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Jeremias Jimenes is a character role-played by MasterMisuri.

General Description[]

Jeremias Jimenes is a Deputy for the Paleto Bay Sheriff's Office, Badge #380.

Background Information[]

Jeremias Jimenes is the opposite of his brother Joaquin "JJ" Jimenes. He is not a member of the Vagos or affiliated with any gang, and likes to do things the right way. He doesn't partake in any criminal activities, and even respects the traffic laws, which is how he landed a job on Tessa Lamb's Right of Way Driving School.

Not much is currently known about what he wants for the future, other than wanting to get his brother out of the gang life. He has tried to talk him out of it, but Joaquin doesn't pay attention. He recently started to think that if he cant get him out of this life, he can get rid of all his gang friends so he can't do any more gang stuff.

Before being hired to the PBSO, Jeremias worked as a Janitor at MRPD, as one of the first janitors alongside James Brown.

Momentous Dates within the Government[]

Unified Police Department[]

Rank Insignia Note Date
Cadet CadetPBSO Hired to the PBSO; Badge #532 April 13th, 2022
Solo Cadet SoloCadetPBSO Solo Certified; Badge #632 May 4th, 2022
Deputy DeputyPBSO Promoted to Deputy; Badge #381 July 19th, 2022
Peacekeeper PeacekeeperCPD Department Restructure; Transitioned to CPD Peacekeeper October 24th, 2022
Motorcycle Cert Motorcycle Certified November 3rd, 2022
FTO Cert FTO Certified November 25th, 2022
Enforcer EnforcerCPD Promoted to Enforcer December 27th, 2022
Senior Deputy SeniorDeputyPBSO Department Restructure; Transitioned to PBSO Senior Deputy February 26th, 2023
Officer OfficerLSPD 2023 PD Restructure; Badge #U-381 March 6th, 2023
Deputy DeputyPBSO Hired to the PBSO; Badge #380 May 5th, 2023


  • He has been in the city for a long time and his record is clean.
  • Violet Noreguarde has threatened to beat him up with brass knuckles if he tries to take Joaquin out of the Vagos, saying that the Vagos are his new family.
  • Was hired as a Janitor by the Chief of Police Bobby Smith after going through interviews with both Sydney Bearmont and James Brown.
  • Both Sheriff Tribble and Undersheriff Colombo have mistaken him with Reid Dankleaf from the Lost MC.
  • His CID is 1169.
  • Was given the nickname Hermes by Michael Dias a very long time ago, most people don't know how to pronounce his name properly, so Jeremias often tell people to call him Hermes, due to this he bought a Hermes from PDM.
  • His first ride along as a cadet was with Wesley Arnold.

Played By: MasterMisuri
Characters: Jesus Antonio Lopez ContrerasJeremias JimenesChapatin Corti
Blaine County Sheriff's Office

Sheriff: Aspen Gray

Undersheriff: Leon Cassidy

Captain: Vincent VenturaLukas LavenderAlice Watson

Advisory Captain: Cletus Cornwood
