London Argo is a character roleplayed by Vleii
"There will not be no happiness and sunshine and flowers okay? When London comes up in this city there's going to be trouble. In the bible, they talk about judgement day and when SHE rises there will be judgment. When London comees out of her tomb, her crypt, there will be judgment made. I'm sorry for all the people who wronged or thought about wronging me or Seoul, but they will truly be paying with their blood."
London Argo is an ex-coke addict with brown hair, naturally tanned skin, and heavy makeup. Her style used to be very bruh girl, but has since changed into the slutty style she has inherited thanks to her sisters.
London is a very easy-going person. She never has a problem with doing whatever as long as she's with people. Her friends often relate to her personality as the quote: "Live, Laugh, Love".
Taking after her sister Seoul, she is also very mature. She can also be quite soft-spoken, having been raised and protected by her sisters for most of her life, she never had to fully face the real world until her later years.
London was born as the youngest sibling of The Argos and born into a very poor household in the Bronx. Her mother, Edna Argo, and her father's relationship was nearing it's end. Almost every single night, the two-bedroom apartment would be filled with her parent's yelling and screaming until her father finally moved out. When he moved out, Edna would almost never be home, taking care of her children. Instead, she would be out drinking and using substances to cope with her distraught, and have random friends watch over the girls. As they got older, London was raised by her eldest sisters Paris and Seoul. They would make sure she made it to school everyday while they would run "errands".
Edna Argo was later shot by local gang members for stealing from them. This left London, who was just sixteen years old, to be absolutely devastated. All three of the sister's decided it was best to move to Los Santos to avoid any contact with the gang. Between all of the sisters, London had the hardest time dealing with the loss of her mother and the move, and this would drive her to her cocaine addiction.
Two years later, she would meet her now ex-boyfriend Antonio Demarcus, put somewhat of an end to her use of substances, and start following her sisters by doing petty crimes in the city of Los Santos, whilst still taking a few excursions out of LS to help people in need in places like, her latest excursion, Antarctica.
Paris Argo[]
- Paris and London are blood related sisters, with London being the youngest of the Argo siblings. She does not go into the city often but when she does usually things of biblical proportions happen. Paris protects her baby sister no matter what and vice versa.
Seoul Argo[]
- London and Seoul are close, but their relationship is much more shallow than theirs with Paris. Seoul is the middle child, and London is the youngest, so when they are together, they are most likely causing trouble and instigating fights with other people in the city. They are both more secretive with their lives and don't hang out alone too often, if not with Paris.
Heath Argo[]
- Out of all his adopted sisters, London is the one he has spent the least time with. At one point he even voiced being slightly jealous of her, as her return found Paris spending most her time with her, and Heath claimed it was like he didn’t even exist anymore. Despite this, he still cares for London, and would defend and stick up for her just as equally.
- To help her out in hacking, he brought her a practice laptop so she can learn, leading her to become one of the best hackers in the city.
Sara Nade[]
(Best Friends)
- London met Sara through Paris, and have since been known to both cause trouble when together. Sara's energy is almost akin to a firework, in which she's explosive and isn't afraid to use her voice to back talk or even bark and that rubs off on London. No matter what happens, London knows Sara will always be a close family-friend, or a chosen sister to her.
Niko Rain[]
- Niko and London met when the youngest Argo became adjusted back into the city after swimming back from Antarctica. After telling Paris about her money troubles, she suggested that London sell herself for marriage. After a fierce competition with a police dispatcher and Niko Rain, Niko won and was thus purchased and married in Wu Chang Records with a bunch of artists disgruntled that their friend were marrying London along with Paris as her maid of honor. The two have since then gone on dates and hanged around with each other truly beginning to like each other and moving into a nice sized apartment. Even after their tumultuous periods, they still managed to come out to the end stronger than ever.
Major Events[]
- London does her first hack!
- London takes a tumble TWICE
- london needs help
- RIP London Argo