Jeffy Coldiron was a character role-played by WithExtraSauce.
🏝️ Bahama Mamas DJ[]
In the summer of 2021, Jeffy began dating the Bahama Mamas West nightclub CEO Sabith "Bunny" Cohen. Bunny was the clean face for a shadow crime organization called The Stable, and was in an open relationship with Senior Stable Hand Rocky Topps. On August 18, 2021, Bunny failed to stop Stable Hand Elizabeth "Lizzie" Byrne from premeditatively murdering ADA Malcador Sigilite. Deeply traumatized by finding Malcador's burnt corpse in a torture chamber, Bunny pushed Jeffy away and questioned the Stable Heads' morality for not kicking Lizzie out. After The Stable finally removed Lizzie from the organization on August 24, 2021, the police wanted to charge Bunny as an accomplice to the ADA's murder to get her to flip on Lizzie. But fortunately during Bunny's interrogation, Det. Luka Kovacic believed her story that she had accidentally stumbled onto Malcador's body while scouting out properties with Jeffy.
📀 Down Bad Records Co-Owner[]
As Jeffy supported Bunny in her new job as the Diamond Casino Hotel CEO, Stable Head Dick Chiclets interviewed and hired Jeffy as the CEO of Down Bad Records. Eventually, Dick let Jeffy buy 49% of the record label. When Outto-Tune Tyrone revoked Dick's access to the Creampie Creations tape press that DBR desperately needed, Jeffy helped negotiate a deal with Wu-Chang Records to pay them $50,000 for a month-long rental of their tape press. Finally on March 3, 2022, Dean Watson surprised DBR with its own outdoor tape press at the DBR mansion.
🐝 Plan Bee Co-Owner[]
After The Stable's warehouse got burned by the police on November 12, 2021, Bunny, Jeffy, and Nancy Drew began using it for their brand-new apiculture beekeeping business Plan Bee. The three of them maintained hives full of honey bees in order to harvest their bee's wax and honey. They transported and sold bee's wax to the mechanic shops of Los Santos so that they could make car polish. Plan Bee also sold honey to restaurants as a high grade substitute for sugar.
Following an incident on December 14, 2021 where a rival crew had failed to breach The Stable's City Vault robbery, NBC conferred with Jeffy and Bunny near her warehouse to learn more about The Stable. The discussion turned out to be moot because The Stable was about to dissolve.
👥💰🤡 Clean Face of the Bandito Boys and the Clowns[]
Jeffy was the clean face owner of the "Bandito Bunker" warehouse for over one year. As The Stable was breaking up at the end 2021, Jeffy agreed to own the warehouse (Popular St 4) for his friends Kirk Jerkems, Abner Vaca, and Xavier Valentine. Kirk and Abner nicknamed it the "Bandito Bunker", and stashed all of their illegal money, guns, meth tables, and pillows of Kirk's new signature meth strain 98-grouse in it. Jeffy stayed clean while the Bandito Boys built a meth empire from the ground up and quickly paid the warehouse off. Kirk vigilantly kept the origin of 98-grouse a secret, having learned from his drug trafficking conviction. Although Abner, Mortelle, the Clown Cartel, and various other meth dealers all cornered Kirk's 98-grouse meth strain, the police kept circling back to Mortelle leader Cindy Tipton as their prime suspect for supplying 98-grouse.
The Wild Grouse Chase[]
On February 12, 2022 as a result of Down Bad Records co-owner Dick Chiclets driving without a license and circumstantial evidence of weed sales, Capt. Randy Wrangler and the Street Crimes Unit raided Dick's apartment and the DBR office at Maison Ricard for evidence of weed trafficking. Wrangler wanted to find the warehouse where Dick was stashing The Families' Gods Green Crack weed strain. Fortunately for Jeffy (the other co-owner of DBR), no one thought to look in his warehouse. Instead, Deputy Louis Bloom surveilled the Plan Bee warehouse of Jeffy's clean girlfriend Bunny because her housemate Rocky Topps had been caught cornering Gods Green Crack the day before. Bloom even theorized that Bunny was the shadow ringleader of The Stable (despite The Stable having long broken up). Wrangler lied to Bunny so that the SCU could raid her warehouse, but Bloom only found bee's wax, honey, and broken goods inside. The SCU then raided the properties and vehicles of Dick's wife Marie Ortiz, mere days after she had returned four meth pillows of 98-grouse to Kirk to use in the Clown Cartel's big meth run. Inside Marie's beachside house, Wrangler, Bloom, and Capt. Tracy Martell found four meth baggies of Kirk's meth strain 98-grouse (the same meth strain Marie's Mortelle leader Cindy Tipton had been caught cornering) and a bag of Kirk Jerkems' baby turtles (to Martell's confusion). That same day--mere hours after Cindy had emptied the guns and weed boxes out of her warehouse--Wrangler, Bloom, and SCU Det. Demi Black raided it for weed and 98-grouse meth but found nothing illegal. Bloom browsed through the criminals caught with 98-grouse, starting with Abner Vaca. That same day, SCU Det. Demi Black launched an official meth investigation of Cindy Tipton (and other members of Mortelle) because of how many times Cindy had been caught selling 98-grouse in the same area.
Drug Trafficking Investigation of 98-grouse[]
The next threat to the Bandito Bunker came when Randy Wrangler's confidential informant began secretly camping on a rooftop next to where both Jeffy and Tom Ato (Mortelle's new clean face) had their warehouses. On February 25, 2022, this CI sent Corporal Lea Nova photographs of Cindy Tipton (in the same Mortelle outfit she had recently robbed a Fleeca Bank in) leaving with class 2 weapons from her Hayes Autos co-worker Tom Ato's warehouse. Nova and Lt. Matthew Espinoz raided the warehouse and seized over a dozen of Mortelle's illegal guns and half a dozen boxes of "Cookies" weed, but found none of the 98-grouse meth that Det. Black had been looking for. At the PD meeting, Corporal Sexton Hardcastle revealed to Det. Black that he had recently caught Chatterbox with 98-grouse. Later, Cindy felt guilty when Tom Ato agreed to take the fall for Mortelle's gun and weed trafficking.
On March 12, 2022, Cpl. Lea Nova and Capt. Randy Wrangler raided Chatterbox after they caught him with the same strain of meth (9 baggies of 98-grouse) for the third time. Nova, Wrangler, and Capt. Tracy Martell also raided Janky as an accomplice to Chatterbox's meth cornering for hitting Sgt. Brian Knight off his bike with a hammer. However--because of all the earlier times that Cindy Tipton had been caught with that same meth strain 98-grouse--Wrangler and Martell incorrectly suspected Cindy of trafficking the 98-grouse meth to Chatterbox.
On April 11, 2022, Kirk had Jeffy take away Xavier Valentine's keys to the Bandito Bunker because of a violent falling out stemming from Xavier's belated repayment of $50,000 to the Council of Clowns. Then on April 19, 2022 due to an update in the crime apps that made gang membership a prerequisite, both Mortelle and the Clown Cartel gave up on drug trafficking.
The End of the Bandito Bunker[]
To Kirk Jerkems' sadness, he and Jeffy wound up selling the Bandito Bunker on January 9, 2023 because the Clowncil enemy R.U.S.T had identified Jeffy as the warehouse owner and kidnapped him (in retaliation for Kirk ocean dumping R.U.S.T. member Bruno Brown in the icy Alamo Sea to make him forget seeing that clowns had come out of the Bandito Bunker). Kirk's next warehouse did not last long.
🔎 Dodo Scavenger Hunt[]
Although Jeffy had never done crime with The Stable, he finally got to experience the mad chaos of a "Stable" job at the Dodo Logistics Scavenger Hunt on March 19, 2022. Jeffy teamed with Bunny, Vincent Tracoli, Kirk Jerkems, Xavier Valentine, and Nancy Drew in a race to find where each Dodo worker was hiding by solving riddles and photo clues; then uttering the correct password and taking a selfie at a specified location. After the team frantically rushed around the city for two and a half hours, they triumphantly finished first and collected a $100,000 grand prize.
⚖️ Deputy Mayor of Los Santos[]
Despite Jeffy and Bunny breaking up on the eve of her mayoral election victory, Bunny hired Jeffy as a Deputy Mayor.
During his term as Deputy Mayor, Jeffy was kidnapped, tortured, and poisoned by a serial killer named the Game Master. After she left one of his severed toes behind, the police managed to catch her thanks to a positive ID by Rocky Topps. Despite Jeffy's tension with Sgt. Sexton Hardcastle over his new relationship with Bunny, Hardcastle and the SCU negotiated a deal with the Game Master to help return Jeffy alive. The police admitted Jeffy into the ICU, and the Game Master died in prison.
⚕️ Los Santos Medical Group Doctor[]
After Bunny moved in with her new cop boyfriend Sgt. Sexton Hardcastle, she had Jeffy remove her keys to his yellow house via text. On June 20, 2022, Bunny and Jeffy mutually agreed to remove him as a co-owner of Plan Bee. Jeffy also sold their yellow house and transferred Bunny's half of the money to her, and started his internship to become a doctor at Pillbox Medical Center. On June 29, 2022, Jeffy relinquished his 49% ownership share of Down Bad Records back to Dick Chiclets and stayed on as a regular DBR employee (with tape press access) until the record label dissolved. On July 10, 2022, the hospital promoted Jeffy to Resident.
Four days later on July 14, 2022, shift supervisor Dr. Mercy Moon saw Natural Born Crackheads leader Guy Jones, Peaches Hayabusa, and John Mancini escort Jeffy to the rooftop of Viceroy Medical Center. Guy gave Jeffy an NBC Chain and playfully threw him off the rooftop. Dr. Moon didn't believe Jeffy's story that he accidentally fell off the roof, and accused him of covering for NBC. Then to convince Head Doctor Alexander Blake that his NBC friends wouldn't hurt him, Jeffy showed off his NBC Chain to Dr. Blake (making him think that the NBC had blooded Jeffy in). Once Dr. Blake told Dr. Moon, she angrily ordered Jeffy off duty. The hospital suspended Jeffy for 48 hours.

Prototype synthetic eye
On October 20, 2022, Jeffy (assisted by intern Millie Madden) performed experimental surgery on trial patient Max Larson to implant San Andreas Service's first prototype Synthetic Eye. Dr. Mercy Moon, synthetic eye designer Sloane Kelly, and package designer Bunny observed Jeffy replaced Max's T-Eye with the prototype Synthetic Eye at Viceroy Medical Center.
CPD Grand Marshal Kyle Pred was the first volunteer to receive San Andreas Service's synthetic liver on December 7, 2022 at the new Central Los Santos Medical Center. After Pred signed Sloane Kelly's waiver, Jeffy with Dr. Dahlia Fey surgically removed Pred's failing liver and replaced it with the synthetic one. The operation sparked a medical ethics controversy, with CPD Vice Marshal Jenny Hall threatening to sue the hospital.
On September 15th, 2023 inside of Forever Inked with Echo Gray watching, Jeffy heatedly argued with Dr. Annie Omen over her girlfriend Echo's death threat to Basil Barbera for endangering his girlfriend Shirley Lemons' life with negligent driving and a reckless friend group. Afterward, Echo radioed to her close friend Wade Wilson how much she wanted to shoot Jeffy in the head for screaming at Annie. Fueled by months of bad blood with Jeffy, Wade responded, "I'm killing him." Echo replied, "Ok." Wade (dressed as Wanda) approached Jeffy and his adopted daughter Dr. Rosabel Briar, announced "Welp, it's your time asshole," and shot Jeffy twice in the head with a silenced gun. Dr. Duke Ramsey and Dr. Philippa Canter operated on Jeffy and kept him on life support, but Jeffy died from his injuries in the ICU room. Several long-time friends came to pay their respects and say their goodbyes. The next day, Bunny posthumously promoted Jeffy to Attending Doctor.
Bunny inherited Jeffy's pet golden retriever Samwise Gamgee and his plastic bag of stuff to hold her keepsakes, including a memory ring with a blue stone made from Jeffy's ashes (Dahlia Fey and Kiki Pendragon got the other two memory rings). Dahlia inherited Jeffy's pet westie Zig Zag. Kiki inherited Jeffy's katana.
Jeffy's funeral/memorial/roast was held on September 21, 2023 at the dog park in the Vinewood Hills. Bunny performed the song Doe had written about Jeffy, "stardust", and attendees took turn eulogizing him. Afterward, Bryce Miller packed a scoop of Jeffy's ashes into a Sh!ts&G!ggles glitter bomb box (to spread at oil land). Rosabel Briar, Peaches Hayabusa, Bryce, Kiki, Basil Barbera, Shirley Lemons, Tanner Phillips, and Sexton Cohen watched Bunny scatter Jeffy's ashes at the tombstone on their favorite sunset spot.
Momentous Dates within the Government[]
Played By: WithExtraSauce |
Characters: Mason Calaway • Theodore James Coldiron • Noah Brooks • John Gallows • Beau Butters • Owen Bradshaw
Characters: Jeffy Coldiron |