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Jacob Pierce was a character role-played by xkurora.

I like to think when I actually want too" - Jacob Pierce 2020


Jacob Pierce looks like someone that would be a lawyer or someone that has a very good job, but he wants people to think that and he is actually a pretty stupid criminal. He knows how to get out of situations and can almost shoot his way out of a fight. BUT Jacob hung around the Blocks for about two weeks, during which time he wasn't driving at all or he kept getting fucked because of the situation so he would get downed almost instantly. Just for hanging around them for two weeks he went 120 thousand dollars in debt. Now he just hangs around anyone that he can find and loves making new friends. He currently hangs around Heath Greiner. You know the guy that goes “Aye what’s good dawg”... YEA see now you know. Oh also everyone likes to forget his name, so by now he's use to it... :)
