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Mary Domino-Mushkin is a character role-played by kyliebitkin.

General Attributes[]

Mary Domino-Mushkin is a business woman and Oyabun for The Kaneshiro Clan and member of The Guild.

She was formerly one of the richest people in the city and leader of the notorious racing crew Yokai.

Mary is married to Alex Mushkin-Domino.

Mary is a 27-year-old female identifiable by her pale skin and red hair often pulled back in a bun, buns or ponytail.

She has a scar on her face from when she was captured by Yakuza

Mary is physically very fit. After spending so long locked in a yakuza cell, she had lost lots of her muscle so dedicated herself to working out almost daily once she returned to Los Santos

She also has many visible tattoos on her body, She had tattoos of a robotic arm on her right arm, a tattoo of a dragon wrapped around a katana on her left arm, a tattoo of a Japanese koi fish on her back, a tattoo of a rose on her left thigh, and a tattoo of a "luna oni" (a demon infront of a moon) on her right ankle. She had these lasered off or covered up to make space for new custom tattoos.

Mary currently has 2 sleeve tattoos. A blackout Yokai inspired cyberpunk sleeve representing her past on her left arm. A black and coloured japanese koi and flowers sleeve on her right arm. She has a large Oni tattoo on her back and skull tattoos on her ribs. She has voice modulator on the front of her neck. All her tattoos are interconnected with cyberpunk details that extend beyond and around her body.

She also has a variety of Cybernetic enhancements. However after years of no maintenance they have become ineffective.

  • Microchip - For enhanced cognitive function
  • Voice box -Alowing her to use a voice changer whenever she wants
  • Cybernetic contacts- Allowing the use of some computers via a in built display without opening her laptop

Her microchip was removed in surgery after it caused an alternate personality to manifest within her that attempted to rewrite her brain with itself. This didn't deter Mary away from embracing the chrome, keeping the rest of her cyberware and continueing to install more, with the help from Lance and her company Procyon

These include:

  • Cybernetic eyes - For enhanced vison
  • Biochip - Replacement for the Lil’M chip, it contains Marys genetic code and helps prevent Lil’M from resurfacing
  • Neural processor - For enhanced cognitive function
  • Neural port - Aconnectivity to her cyberware
  • Micro rotors - For increased movement and reaction speed
  • Data shard - Containing data storage
  • Titanium reinforced bones - Increased strenght to her bones to resist damage
  • Injector component - Interfaces with the coolant in her suit help keep her cool
  • Feedback circuit - Allows her neural processor interact with weapons and devices
  • Biomonitor - Enhances her healing abilities
  • Bioconductor - Links her neural processor to her cyberware providing her, among other things, enhanced hacking abilities
Some of Marys cyberware

Mary presents herself to the public as a shrewd and determined business woman and an innocent, bubbly and silly young woman. Many people are surprised at her young age due to her success.

She is a very boastful person and liked to flaunt her success to others, whether that was showing off her wealth and car collection or taunting the cops for not catching her. She often exaggerates her achievements, whether that’s net worth or something else but there is always truth behind it.

Mary is incredibly closed off and paranoid, and shares very little of her personal secrets or vulnerabilities, except to those closest to her like Alex.

As a leader she is very diplomatic, trying to maintain good relations throughout the city, but she can be blunt and honest to a fault often coming across as unapproachable or scary to those who don't know her. Her honesty is often disbelieved and taken as manipulation, in a city full of liars her honesty is often perceived as having an ulterior motive when none is there Mary is not all peaceful, she has a dark and violent side to her and she is not afraid to resort to fear or ruthless violence to those that cross her but she is generally forgiving if people show remorse.

During her time in Japan, despite much of it being in captivity, Mary took an increased fondness to the culture. She even picked up some of the language and started to incorporate it more and more into her normal dialogue.

Throughout her childhood despite having all the material needs she could want she was ignored by her father and throughout all her life has been consumed by a desire for acknowledgement and validation. She latches onto those with power who show appreciation for her skills, like the PM. and strives to push herself further to prove her worth.

Throughout all her life she has constantly been left or abandoned, despite her best attempts to hold things together. She created her own crew of people there for her and invested in tech to try and help people live forever so she would never be left again. Mary once the richest person in the city, lost everything except the love of her life Alex, she returned to Los Santos determined to regain what she had lost

Mary believes she is a clone created by “Prime Mary”, a Mary from a different dimension in the future, who developed clones of herself to send them back in time to create empires and take over the multiverse, Mary believes she is clone 002 and was unknowingly placed into this timeline to live a full life from a child.



Mary was born in Vice City and was raised by the servants of her rich father Lucius Mushkin alongside her brother Kanye and her sisters. In an attempt to get his attention and prove her worth she decided to steal money from him, as that was all she knew he cared for. This backfired with her father disowning her, So she moved to Los Santos to start anew as a young 18-year-old trying to find her own way in the world.

Mary achieved the true american dream, after moving from Los Santos, starting from nothing she worked her way to the top, from stripper to richest person in the city.

She worked hard as a stripper eventually earning enough to buy herself her first race car. As a racer she made a name for herself becoming one of the top racers through this she became close friends with Eddie Marshall and she was eventually offered a job at the Tuner Shop as head of Sales, Mary worked hard and saw a gap in the market and opened up her own car dealership Mushkin's Motors buying and selling used cars.

This proved incredibly lucrative and after much hard work, Mushkins motors was a household name in the city and Mary had become rich beyond her wildest dreams

When Mary went on her honey moon she left Patrick in charge of all her businesses thinking she would return richer than ever, however Patrick was not up to the task and when Mary returned she had lost everything.

An “Innocent little mushroom” by day she also led a double life in the criminal world as the notorious street racers and leader of the criminal syndicate racing crew Yokai. She was near uncatchable by the police and never got caught in a chase, only being arrested a few times.

Throughout all this Mary was also one of the most notorious street racers, from her first races she showed incredible skill and drew the attention of the Puppet Master, the shadowy leader of the scene, and Titanium the face of the scene in the city. Mary herself became a leader of the scene and trusted enforcer of the PM becoming a Puppet in all but name.

She would do anything for Titanium and was one of his closest friends, protecting his identity at all costs. Even at the cost of her own, burning her identity as R3dD3vil to save him.

Over time the scene grew too big to manage and Titanium stepped back. At Mary's recommendation, it fractured into crews. Mary formed Yokai which quickly became one of the largest and most notorious, with her as Shinigami becoming one of the most wanted people in the city.

Eventually after one of the largest manhunts in the city with the police failing to capture her by conventional means, they froze her accounts to try and flush her out. To deny them the pleasure of catching her in a chase she handed herself in.

She continued crime after this but it never reached the heat or thrill it had went she was unburnt.

Mary eventually killed the Puppetmaster, to rid his stranglehold on Los Santos and to protect her friends from his threats. Once he was removed Mary replaced him as The Curator, using some of his tools she found. Mary eventually lost these when her assets were reclaimed by the government to pay her debts.

Key Events[]

Lost at Sea
For her honeymoon with Alex, Mary bought herself a private jet, and after saying her goodbyes, she flew out of the city with $50m cash in hand on a no expenses spared cruise around the world on a privately hired cruise ship all to themselves. Unfortunately Mary left her phone in the Cullinan at the airport and Alex dropped hers in the ocean as they boarded the boat.

Together they enjoyed their cruise on a ship all to themselves with a small crew as it travelled across the Pacific. until they ran across the great pacific garbage patch clogging the engines and leaving them floating adrift. Also they discovered that the captain of the ship had been killed some weeks back, and with no one able to fix or pilot the ship, they had no option but to float aimlessly in the hopes they were found.

They eventually ran aground on a Japanese island and had the ship towed to the mainland to be fixed. Mary and Alex stayed in Kyoto while this was happening but without their phone or being able to remember anyone's number they had no way back to America so decided to enjoy their time in Japan

With Mary not shy using her cash, the Yakuza caught wind of a wealthy foreigner. They soon discovered Mary's wealth and went after Mary and Alex. One Day the Yakuza followed them back to their hotel. They tried to fight them off with Alex managing to kill one with the RPG she had on her and Mary suffering a wound to her face leaving her scared. They couldn't fight them all off, and were eventually taken hostage and taking the rest of Mary’s money.

After being in custody for over a year and away from America for 2, they managed to escape after stabbing the guard with a makeshift shiv and grabbing the keys from him. They were now free but had nothing.

Homeless and broke in Shibuya, Tokyo they resorted to petty crime to survive and earn money to male their way back to America. However without her cars or working cybernetics Mary was caught, and held in custody by the Japanese police. Eventually because of their foreign status the Japanese authorities freed Mary and allowed her to find Alex and fly back to America. After 5 long years they were finally going home

While they were gone Mary left Patrick in charge of all her businesses thinking she would return richer than ever, however Patrick was not up to the task and when Mary returned she had lost everything.

Mary planned to form a Yakuza back in America so that she could eventually get her revenge on her captors.

New Beginnings
Mary returned to the city and was eager to see how her businesses were doing; She stopped by all the old locations, but found them all boarded up and abandoned, her old houses under new ownership and no sign of her cars. What had Patrick done?

Mary was not only broke but depressed; she had nothing, no money, assets, or status. All she had was her wife Alex. She had less money than she had ever had, even less than when she first arrived in Los Santos, but was determined to find a way back to the top. Together Mary and Alex explored the city to find new opportunities.

Exploring the city she reconnected with many old friends, and proposed an idea. Despite her ordeal she had learnt a lot, and saw the shortfalls of her previous crew Yokai. She wanted to make something better, more powerful, more ruthless. She had taken inspiration from the Yakuza and wanted to create her own, here in Los Santos. The Kaneshiro Clan.

The family loosely formed with a few key members while also making connections in the city. They diversified and tried to earn money and skills throughout the city in an attempt to gain a footing in the city.


The Kaneshiro Clan loosely formed with a few key members, mostly ex-yokai while also making new connections in the city, particularly a close relation with The Guild. Mary chose the name Kaneshiro 金城, meaning golden castle for the Yakuza. Overtime Mary settled on a structure of the group, her at the head as the Oyabun, with a group of senior members heading their own specialised groups, called the Kin maru. The group would also have soldiers that would work for them with limited knowledge and capacity as they earned trust and respect within the group.

They diversified and tried to earn money and skills throughout the city in an attempt to gain a footing in the city. They soon managed to pool enough money to purchase a house and bench that was put to work supplying Mary and Mosely’s with car parts, while simultaneously funding the groundwork of a weed operation.

Never able to get away from cars, Mary began working at Mosley's repair shop and car dealership. With her massive experience Mary soon became one of 3 managers alongside Dahlia and Dundee.

The shop had an incredibly bad reputation when she arrived, from high prices and scammers. But with the help of Mary's expertise they began to turn this around

In an effort to improve the shop Mary went all out, trying to fix public relations. On top of this she worked for Mosley as much as possible to prove her worth, becoming “world's first” Master mechanic. She secured exclusivity deals with the PD and EMS. And together with Kaneshiro and friends she saved up to buy a house and crafting bench so she could manufacture parts herself for cheaper.

Despite this the shop still had issues, mostly stemming from Dundee, but Mary kept working holding out hope that maybe once a new mayor was elected she may gain complete control of the shop.

One of the hardest challenges was keeping the shop stocked with parts. Together with help from The Kaneshiro Clan and other friends Mary managed to pool enough money to buy a house and bench to manufacture the parts herself. The next hurdle was establishing a supply chain of materials for these parts. Eventually, after some negotiating, Mary managed to secure a contract with the Lang Buddha and the LSSU to supply the shop.

Hell Week

Mary had always considered herself close to The Guild and was close to being invited before her honeymoon. With her return to the city she reconnected with many of them and they became a close ally of the Kaneshiro. Mary asked them her status with the group and in return they planned a “Hell Week” for her to finally be initiated into the group.

The week was organised by Lando and the stipulations of this were tailored to Mary, including limited phone calls and obeying all speed limits.

Throughout the week Mary was constantly griefed by the Guild although she was still able to grief them back in return. She managed to follow their rules frustratingly well despite this she racked up strike points causing her to face a few punishments including dressing like Bjorn, Yeager, Alex and Barry. While also grappling with complex and ever changing business and Kaneshiro problems.

Mary survived the week and was officially invited into the guil;d pending taking an oath.

The Crowbar war
Popular Street started selling crowbars at an extremely inflated price, and Mary thought she would be able to call in a favour with Joseph Arrowhead. He had previously promised to get her one at cost when he gained access to them. however when Mary called he refused saying he was working exclusively with Vinny now. Mary took offence to this, not liking when people break their word and demanded he keep his promise. Joseph talked with Vinny and Vinny inserted himself into the situation, making it about Mary messing with his business.

Joseph continued to not fulfil his word, and Mary promised to get her revenge. Not long later Mary managed to gain access to a crowbar blueprint and managed to crash the market, gutting populars profits.

Mosleys was operating reasonably well however there was still the issue of Dundee causing trouble and damaging the shop's reputation. Dundee was also getting frustrated with Mary operating without consulting him and decided to approach Popular for a position there. Mary was informed of this by Irish and eventually confronted Dundee about this, causing Dundee to quit on the spot. Mary was elated, finally able to run the shop how she wanted.

The peace didn't last long, with Dundee now focusing entirely on slandering Mosleys, tweeting constantly about them scamming. Because of this Mary started a defamation case against him and Popular who were retweeting everything. Mary informed her lawyer, Ramee, who instantly told Vinny this.

It had been a while since Joseph had betrayed Mary, but she still hasn't got her revenge. with Joseph being in disguise and Mary's associates being known to him it had been almost impossible to catch him. So when the opportunity arises for Mary to call in a favour with Hydra, she asked them to grab him. She then proceeded to interrogate him and cut off his finger for the disrespect before eventually blowing him up in a gas station. Vinny was not pleased with this and called on his gang CG to get revenge.

CG along with Dundee started a reign of terror against Mary and Moselys, escalating the tweets, but also trying to directly attack the shop, Mary and her house. The Kaneshiro Clan and The Guild went straight to protect mode and never left Mary alone. One of the first instances resulted in Fury shooting Mr K, and K getting caught by the PD with a PD gun on him. Now with a felony and no chance for a business licence, he had nothing to lose the attacks kept coming, With a lot of innocent mechanics getting caught in the crossfire.

Throughout all this Mary managed to keep the PD on her side, presenting the entire situation as Dundee and others attacking a civilian business due to personal beef. This wasn't exactly hard with the PD present for lots of attacks including Dundee driving a tanker straight into the shop. Mary used the PD to her advantage, often using them for escorts around the city while conducting work for the business.

The war was having little impact on Mary personally, only having to be a bit more vigilant, it was having a larger issue on the innocent mechanics at the shop. She wanted it over and was prepared to fight if needed but she had a lot to lose. Her reputation with the PD was high and she was on the cusp of gaining a business licence. Now was not the time for her to go loud. Yeager on her behalf brokered a peace with Mr K, $50k and he would stop, a small price to pay for peace of mind, and much less than he potentially lost.

Dundee's issue was personal and he wasn't part of the deal, however due to the attention with the government that the attacks on Mosleys had garnered, a new law was introduced. EGO, Eliminating Gratuitous Offences Act. A law against people repeatedly attacking civilian businesses, it was only a matter of time until Dundee was hit with it.

Dundee once again attacked Mosley's after Mary deliberately aggravated him infront of cops, resulting in Mary and lots of others including police, being stabbed. However he managed to get away, but Yeager managed to locate him. Yeager managed to talk Dundee down from further attacks in return for Mary not antagonising him and dropping the lawsuit. Mary reluctantly agreed, happy that her mechanics would be out of harm but sad that she couldn’t fully destroy Dundee. Although the lawsuit and EGO still hung over his head if he ever tried anything again.

Rise of Kaneshiro
Kaneshiro continued to grow and establish themselves in the city, Staking their claim to West Mirror Park, buying the largest house in the area. As they grew, they bought more houses and sold the southside house. and began to be recognized as holding down Mirror Park.

Mary had been working at Mosley’s for months, and had established a strong material deal through Lang, that managed to keep the shop open while others struggled for parts. However this didn’t last forever, with the material market slowly easing and prices falling, but Mary was locked in to a higher price. Soon other shops began to appear again sourcing their own materials for far below what Mary was able to buy them at.

Mary approached the Mayor to see where any business licence stood with owning or managing Mosely. She was told it would likely never happen, so instead she applied to own her own shop “Kintsugi Motoworks” in Mirror Park. The days turned to months and business licences never appeared. Mary's patience for mechanic work was wearing thin and she delegated more and more to her employees, eventually stepping away entirely.

With new tools available to grow weed, KC planned to step up their operation massively, using the drug to fund the gang's expansion. They planned to continue their partnership with The Guild in Paleto. However, The Guild had other ideas and wanted everyone to push the same strain in Paleto, without letting KC grow their own. This caused a massive rift between the groups, and Mary's relationship with some members of The Guild. With Mary and KC realising what they thought was a strong alliance was a one way relationship. The conflict remained in a cold war with both sides escalating, with KC pushing as much weed as they could and the guild recruiting others to do the same. The conflict almost turned to violence at one point, however Yeager mediated a meeting between Mary and the Guild, and managed to calm things down and mostly repair relations.

Fortunately KC had been planning alternatives and had just secured an even better deal, partnering with Hydra and their weed operation in the Forum. the deal not only benefited financially, but also would help develop Hydra and KC relations beyond the existing personal relations, hopefully bringing them closer.

As a gang, Mary tried to make KCs name known and respected, not backing down from any challenge. This was a challenge at first with many of the gang being new to crime and/or gang life, but over time they began to learn to stand on business.

Mary had been considering running for Mayor, to try and make the city better for business and was counting on support from Lang to achieve this. However, one instance of road rage ended her plans. Ivan shot a Flash, a member of Speedys crew, who in turn was an equal to Lang in theirs. When Speedy tried to hold up Ivan, despite the situation being mostly resolved, Mary shot him down, right in the hospital. A few further scuffles resulting in Speedy being downed twice more occurred and then the conflict settled in a cold war.

The Mayor election came before Mary had time to settle any issues with Lang, and with her mind never fully committed to running, she didn't. Instead Mary turned her attention to the gang and away from civilian jobs. focusing on pushing weed or running money.


Mary had always had a passion for running businesses and building things up but with no way to make that happen, she was feeling lost. and with no criminal activity really capturing her attention she was becoming more and more bored.

After an argument with Alex about everything, Mary was angry and decided to reach out to some old friends and repair broken bridges. Mary met with Chip and together they talked about their falling out and both apologised for how things had transpired. Chip had always been a person that was there for Mary in the past and again he gave great advice and support for Mary going forward.

The next day a new business application process was unveiled and Mary immediately applied and was shortly approved for her business Kintsugi with the surprise caveat that she could become a felon and still run the business.

Hazel reached out to Mary, knowing her reputation as a business owner and together they started to rebuild Kintsugi from the ground up, hiring mechanics that could work sound the clock. Mary also reached out to all the active mechanic shops to raise prices across the board and unlike the last time that led to a war, this time they all agreed on a new price point.

Additionally she found an Elegy for sale and immediately connected with how the car drove, at the same time the racing scene was picking up again. The Tuner shop also eventually opened up and Mary managed to secure 2 cars through a great deal reminiscent of old Mushkins Motors Mary. While Kintsugi profited from upgrading peoples cars, particularly through the work of Dill.

This reinvigorated Mary for a time, but despite all this Mary had little passion for the city and resorted to spending her days bed=rotting at home with Alex,

Due to the great people Mary had recruited Kintsugi and Kaneshiro were kept running without her direct involvement

Criminal Record[]

Mary currently has a clean record, except minor traffic citations

