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James "Bucky" Barnes is a character role-played by Armour8k.


Bucky is mute 'civilian,' reflecting Bucky aka "The Winter Soldier." Unactivated, he has only spoken once ever to Lang Buddha[1] , during the Timeline Collapse.

Background Information[]

Not much is known about his past other than a military history, a shadow organization and his lack of speech being psychological.


Loyalty and Duty.


After the collapse of the organization formerly handling him, Barnes escaped out with remnant of his past. He entrusted the book to Kitty Dream, with the promise to keep it hidden and to destroy it before it leaves her hands.

Months later, Dean Watson seemingly recognized Barnes at a BurgerShot event. Upon recalling and speaking the codewords, Bucky's dormant training came forward revealing Soldat, a brainwashed and military trained asset that could speak. Watson realized Bucky was the Asset used by the organization that Watson was a former member of.

Mission Log[]


Watson would go on to assign the Asset a mission to interrogate Jordan Galdale regarding a tip off that Galdale had intentions to kill Watson. The asset kidnapped, handcuffed, tortured and interrogated Galdale, who remained adamant he knew nothing.

Red Blade[]

Watson would go on to assign the retrieval of Mary Mushkin's Katana, due to him wanting his own and unaware of what the blade contained. In an altercation, The asset shot down Mushkin, only to be shot by Adam Peterson who was nearby at the Tuner Shop. Moments before ocean dumping him, the group of Mary Mushkin, Kitty Dream, Octavio Stenberg, and Dreah Johnson realized the russian speaking shooter was Barnes. With the use of the Codebook Kitty had, they acquired the files to and learned of Operation Red Blade, Watson's assignment of the blade. Due to anonymous contact, they were unable to determine who gave Soldat the mission. In an attempt to deactivate him, the group went to Viceroy Medical and met Pillbot XP. However, they were interrupted by an unknown individual in a cybernetic suit, who tranquilized them and extracted the Asset.

Days later Bucky ran into Kitty with no memory of the events. Watson chose for the Asset to coerce Mushkin into giving up the blade, in return for the safe delivery of a kidnapped Adam Peterson. In the following weeks, the Asset kidnapped, handcuffed and transported Peterson to the Zancudo ATC tower, where he would be strapped to a dozen pounds of C4. Mushkin was made aware of the situation, and told that in return for the correct wire to cut, he required delivery of the blade. Refusing to do so, she enlisted the help of Jesus Contreras and Freddy Fastfingers to disarm the bomb manually without success. Realizing the blade was more than just a katana, Watson aborted the mission.

The Winter Soldier Files[]

Watson then assigned the acquisition of the book in possession of Kitty Dream, which the asset completed in a breaking and entering of her home.

Without cryostasis or a sedative to keep Bucky susceptible to the codewords for longer periods of time, he would eventually slip out of activation. Watson theorized ketamine could serve as a temporary substitute, however its only reliable source was from Bane, a lifer in Bolingbroke. Watson acquired a small amount from Kayn Larp, however it would only last a few weeks. At around the same time Watson purchased an underground lab for Cerberus Industries, which included a dark and abandoned bunker several levels below it. Watson deemed this off-the-record second level fit for the Asset's base of operations.

The Arm[]

When reviewing the files, Watson found blueprints for an incomplete prosthetic left arm capable of enhanced strength, durability and maneuverability. Watson brought these designs to Lang Buddha in the hopes that he could complete the project. With the knowledge that he could, they met with Soldat and staged a kidnapping of Bucky where they amputated his arm anonymously. They plan to approach Bucky with the offer of building a prosthetic for him, which would provide a sufficient cover story for Soldat to receive the upgrade. Until then, Bucky currently lives with one arm.


Played By: Armour8k

Main Characters: James Barnes

Additional Characters: Jeb Flowerman
