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Juan Leefa is a character role-played by Zerkaa.


Los Canales quickly made enemies with Street Team, after Insayeed robbed one of them. Shortly after this, they were all shot down by Street Team, killing Brex, Lazlo and North. The remaining members then ran into the Venus Fly Traps and convinced them to give them their car. Not long after this, VFT wanted their car back, but Los Canales refused, leading to a shootout. The very poorly equipped Los Canales lost.

On January 4, 2023, Juan returned to Los Santos, this time by himself. He got into a police chase after he got pulled over and refused to get out of the car. He then drove into a car full of Chang Gang members and asked them to help him. They then told him to follow them and lead him into the Cubby. Juan got out of his car, jumped over a wall, then jumped back over the wall and got back into the car and drove away, losing all of the cops as they got out of their cars to chase him.

He went back to the Cubby later on to thank them, and bought a weed seed from Jaylen Carter Jr, which he planted in the Canals. He then met Leo Escobar and robbed someone with him. They then met up with Osvaldo Pingafria and saw James Randal in the middle of the road and stopped to talk to him. They then got shot at by a cop, so Juan shot two cops in the head. He then ran away, while other cops arrived and detained Leo and Osvaldo, thinking that they shot. After finding out they didn't shot them, they let them go and Juan came back and picked them up. They then went to the Cuban Embassy and got into a fight with an off duty police officer, which ended with Juan getting arrested for the first time.


  • Juan's state ID is 42069.

Played By: Zerkaa

Main Character: Tommy Tate

Other Characters: Juan LeefaNoah Scape

Main Character: Tommy Tate

Other Characters: Captain PriceNoah ScapeJosh ZerkerEddy EdisonJuan Leefa
