns pointed and told him to get in the trunk of their car. They drove to a nearby building and forced him to go to the roof. They continuously told him how he "fucked up" and that he was going to pay for it. Once on the roof, they pushed him off and he fell about 10 stories and was downed immediately. Guy and Peanut climbed down from the building and grabbed Brad saying, "You are now a full member of NBC." Pilbis Shonley[]Pilbis Shonley was the first person asked to start a crew with Guy Jones and Peanut. Together they would form their own gang, Natural Born Crackheads. Pilbis accepted stating only if he could be an OG Member in which they all agreed. Modi Janta[]Modi Janta became an OG Member of the Natural Born Crackheads due to his very long friendship and history with Duquan Dumas. Together they were apart of the former gang Arab Mafia in which has since dissolved. Modi was also a very close friend to Guy Jones as well. Due to all of their long histories together, he was officially made an OG Member of the crew. Alan Kyles[]Alan has been a close associate to NBC since its early days as a gang. Guy Jones and Peanut decided it was time to make him a full member considering his full loyalty to the crew. They brought Alan to the construction site, where they forced him up to the top of the crane. Guy and Peanut then jokingly scolded Alan for not backing them up earlier that day in an angered conversation they had with a business partner, Chodie. Alan proceeded to tell them it wasn't his place to interrupt them. Peanut started throwing punches until he beat down Alan. Guy then took Alan and threw him off the crane and told him he's now a full member of the gang. Salem Barghouthi[]Salem was named OG of the crew due to his long history with most of the members. Salem is also Peanut's adopted father. With these close relations, it only made sense for Salem to officially be a part of the NBC. He is also leads the business management side for the gang in which he fronted a warehouse for most of their illegal drug distribution. Dean Quincy[]Dean Quincy was doing various bank jobs and robbing oxy runners with NBC. Dean quickly became associated and friends with all of the crew. Guy and Peanut propose that he join the gang, especially with NBC's reputation rapidly growing. After a week or so, Dean finally accepted and was Blooded In by getting his kneecaps shot by Guy Jones. Dean was the 3rd Full Member of NBC. After a few months of being with the gang and all they had been through, Dean slowly stopped hanging around with the crew. He felt that NBC doesn't treat him as a family that do things together and gets credited for each and everyone involved, instead he felt that it was never a 'we did it' but an 'I did it' that he was never apart of. Dean then announced on the 18th of August 2021, that he was leaving NBC. Dean later joined The Mandem on the 7th of September 2021. Patar Bellosh[]Patar Bellosh is a very close friend of Dean Quincy's. Naturally, because Dean had been rolling with NBC a lot, Patar was also introduced to a lot of the crew. Everyone loved Patar and he quickly became associated. After about two weeks, Guy and Peanut decided to induct him as a Full Member. Much like the previous initiations with Brad and Alan, they pranked Patar as if they were mad at him. They took him to a remote location and shot him multiple times. Patar was the 4th Full Member of the NBC. Patar slowly started drifting away from the gang, much like Dean. A lot of his close friends resided in The Mandem and Patar slowly grew interested in joining them. Patar then announced on the 18th of August 2021, that he was leaving NBC and joining Mandem on the 7th of September 2021. |
Vagos War |
The feud between the Vagos and NBC began purely due to other underlying problems that the Vagos had that ultimately fell into a domino effect. It all started when some of the members of Block Gang forced Ash Ketchup to drive her car head first into a gas station and blow herself up. Ash Ketchup is known to be in a relationship with Benji Ramos, the Vice President of the Vagos. When the Vagos heard the news, they wanted to setup the Block Gang and retaliate. Their first move was to find Mike Block and the only way they knew how to flush him out was to kidnap and capture Four Tee, in which Mike Block is number one on her list of friends. Benji, Dundee and some of the Vagos members kidnapped Four Tee and drove her north to Grape Seed. Once there, they took her to the underground sewer tunnels and forced her to call Mike Block. Instead, Four Tee called Peanut and made him aware of the situation she was in. Peanut, being a number on her friends list, decided he would bring NBC along to rescue her. Peanut, Guy Jones and Brad Bett made their way up to Grape Seed. Once there, they snuck into the underground tunnel where they ultimately found Four Tee. The Vagos and NBC got into an immediate gun fight in which NBC came out on top. Four Tee was rescued and Peanut, being pretty friendly with the Vagos, decided to give Benji a call an hour later to talk about the situation. Benji swore he would find the NBC and shoot them down. Both sides decided to go hunting for one another. Peanut, Jack, Brad and Alan drove around the south side near the barrio to look for the Vagos. They spotted a suspicious car lurking nearby. Benji, Leo, and Chino were setup in a power plant area ready to ambush them. The two sides initiated gun fire that lasted less than a minute. Alan was the only member of NBC to get shot down, while the Vagos were all gunned down fairly quickly. Oddly enough, once the police and EMS arrived, the Vagos were not arrested and were let go. Peanut called Benji once more to let him know that he would end the dispute and give him back the uzi he stole off of him if he decided to leave Four Tee alone. Benji refused the peace offering and wanted to step it up a notch and actually go hunting for NBC. Peanut and the crew decided to try and set up the Vagos as well by flushing them out by tweeting out that he was at the art gallery, Vultur Lé Culturé. Ramee decided he would help the NBC and allow them to use his gallery because he found the whole situation hilarious. With no luck, Peanut decided he was done for the night. Jack, Brad and Alan left the gallery and drove towards the apartments. Once there, they spotted two cars following them from behind. The two cars unloaded gunshots and the NBC drove into a nearby alley right next to the Alta St Apartments and got out on foot. They quickly returned gunfire and immediately gunned down all four Vagos once again. They even managed to escape with cops lurking nearby as well. The next two days, the NBC were relentless in hunting down more Vagos until they decided it was enough. More gunfights followed in the streets of the south side in car shootouts in which the Vagos have yet to come out successful or victorious. Multiple phone calls to various Vagos members including the Vice President, Benji Ramos, were made to continuously ask when the fighting would stop. None of the Vagos members wanted to wave the white flag. After a few more days, Jack Cortair called up Benji after he had been missing from the city for a few days. The two spoke on the phone cordially and Benji made it clear that he didn't care all that much about the fighting anymore, but that his boys' "egos were a little bruised" and he was unsure if they'd ever stop. Benji made a deal to give the Vagos 24 more hours to redeem themselves and then the war would end. Twenty-four hours later, Guy Jones was riding around the city solo when he decided to take a trip to the south-side and check to see if any Vagos members were hanging around the barrio. He ran into Benji who was with his girlfriend, Ash Ketchup. Guy and Benji talked for a minute until the two ensued in a shootout in which Guy was shot down. Afterwards, Guy was medically treated and met up with Jack and Brad. They called up Benji and told him the war only had a few hours to go before they decided to finally squash it. Benji told them to bring the heat and so the NBC went hunting. NBC then find Benji, Ash and another Vagos member hanging around a clothing store and another shoot out occurs. Benji and the other Vagos members were shot down and later arrested. NBC drove to the prison to meet with Benji and had a conversation with him about whether another fight even made sense considering the circumstances. Benji told him he would call NBC soon for a final decision. An hour later, Benji gathered what few Vagos members he could and called up Jack Cortair. He offered one final shoot-out showdown at the Russian docks on the south-side and, regardless of who won or lost, the war would officially end. NBC agreed and so Guy, Jack, Brad and Modi drove to the docks to meet up with the Vagos. The final shoot out between the two groups ended the way the war initially started, with all Vagos members being shot down and NBC once again having no casualties. The two gangs officially ended the war together and are now on good terms with one another. |
Rise and Fall |
With NBC growing as fast as they are, gaining tons of reputation, making plenty of business moves, and even recruiting new members along the way, the Los Santos Police Department quickly grew suspicious of the crew. NBC's warehouse at the time, where most of the illegal business took place, was under surveillance by authorities, which then led NBC to tread carefully. One day, Dean Quincy, Alan Kyles, Brad Bett and Patar Bellosh were prepping to go and cook up a batch of meth in one of the underground labs when they ran into four random people already down there. After a short and heated discussion between both sides, a shootout occurred in the lab with NBC downing everyone. Unfortunately, after NBC fled the scene and the police arrived, the police noticed blood had been left on the shooters and quickly identified Dean Quincy. In the coming days, the NBC were under heavy investigation by the authorities for their part in possible drug-trafficking that was taking place. Guy Jones had a meeting with his gang that they needed to be cautious when leaving and entering their warehouse. He also ordered that the meth cooking should stop completely until they were able to avoid any further suspicions. A week later, Dean, Alan, and Peanut were trying to store some marijuana in their warehouse but knew that the police could be watching at any time, especially on Dean. Nonetheless, the police were already taking photos of them entering and leaving the warehouse. Officer Tracey Martell, who was leading the investigation, pulled the trigger and decided it was time to take the NBC down with the proof they had and was in the process of gaining a warrant to raid the warehouse. With Dean Quincy and Alan Kyles in custody, they were quickly taken to Mission Row PD for questioning. During the interrogation, Dean was able to slip a quick phone call to Guy Jones to let him know that they needed to act fast if they wanted any chance of moving all of the illegal drugs and guns from the warehouse before the police got to it. Guy Jones assembled Peanut, Jack and Alem to go to the warehouse for a possible shootout with the police to defend their warehouse. !Video below on the shootout to defend the warehouse! After a long and intense shootout, the police proved to be too much and the fight for the warehouse was over. NBC downed a total of 14 police officers during the 40-minute shootout. Guy Jones and the rest of the boys were taken to prison. Guy Jones, Dean Quincy, Alan Kyles and Salem Barghouthi were all sentenced to the nines (held in prison until bail and court date). Most of them served 7-9 years in prison (7-9 days) for illegal drug trafficking. They were also all charged north of 100k in fines, with Salem getting the most, at 400k due to the warehouse being under his name. The warehouse has since been sold and NBC are finally all out of jail and looking to rebuild from the ground up. After about a week of staying clean for some of the gang, they are finally all back to grinding and working to make money again in a more strategic and smart way. With most of the crew wanting to get back into the drug business, they have frequently been hitting banks to sustain themselves and make money to once again rise to the top. As of right now, they have hit multiple banks and are each sitting on more than 200k worth of money and assets. NBC has slowly moved away from the drug-game but may still, from time to time, play their hands on it. On the 18th of August 2021, Dean and Patar announced that they wanted to leave NBC and join The Mandem. On the 7th of September 2021, they both officially joined The Mandem. |
Alan leaves NBC |
Peanut leaves NBC |
Drug operations |
Weed operations[]NBC have quickly made a name for themselves in the city of Los Santos, in which they've earned a ton of street credit. When NBC first started, they wanted to take part in a form of business to kick start their finances as a gang as well as partnering in business proposals. Their first proposal was to Wayne Biggz and Chad Brodie. Wayne and Chad run the biggest operation for marijuana growth and distribution in Los Santos. Wayne's farm consists of over 30 marijuana plants growing simultaneously. Guy Jones and Peanut proposed to help in the operation by requesting that they would help them store the large amounts of marijuana in a warehouse. With all of NBC being high-rated criminals, they asked Salem Barghouthi if he would purchase and front the warehouse in his name due to having a very clean record during that time. Salem requested a portion of the business sales and NBC accepted. After the purchase of the warehouse, Chodie gave the NBC a few male marijuana seeds to start their own operation. After a few weeks, Chodie was starting new business ventures and parted ways with the warehouse. NBC can still run their own marijuana operations, but as of right now, has steered away from it due to its slow process. Meth operations[]After receiving a tip off from Lang Buddha about a red barn located in Harmony which turned out to be a meth lab, the Natural Born Crackheads became one of the few crew's in the city that are now cooking and producing meth. NBC learned how to cook and on the 1st of June 2021, and they successfully cooked their first batch. Since then, they have been cooking many times, with Dean Quincy quickly becoming the main chef and orchestrating the cooks. NBC's plan was to become one of the biggest distributors of meth in Los Santos and completely take over it. At the time, they were sitting on 200k-600k worth of meth. After losing the warehouse, Dean Quincy steered clear of the meth game and subsequently left NBC. As of September, NBC had resumed their cooking and selling of meth with Pilbis Shonley as the main chef as well as Peanut operating on meth tables. |
P Money - NBC[]
Aug 22, 2022
Nov 2022