Janette Styles is a character role-played by Destts13
General Description[]
Janette Styles is a LSPD Solo Cadet, Call-Sign 607
Janette Styles is a Dispatch DOM/FTO for the Los Santos Police Dispatch, Call-Sign Delta-7.
Janette Styles was born and raised in Aaronsville, Upstate Liberty with her sister Jacqueline Styles, her brother Kenny Styles, with her mother and father, Susan and Ronald Styles. Her household was not one of much money, as their parents did not have the most well paying of jobs. With money tight, her parents could not afford many new things, so many of Janettes clothes and toys were passed down to her from her sister. She looked up to her sister as she was very similar to her especially with their voices. Growing up around parents who consistently smoked and due to her mothers already deep speaking voice, her voice was very raspy and deep, leading to much bullying from her fellow students in school. Her mother always had cigarettes because she was stealing from the factory due to her early onset Alzheimer's. She always thought she was buying them, and eventually it was found out by the factory managers, and she was fired. With Susan Styles being fired hard times fell on the Styles family. Jackie and Janette work different small jobs to make money to try and help their family while their brother decides to move to Los Santos to follow his film career, and with that Jackie despised Kenny for a short period of time for leaving his sick mother, and family behind, and with that Janette had to choose sides, and sided with her sister the one that was always there for her. While still supporting Kenny trying to be the mediator. With these crazy times going on in the styles family, and Jannette being the youngest she never drove much as Jackie had the car usually. (alongside this she ends up getting into a horrible car accident with Jackie, and her best friend in high school, and Jackie loses an eye, and her friend ends up passing away causing some anxiety around cars.) To get around she either walks, or rides an old beaten down bike that was yet another hand me down from her sister Jackie.
After Kenny left Jackie was old enough to find a man, and did. Jackie left the house to live with this odd man that Janette never liked. With Jackie leaving Janette and her father grew very close; she became “her fathers daughter” in a way. They looked high and low for things to do to make money to fund Jeanette's mothers Alzheimer's treatment. Janette became really skilled in woodworking, and was hired by many different community members to create different wooden things for them like; drawers, chests, and birdfeeders. With that they raised enough money to fund their mothers treatments! Right before revealing the money to their family Jackie came back with her new husband, an older man that was very off putting to Janette, and he revealed that he was going to be paying for everything that their mother needed for medical care. At that point Janette felt defeated. She did so much for her mother, but it was unseen. With that her father suggested she move to Los Santos to be with her brother, and support him there while also possibly making a career out of woodworking! Alongside that she can use the money they made to have just enough to start her life there. Arriving with just enough for a year of rent, and to get food and water on her table she goes around this huge city figuring out who she is. After 3 months in this new city she became overwhelmed nobody was buying handmade goods, they were always being shipped in. Janette found a love for adventuring in the city she didn’t talk to many people, but would constantly travel to the beach to fish, or would walk around the city trying to make new friends. People would offer her rides, and she would end up going on interesting adventures throughout this time. It was a lot different from her small hometown. Many people were nice to Janette in this new city, but she never found her people, and Kenny was always in classes. Janette decided to move back home because she felt out of place in this large city. Upon moving home she cared for her mother, and was always around her father.
That's when another tragic thing happened: her sister revealed that she was in a very abusive relationship, and her husband had passed away (Jackie murdered him). Jackie seemed a little crazed, but Janette didn’t speak up. Her sister is very important to her but these things are out of her control, and Janette understood that. It was a very horrific time for Janette. Alongside that Kenny came home, and invited Jackie to go back to Los Santos with him to experience a more freeing lifestyle. After about a month of just Janette and her parents she decided in the middle of the night one night she was going to leave and head back to Los Santos. She decided this because she wanted to watch over her sister. She boarded a train, and went to Los Santos with a small bag of luggage and headed back to her apartment that she still had a few more months on the lease. “Maybe this time it might be better? I have family here right? Maybe just maybe I'll renew the lease?”
Momentous Dates within the Government[]
Police Dispatch[]
Unified Police Department[]
Rank | Insignia | Note | Date | |
Applicant | - | Interviewed with the VPD | January 27th, 2023 | |
Cadet | Hired to the LSPD; Badge #507 | July 29th, 2023 | ||
Solo Cadet | Promoted to Solo Cadet; Badge #607 | October 10th, 2023 |