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The Los Santos Police Dispatch is in partnership, and works under, the Los Santos Police Department, Blaine County Sheriff's Office, San Andreas State Police, and Emergency Medical Services; enforcing the laws and saving lives through specialization in communications.

Chain of Command[]

The official Chain of Command begins with the Dispatch Supervisors. Traditionally, Dispatch Supervisors are members of the Unified Police Department's Command or High Command. The Supervisors keep a constant line of communication with the Head Dispatcher and others, and have the final say over all hiring, though they will usually default to the Head Dispatcher.

The Head Dispatcher is responsible for leading and maintaining the department. They decide who to promote to Dispatch Operation Managers, who help run the department and handle internal issues.

Dispatch FTOs and Senior Dispatchers are all capable members of the department who are trusted to train new Dispatch Trainees. Typically, each Dispatch Trainee will be paired with an FTO for the entirety of their training, after which a different FTO will conduct their final evaluation before becoming Solo.

Standard Dispatchers and Trainees represent the bulk of the department. All Dispatcher Call-Signs, regardless of rank, begin with "D" (as in, D-XX). The exception to this is Dispatchers who also hold a position within the Unified Police Department, who take their standard Call-Sign (if applicable) and amend a "-D" to the end of it (as in, 915-D).

Additional Department Jobs[]

Administrative Assistants[]

The role of an Administrative Assistant involves helping the Officers at MRPD in various ways (taking civilian reports, cleaning, etc.).

Parking Attendants[]

The role for the Parking Attendant was to take record of the PD cars that leave and enter MRPD and who took them, to track who properly repairs and fuels their cars before going off-duty. Since the creation of Angelic Towing, however, the Parking Attendant role no longer exists.


Rank Insignia Responsibility Note
Head Dispatcher DispatchFTO Manager Maintains Department
Dispatch Operation Manager DispatchFTO Shift Supervisors Oversees Department
Dispatch FTO DispatchFTO Shift Supervisors Oversees Trainees
Senior Dispatcher Dispatch Guide and Advise Teach the Trainees
Dispatcher Dispatch Qualified Dispatchers Eligible for Senior Dispatch or FTO
Trainee DispatchTrainee Dispatchers in Training Must be supervised by FTO