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Jessie Jugg is a character roleplayed by Jogiiee.

General Description[]

Jessie Jugg is a newcomer to Los Santos, hopefully starting up her own tattoo parlor.

Background Information[]

Jessie Jugg was born Christmas Day to a family of already nine (parents and seven siblings). She was the youngest of her siblings and basically given whatever she wanted. She had issues when she was a child with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and anxiety that is still with her as an adult. Jessie graduated high school in Colorado and ended up leaving to art school in New York. She lived in an apartment with two other roommates in Soho, all paid for by her parents. As Jessie was in school, she bored and longed for adventure. She ended up dropping out not finishing her art degree and started to travel the world. Jessie went to France, Germany, Ireland, and Japan to experience the life of traveling. She decided her next place to travel was Los Santos.

Physical Description[]

Jessie Jugg has sandy blonde hair with blue eyes. She has a mole right above her lip and very fine eyebrows. She normally wears stripped bottoms a black top, meaning leather or even a coat. She wears a scarf around her neck as a comfort thing. Jessie has her chest, both legs, and both arms tattooed. She loves tattoos.


Many of Jessie's relationships are usually consisting of her calling them strange names. She gives nicknames to people based on what they act like or even weird traits she picks up. She does remember their names, but she prefers to call them their nicknames.


  • Jessie loves pick up lines and tells a daily pick up line on twitter
  • She is slightly autistic, which limits her social interactions with people
  • Loves her hatchet.
  • Owns a food truck called 👌🏻Okay-est Food In Los Santos👌🏻, 22nd best tacos in Los Santos. Is completely honest that her food is okay and not the best.
  • Has anxiety and cannot focus with many people are talking or there is something out of her complete control.
  • Snort Laughs.
  • Does not like music, it hurts her ears.

