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Marty Holiday is a character role-played by PaulthePunk.

General Information[]

After 5 years from being transferred out of Bolingbroke Penitentiary, Marty spent the remainder of his sentence at his previous facility in Indiana, USA at the same facility famous boxer Mike Tyson stayed.

He returned to Los Santos by boat alongside his oldest friend, Lennon Lee. The two tried to pick up where they left off by bringing The Pack to the outside, but it unfortunately fell short.

Marty took that as a sign to focus and care about himself, he is working hard to make a life for himself in Paleto opening up a tattoo shop soon hopefully.

Whatever the future holds for Marty, he'll always have the carefree, chaotic, and punk rock attitude he always has had.

Physical Description[]

Marty is a young dude, with brownish blonde hair slicked up with his secret pomade made from popcorn butter. His body is covered in tattoos that he gave himself. Most of them have some sort of meaning, while the others are just cause they are badass.

You'll often times see him wearing mostly black clothing, sometimes white, and occasionally a pop of color from time to time. No matter what though he will always be wearing his black headband that he caught from Hubcap Jones at one of his live prison rock shows, and a necklace of an ink vial around his neck with his grandfather's ashes in them.

Background Information[]

Marty grew up being raised by his grandfather. His parent's died when he was fairly young, so his grandpa was the one who taught him how to be a man and to be strong. After he passed away, it was put on Marty's shoulders to provide and put food on the table for his 12 younger brothers and sister. He did this the only way he knew how through his art. Growing up he was practicing to become a tattoo artist, and in order to practice Marty would set up shop at a local middle school and give the kids there tattoos for their lunch money. Unfortunately, Marty never learned proper sanitation or cleaning techniques, and 45 kids ended up getting infectious diseases and dying from his work and his needle. Marty would also tattoo dogs at the local dog park during summer and holiday breaks as a way to practice his new designs.

Marty was 18 when he was first sentenced to prison, during that time he did a stint in Bolingbroke Penitentiary, met his closest friend and brother, and formed the most violent and crazy prison gang the city had ever seen.


  • Lennon Lee/Bane - Marty's closest friend and someone he views as a brother. They went through hell and back together inside the prison walls, forming the most successful and violent prison gang Los Santos had ever seen, and even escaping prison for a brief moment. The two argue a lot like brothers do, but underneath they would die for each other. Things lately have been strained though, as Marty has felt he would always be viewed as Bane's right hand man, so Marty has ventured out on his own to make a name for himself. He feels like despite them being brothers forever, he needs to be able to stand alone in the city.
  • Amelia Waters - Through the many years of being in prison together, and eventually having her join his prison gang. Amelia was always someone Marty viewed as a sister. Her chaotic energy matched his, and she was always someone Marty could open up to about his troubles or worries.
  • Nancy Drew - As far as people go, Nancy was a person who cared the most about the lifers and the prison in general. So much so that Marty invited Nancy to become an honorary member of The Pack, and was the one to hand her The Pack's kutte. Marty admired Nancy's determination and caring nature. They shared a love for events and decorating for the holidays. Marty and Bane even visited her and Collin at their ranch in Kentucky before coming back to San Andreas.
  • Eve Summers - Meeting her through Bane, Marty became quick and close friends with Eve. She crashed at their place after the fall of Little Italy, and has always given Marty great advice in regards to business and life. Marty views Eve as one of the nicest and smartest people in the whole city. When Marty was striking it out on his own after the disbanding of The Pack, Eve played a vital role in making Marty feel at home in Paleto.
  • Alice Omen - Through his time hanging with Eve and the guild, Marty met Alice and the two became close friends. Whether it was helping The Guild to boosting cars together, they would always have fun together. Marty has always made it a point to be an uplifting positive spirit for Alice, especially when she is going through some dark or rough times.
  • ShyLily - Marty's wife and oshi. Marty fell in love with a vTuber named ShyLily. He claims he is a shrimpie and a tier 3 sub. Marty is very faithful to his wife despite knowing she is married to over a million other people. (Special Note: this lore is because PaulthePunk no longer wishes to do relationship RP)


  • Marty has the record for most DOC burned in one molotov throw with a high score of 10. He accomplished this at a DOC academy day when they were all standing in a circle.
  • Marty has a "secret" tattoo on his left butt cheek. It's a tattoo of a monkey. He got it as a joke so people could "spank the monkey".
  • Marty spent over 700 years inside Bolingbroke before his transfer to his previous prison in Indiana.
  • Marty is a goblin for drama and tea. He often refers to them as his "HBO Specials".
  • Marty was super afraid of raccoons after one pointed a gun at him at Christmas time in the prison, but grew to love them thanks to Nancy's son Scraps. He has an outstanding appointment with Scraps to give him a southside gang tattoo.
  • Marty is a lover of cars he deems as fun. His current favorites are his ridiculous ATV and his Punk'd out Everon truck.

