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The Los Santos Senate are a part of the judicial branch in Los Santos and are the de-facto rulers of the state of San Andreas.

The Authority of the Senate[]

  • The Senate is the highest power in the city and state government when it comes to decision making. Senators have total power and final say over San Andreas Police Departments, the Department of Justice, Department of Corrections, Emergency Medical Services, and any other branch of government in the state of San Andreas. The Senate oversees everything and has supreme rule over every branch of government, functioning as an unimpeachable oligarchy with unlimited power.
  • When a court case needs to be reheard, the people or the state can make a case for a rehearing on the docket and the Senate can review and rehear the case.
  • Any and all government elections in the state of San Andreas are run by a member of the Senate.
  • The Senate makes law changes if they feel they are needed. Senators can fire and suspend government employees if they feel it is needed, and they will imprison any citizen if they feel it is needed. Senate decisions are final and non-legal actions can be made on a whim if they deem it necessary.



  • Cryptofer Coin joined the Senate on June 23, 2022. He was the first citizen to join the Senate from the original proposed group of three.