Lennon "Bane" Lee is a character role-played by mrtimeee.
General Information
Lennon Lee, also known as Bane, is a former serial killer and cannibal.
Physical Description
Lennon has a messy brown mowhawk, rough skin and a large scar running down the center of his forehead. He also sports multiple tattoos, including but not limited to: Sleeves on both arms, a large Wolf Insignia on his back and black cat across his chest
Background Information
Lennon Lee was imprisoned at the Bolingbroke Penitentiary on a life sentence, but on Halloween night of 2022 he was granted parole. On the 11th of December 2023 he left the state of San Andreas and went to Indiana, where his best friend Marty Holiday was scheduled to be getting parole. The two of them spent the next five years in Indiana and even went to Kentucky to visit Nancy Drew at her ranch. But during their time in Indiana Lennon's dog, Sledgehammer, was run over by a truck and passed away.
Return to San Andreas
Lennon and Marty returned to San Andreas on the 15th of December 2023 arriving in Paleto by boat. A few minutes after they arrived they came to the conclusion that they had no way of getting to the city of Los Santos and decided to hitch a ride on top of a truck, but Lennon fell off the truck and was incapacitated, Marty then spent the better part of an hour trying to figure out how to insert a SIM-card into his phone while Lennon laid on the ground in pain. Marty then had the bright idea of trying to get Lennon into a random Local's car, which ended with Marty being incapacitated as well. With the two of them laying on the side of the road at the Northernmost point of the island the Local EMS came and airlifted them to the hospital in Los Santos.
Trapped in the Subway
The events that transpired on the 16th of January 2024 that led up to this whole fiasco are as follows. Lennon, Marty, Mike, Toes, Flossie, Charlie, Ember Quinn and Cleo Cloak were all headed to Tame the Flame, when as they were crossing the train tracks in Bucky's tow truck they got hit by the train. When getting treated at the hospital by Andi Jones, she told him that to avoid the wrath of the trains he should sweettalk them and take a ride on them once in a while. So after everyone got treated Lennon, Marty, Mike, Toes, Charlie all went to ride the train and got on at the Davis train station, from there they rode to the Alta Street Apartments stop where Charlie got off and the other four kept going down into the subway system. After a few stops their train collided with another and they were ejected into the subway system where they became trapped.
While Lennon, Mike and Toes tried to figure out who would be the first one to be eaten to survive Marty wandered away in search of an exit. Lennon, Mike and Toes ran after him and continued walking in the subway for a bit until they stumbled onto a station still under construction, there they set up camp.
It quickly became a hostile situation as Mike pulled out a tomahawk and threatened to throw it at someone while Toes pulled out his hunting rifle and Lennon got his knife. Mike and Toes then formed an alliance on top of some scaffolding and called it The Highground, while Lennon and Marty were left on the ground. A lot of deadly threats were exchanged until they all decided to be friends.
Lennon then decided to write a journal for every day they were trapped. His first entry read:
Hello, whoever is reading this.
Today I made a bad decision. I decided to ride on the train. Little did I know, it would take me down a dark path. Me, Marty, Mike Smoore, Joey Toes. All of us decided to take a leisurely train ride.. but we dove into the abyss. Our train broke down underground, and we were forced to open the emergency doors and free ourselves before our train got into a collision with another. At first, we thought everything was going to be okay.. but we soon realized it was far from it.
Any talk of peace, any talk of negotiations, all of them were met with hostility. We started to panic, we turned on each other. Toes pulled a gun, Mike pulled a tomahawk, Marty pulled out an American flag, and I pulled out a knife. We began to argue about who should die first, who we should eat to stay alive. We'll run out of food eventually. Right now we're only living on fry boxes and water bottles, but it's going to be gone soon.
If I die down here, it's honestly pathetic that I would die in such a stupid way. Regardless, I lived a good life.
A couple minutes after he finished writing in his journal a car horn could be heard coming from somewhere in the subway system. The four of them, filled with vigor all got up and saw a black Seminal coming towards their location. Is was Flossie who had been worried about them since she couldn't reach them via phone, because of the bad signal down in the subway, all that she could hear from the little phone conversations that were had was, un--r gro--. And there ended their story of being trapped in the subway system of Los Santos. Flossie saved the day, even though they were only trapped for less than an hour, it felt like years had passed.
- Marty Holiday is one of Lennon's best friends, they were imprisoned in the Bolingbroke Penitentiary on life sentences, but after Lennon was released on parole Marty was transferred to a prison in Indiana. When Lennon heard that Marty was going to be released on parole he went to Indiana to be there for him when he got released, they then spent the next 5 years on the road together before returning to San Andreas.
Played By: Mrtimeee |
Main Characters: Lennon Lee • Rodney Reeder Additional Characters: Lake Levine • Madden Crawford • Cody McWhickid • Boulingle Dan • Gideon Marrow |