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Maximilian "Yung Dab" Thoroughbred is a character role-played by MOONMOON.

Quick Answers

What is the significance of Maximilian 'Yung Dab' Thoroughbred's name in the NoPixel universe? toggle section
In the NoPixel universe, Maximilian Thoroughbred adopts significant aliases such as 'Yung Dab' and 'The Gnome'. 'Yung Dab' represents his infamous criminal and SoundCloud rapper persona, whereas 'The Gnome' is a separate criminal persona with distinct thought patterns and lack of empathy. Born into a wealthy Scottish-descendant family, Maximilian also served as the Mayor of Los Santos from January 20, 2024.
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How did Maximilian Thoroughbred rise to become the Mayor of Los Santos? toggle section
Securing a landslide victory in the mayoral election on January 20, 2024, Maximilian Thoroughbred rose to become the first Mayor of Los Santos. His popularity was evident in the exit polls where he was leading comfortably. Post-election, he appointed Juno Sweeney as his Chief of Staff, further solidifying his administration.
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What role did Maximilian 'Yung Dab' Thoroughbred play in the Gnomes terrorist organization? toggle section
Maximilian 'Yung Dab' Thoroughbred, also referred to as 'The Gnome', was a founding member of the Gnomes, a crime organization publicly labeled as terrorists. The Gnomes, which included criminals, doctors, civilians, and lawyers, sought to challenge the government's power imbalance over Los Santos' citizens. The organization's public profile rose following Maximilian's imprisonment.
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What led to Maximilian Thoroughbred's transition from SoundCloud rapper to criminal? toggle section
Maximilian Thoroughbred, known as 'Yung Dab' in the music world, evolved into a criminal under the alias 'The Gnome'. This transformation was marked by a shift in thought patterns and a lack of empathy, contrasting his rapper persona. His criminal exploits included bank robbery, terrorism, and a daring escape from Bolingbroke Penitentiary, facilitated by Lang Buddha.
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What is the story behind Maximilian Thoroughbred's association with Cop Killa Records? toggle section
Maximilian Thoroughbred, alias Yung Dab, and Alabaster Slim started Cop Killa Records. Slim encouraged Yung Dab to utilize his face tattoo, marking the start of their partnership. The label's inception followed a Jewelry Store heist involving the shooting of Jenny Hall and Dante Wolf. Yung Dab's life sentence deeply affected Slim, demonstrating their close relationship.
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General Description[]

Max siobhan mayor office

Mayor Max and First Lady Siobhan Thoroughbred

Maximilian "Yung Dab" Thoroughbred was an infamous SoundCloud rapper, criminal, and terrorist. He is the former CFO of Cop Killa Records, former leader of The Gnomes (a terrorist organization), and former member of Prune Gang. He was elected Mayor of Los Santos on January 20, 2024. On May 23, 2024 at a Los Santos Police Department meeting he announced that the state approved his request to assume the role of acting Commissioner.

Yung Dab provided Rap Music to the people of Los Santos before 2019.

He was sentenced to life imprisonment on May 26, 2019, with the possibility of parole. After serving 757 San Andreas years in prison, he was set loose with the help of Lang Buddha and The Guild, spent time as head writer for Talon and then vacationed alone on Sanguine Isle and in Tahiti, for a total of five years, though dating protocols have left the exact time frame uncertain. (The wiki admins have prescribed using out-of-universe dating, which this article complies with.)

In December 2023, Maximilian became a marijuana entrepreneur, rideshare driver, delivery worker and fast-food cashier. He announced his candidacy for Mayor of Los Santos, winning with 47.39 percent of the vote.

On March 27, 2024, he announced he would run for re-election. On April 20, he was re-elected, winning with 39.48 percent of the vote.

Throughout his profile, Maximilian Thoroughbred is referred to as "Yung Dab" or "The Gnome", depending on the scenario. "The Gnome" was a criminal persona, or possibly an entire second personality. "The Gnome" seemed to have slightly different thought patterns, and lack of emotion or empathy; in contrast to the ideas and statements made by "Yung Dab".

Background Information[]

Maximilian Thoroughbred was born into a wealthy, white family of Scottish descent in the Northeast, mainly Liberty City. He attended Harvard University where he earned a doctorate in physics, and became an astrophysicist. He wed Susan due to her wealth and together they have two children: a son named Timmy and a daughter named Susie. Their current ages are unknown, sometimes even by him. He sporadically engages in prank calls with them, but consistently fails to show up for Thanksgiving gatherings.

One day, after hearing "Stir Fry" by Migos, he experienced an awakening. Maximilian decided he wanted to move to Los Santos in pursuit of a rap career, under the alias Yung Dab. Despite his wife threatening him with divorce (and later dying at the age of 90), Yung Dab left his family in Liberty City to follow his newfound dream, unsure of where it would ultimately take him.

In 2019, Yung Dab befriended Alabaster Slim and Gomer Colton, as well as Otto Delmar, Jaclyn Hyde, Lang Buddha, Eugene Zuckerberg, and Wang Chang, hired Kevin Shaw as his lawyer, adopted Siz Fulker and fell in love with Cheryl Smith. As a drug dealer, he acquired much respect from the criminal underworld, earning a reputation as a mediating and unifying figure. He recorded hit single after hit single, even charting higher than Post Malone on SoundCloud, and becoming rivals with Lil Erf. Over time, he cultivated a menacing alter ego referred to as the Gnome, which served as an inspiration for numerous individuals involved in acts of terrorism. Following an extensive police pursuit leading to his apprehension in 2019, he was promptly tried, convicted, and sentenced to serve a total of 757 days in prison. Despite a pardon granted by Judge Dennis LaBarre midway through his sentence, he managed to escape in 2021.

Physical Appearance[]

Yung Dab, aged 55, stands at 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs approximately 220 pounds. He is known for his ever-changing hairstyles and eclectic fashion sense. Notably, his chest and back are adorned with significant burn scars stemming from an ill-fated thermite incident during a vault robbery alongside Eugene Zuckerberg. A permanent skull tattoo graces his face, while a stop sign adorns the back of his left hand. Despite claims that the skull symbolizes street violence, the true motivation behind the tattoo's placement was Yung Dab's desire to enhance his reputation as a rapper. The upside-down display of the stop sign hand tattoo adds an ironic twist when he uses it to gesture obscenely at others.

"dotS, bitch." -Yung Dab, when criticized on his upside-down tattoo.

Later, in December 2023, he acquired a chest tattoo of a complex design centered around an AK-47 crossed with a shotgun. This was replaced with the Virgin Mary in January 2024.

Around this time, compared to five years prior, he would acquire a much greater variety of suits, blazers, shirts and trousers, sometimes accompanied with colorful vests and neckties, though on Alabaster Slim Memorial Day he would wear a leather and leopard skin coat and garish pink shirt in tribute, while in one of the mayoral debates and during the January 6, 2024 uprising he wore a navy blue blazer, red-, white-, and blue-striped bow-tie, red- and white-striped pants, and a blue-grey top hat, complemented with a desert camouflage bulletproof vest in the latter instance.


Max Thoroughbred 2029 character sheet

Yung Dab’s character sheet for 2024

  • Strengths: networking, seduction, charisma, honesty, wittiness, creativity, and persuasiveness.
  • Weaknesses: his rap game, insecurity, naïveté, shamelessness, cowardice, two-faced attitude toward Gladys Berry, selfishness, conspicuousness, and poor investment choices.

By 2023, Max had considerably improved his mental health, owing to years of therapy and exile. He appeared to have shed his psychopathic alter ego, the Gnome (until Siobhan’s actions on the first Election Day 2024) and accepted his past, and was considerably more laid back and easygoing than before, with a cheeky sense of humor. He was more outwardly affectionate and emotionally intelligent to his allies and campaign staff, willing to bare his soul; he now considered himself a “man of the people”. Still, his massive ego, his thirst for power and his pettiness were more apparent than ever, as evidenced by his handling of his campaign announcement, and his lying ability had extended farther. He was also more openly charismatic, vulgar, lascivious and lustful, sometimes hitting on his campaign staff until ceasing in mid-January.

Momentous Dates within the Government[]

Mayor's Office[]

Rank Insignia Note Date
Mayor - Elected as Mayor of Los Santos Jan 20, 2024
Re-Elected as Mayor of Los Santos Apr 20, 2024
Mayoral term ended Jul 19, 2024

Police Commissioner Department[]

Rank Insignia Note Date
Commissioner Commissioner Appointed as Interim Commissioner May 23rd, 2024
Changed callsign to #000 June 11th, 2024
Removed with end of Mayor Term July 18th, 2024

Trivia and Quotes[]

  • Moonmoon had the option of expunging Dab’s record and playing him as a normal criminal in 3.0, but decided to keep him as a prisoner in max security.
  • Yung Dab has been inconsistent on the dating of the five-year time skip. He has variously said he is 54, which when added to his state ID’s birth year at first glance, put the then-current year as 2023, but he has also believed it is 2029 in-game.
  • His favorite color to wear is brown, and his favorite color overall is orange.
  • His favorite music genre is actually country.
  • However, his favorite songs are “American Tterroristt” by RXKNephew and “Lockpick” by Jamal Abdul Jabbar.
  • His favorite film is The Warriors, from 1979.
  • Despite being a heavy chain-smoker with a damaged sense of smell, Yung Dab had a habit of complimenting people on how they smell.
  • Yung Dab has invested mainly in RON Oil stock. He claims he is the #3 ranked RON Oil investor, but has not specified what this means.
  • He showers with his clothes on.
  • He read The Silmarillion over three toilet sittings.
  • On June 13th, 2024, Max was shot in the face by members of Chang Gang over 20 times. As a result, he had facial reconstruction surgery performed by Doctors Luis Screw and Krystal Bordier. Skin was grafted from Siobhan Thoroughbred's thighs on to Max's face. The full medical report for this surgery can be found here: File:Report-7961.pdf. Due to the damage to Max's face, the distinctive skull tattoo on Max's face was lost.

  • "Yo."
  • "I'm a man of the people."
  • "I'm gonna go jerk off in a bush."
  • ”I’ll do whatever/anything you want,” followed by “Done.”
  • Vivek is a cuck, and Max knows how to fuck, as you can see.”
  • “I used to be an astrophysicist, this shit ain’t nothing to me.”
  • ”Are you a tauntaun? ‘Cause I’m about to crawl up in them guts.”
  • “It’s Tattoo Thursday!”
  • “It’s Thai Day!” (said on Fridays)
  • We stand on the precipice of change…”
  • “This city is like a phoenix, rising from the ashes.”
  • “What’s GIGA good, everyone?”
  • Penny, can I call her a bitch?”
  • “Your future mayor.”
  • ”Wowie Zowie!”
  • ”I’m NOT a cuck!”
  • ”Perhaps I can convince you to vote for me.”
  • ”’Yellow?” (answering the phone)


Characters: Maximilian ThoroughbredLenny HawkBernice CaldershotRo BlockJane ObamaJOHN SOULSMITCH MOONMOONLocingle Dan