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K9 is a certification given to Senior Officers/Deputies and above within the San Andreas State Police, the Los Santos Police Department, and the Blaine County Sheriff's Office.

K9 is a cert that allows the officer to train and have a K9 Unit.

General Description[]

A K9/canine or a police dog is a dog that has undergone specific training to be partnered up with a law enforcement officer.

Their training lets them help with searching vehicles and persons with drugs, areas for finding suspects, chasing and attacking suspects that their handlers order them to. All following verbal cues and hand gestures.

Some of the dog breeds are: German Shepherd, Rottweilers, and Siberian Husky.

San Andreas State Police[]

Name Rank Insignia Handler
TBD Chief of SASP SASPTrooper Kael Soze
TBD Chief of SASP SASPTrooper Tony Andrews
Fenton Trooper Trooper Jackie Snow
Bullet Trooper Trooper A.J. Hunter
Crybabypeepants Trooper Trooper Olivia Copper

Blaine County Sheriff's Office[]

Name Rank Insignia Handler
Scuffed Wolverine Sheriff SheriffBCSO Travis Tribble
Peanut Sergeant SergeantBCSO Matt Rhodes
Preacher Senior Deputy SeniorDeputyBCSO Dante Wolf
Mia Senior Deputy SeniorDeputyBCSO Emma Dupont
Pudding Senior Deputy SeniorDeputyBCSO Jenny Hall
TBD Senior Deputy SeniorDeputyBCSO Honathan Yolo
Mojo Senior Deputy SeniorDeputyBCSO Jerry Perkins
Arthas Senior Deputy SeniorDeputyBCSO Matthew Espinoz
Gary Senior Ranger SeniorRanger Ziggy Buggs
Bonan Barkson Senior Ranger SeniorRanger Conan Clarkson

Los Santos Police Department[]

Name Rank Insignia Handler
Bobby Asst. Chief AssistantChiefOfPoliceLSPD Thomas Metzger
Ghost Sergeant SergeantLSPD Brittany Angel
Justice Sergeant SergeantLSPD Sam Baas
Dog 62 Sergeant SergeantLSPD Owen Svensen
Gus Sergeant SergeantLSPD Vladimir Raven
Zero Senior Officer SeniorOfficerLSPD Jack Ripley
Missile Senior Officer SeniorOfficerLSPD Frank Williams
Pippin Senior Officer SeniorOfficerLSPD Alex Casterman
Crash Senior Officer SeniorOfficerLSPD Ben Casanova
Cujo Senior Officer SeniorOfficerLSPD T.J. Mack
Milo Senior Officer SeniorOfficerLSPD Jack Davenport
Mantis Senior Officer SeniorOfficerLSPD Johnny Divine

K9 Roster[]
