Lorenzo Lezar is a character role-played by Curvyllama.
General Description[]
Lorenzo Lezar is a Deputy for the Senora Desert Sheriff's Office, Badge #928.
Background Information[]
Lorenzo is a happy boy who likes to make friends and have fun in the city. He is innocent and kind and tries to stay away from trouble.
Momentous Dates within the Government[]
Unified Police Department[]
- "I'm a loser!"
- "I love women"
- "Take it or leave it"
- He loves his "Max Flightus" angel t-shirt.
- He is very proud of his clean criminal record.
- Once became a Jr. Park Ranger.
- Hasn't showered in a year
Played By: Curvyllama |
Characters: Lorenzo Lezar • Freya Manning • Raven Blaze |