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Lees Grey is a character role-played by Jyeahlisa


General Description
Lees Grey is a short fused person with a pension for situations causing adrenaline, she is quite loyal and selfless, and ontop of that wants those she cares for to benefit over herself.
Physical Description
Lees is a woman of avg height and build with pale skin grey eyes and white hair usually tied in a braided ponytail hanging down in front of her right shoulder, Less has a scar running from top to bottom across her left eye.


TBA as we learn more

Noteworthy Events[]

Life Before LS, Las Venturas
Before Lees recently moved to LS she lived in Las Venturs, 5 years ago she was in a 3 year long term relationship with Adam Peterson who at the time went by Aiden until one day disappeared without a word leaving her confused and and frustrated.
After 5 years
After five years Lees has built herself a new life as a killer for hire. Special and more than the normal amount of contracts seemed to come her way showing that she had caught the eye of her boss for reasons she was not sure of but the jobs paid well so she didn't really question it. One day a contract was sent to her the target looked just like Aiden and she hesitated much to the anger of her boss so she fled causing her boss to put a 1.5mil bounty on her head.

With a new identity she relocated to Los Santos where she met Aiden again now going by the name Adam Peterson, Lees understandable a bit angry that he ditched her without a word all those years ago after a long talk on the water tower things are very much quickly fitting back into place of their very long term and seemingly strong relationship(If a little bumpy because there coming into his new life), and effectively setting out how things will be in the near future that their starting a new chapter of their life together and even signified such a change by getting new matching Tattoos(Previously the left arm dragon Tattoo that AP had she also had matching), but also got a sewn heart tattoo matching as well.

Kaisa & AP Backstory PT 1


Adam Peterson - Boyfriend
A long term ex of 3 years from before he left Las Venturas without a word and disappeared, as of recent since Lees has moved to LS they have re-ignited their old flame.


Played By: Jyeahlisa
Characters: Lees GreyLisa AdkinsNatasha AdamsBonnie ParkerThalia Hayes† • Mila Kunyit
