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Josh Grimm is a character role-played by Eaogrim
Josh Grimm is a 27-year-old from the West Midlands, England, currently working under the call-sign A-97 for the Los Santos Emergency Medical Services. He’s got a calm, steady presence that’s perfect for handling high-stress situations, and he’s always willing to go the extra mile for his friends and family. Josh has a quick, dry sense of humour that keeps things light when the pressure’s on. Josh is a Los Santos veteran, having been in the city for years, and learning a lot about the city life and the people within it. He has previous experience within the Mechanic industry as well as being a former owner of a Towing business. Through his work he has met a lot of different people from all walks of life and has gotten to know many of the citizens of Los Santos, despite being a forgettable presence, he still works hard to make the experiences he has with people memorable. He is working hard towards being an EMT and after his past experiences, he wants to try and help people, due to a feeling of guilt and disappointment for how he led his life at times.
Josh has undiagnosed Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) stemming from incidents in his past, which have remained undisclosed to any, perhaps he himself doesn't even remember where it all began. His alter personality goes by no normal name, and only refers to itself as the Reaper, a violent personality who protects Josh from great threats and has killed people in his life before Los Santos to save the life of Josh, perhaps as a kindness, perhaps to keep itself alive. This secret is known only to very few people, all of which no longer reside in Los Santos, or are no longer alive themselves. Originally when the Reaper took control, Josh had no memory of this, only "awaking" after incidents to find the aftermath. Slowly over time he began to find ways to communicate with this personality and come to an understanding, leading to an 'agreement' whereby the Reaper gains control during any conflict, but Josh is allowed to retain the memory of this, rather than blocking it out. The switch of this personality is identified by a specific mask he wears, and although the use of this mask does not solely mean the Reaper is in control, it is likely that he is in someway manipulating the thoughts Josh has. Over time, the Reaper also began protecting those closest to Josh as well, although sometimes this was misguided. The Reaper has not shown himself for years, but he is always aware, and ready to do what needs to be done.
Josh Grimm was hired to the Los Santos Emergency Medical Services on October 3rd 2024 as a Non-Solo Trainee and promoted to Solo Trainee on October 31st 2024, by the 6th December 2024, he was made a full EMT. Josh began training for his Critical Care Certification on December 24th 2024 and completed his training on December 30th 2025, allowing him to operate as a Probationary Critical Care Medic. Josh was also made an FTO during December 2024 and his probationary period ended on January 11th 2025. Josh is eager to continue training the next generation of medics, and although he has only been part of the department for a few months, he is confident in his ability, although understands he has so much more to learn. He is eager to help and improve the department, he developed a driving course that could help train newer staff as well as improve the driving ability of existing staff who may have less confidence in driving and he has proposed this as an official guide to High Command, there are future plans for him to develop a second course that will work alongside the Search and Rescue Mountain Division, testing the ability of anyone within the rough terrain of the mountains and hills of Los Santos. On January 20th 2025, Josh was promoted to Advanced Emergency Medical Technician due to his hard work with training the new trainees, as well as his work with First Aid.
Josh's goal with EMS has always been to achieve the rank of Paramedic, which he is one rank away from. He struggles with his goals as he believes if/when he becomes Paramedic, he'll have nothing to aim for, he doesn't believe that EMS would ever let him be part of Command but he's not letting that stop him, he'll always put in hard work and effort for the department.