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Photo Address Owner Shared with Description Purchased For
thumb Bridge Street 10 Karina Aiko After Joining the HOA, Karina got a home in Mirror Park behind the Liquid Library. 1.2 Million
thumb Paleto Blvd 6 Karina Aiko &
Wanting a house out of the city and close to the water, Karina got a little get away house with her Girlfriend and Close friend in Paleto. 236,000k



Photo Model Description Plate Purchased For
thumb Emperor Vectre A Balla named Jesse got the Vectre S+ boost and managed to successfully scratch it. Once word got out, Jesse was asked to reach out to Karina if she was wanting to sell it as the Vectre is her dream car as it resembles her old RCF. Jesse, not having much interest in this car, agreed to call Karina and agreed to sell it to her for a million dollars to help pay for the car she really wants. Once the scratch was in her name Karina saved up, did some RHL and had a lot of generous friends who were all willing to help pitch in money to help Karina get the 3.5million she needed to convert the scratch to a legal car. After buying the scratch, converting it, taxes, upgrades, and customizing it, Karina paid about 5 million total Kari Roughly 5 Million
thumb Nissan s14 After most of the import cars in Los Santos was taken, Karina used her ticket to get a R34, but not liking it much and knowing someone who was willing to trade their s14, Karina made the trade. Desu 1 for 1 trade
thumb AMG Black Series
In Aiko Name
After realizing she no longer wants to keep a car she doesn't drive and misses her old Black Series, Karina trades her old GTR-R35 for another Black Series.
Sakura 1 for 1 traded fredo her R35 for his Black Series
thumb Nagasaki Shotaro After many months of months of wanting it, Karina got her tron bike and painted pink EXPIRED 1.2M 1300GNE
thumb ATV After seeing Gumbus McGoo with his ATV, Karina wanted one to join in the fun. Unknown Unknown



Photo Model Description Plate Purchased For Sold For
thumb Mercedes Benz AMG GT63 The AMG was Karinas first A class in the city Dawn 915k 1.4 Million
thumb Winky During her Oil Pumpin days, Karina got a Winky to drive around. CY3BW218 130,000k 550,000k


Taken Out Of State

Photo Model Description Plate Purchased For
thumb Lexus RCF After successfully vin scratching the RCF, May asked Karina if she would like to go through the process of converting the RCF to a legal car. Karina was very excited for the opportunity and immediately said yes. As May was grinding for the materials to help bring the cost from the original 1.8 Million to 900k, the way materials worked in the city changed. Jaylen thankfully had enough materials to convert it the old way and with the materials May did manage to get, the price dropped from 1.8 Million to 1.2 Million Kiko 1.2 Million
thumb GTR R32 Due to the RCF not handling the way it once did Karina began searching for a new S class to race in. While searching through the yellow pages one day she came across Jaylen selling a R32. Having being familiar with the car as it was one May use to have, Karina recognized it as car she knew she liked. She called him up and asked if he would allow her to test drive it which he did and after a couple minutes of driving it around, Karina decided to get it. Jaylen originally wanting 8M for it but was willing to give Karina the homie discount and dropped it down to 4.4 Million for her. After selling that Winky and AMG as well as a little from the Dodo account and a small loan from a couple friends, Karina manage to pull the money together and get it. Sakura 4.4 Million